'Kick Ass' Trailer

I didn't think much of Kick Ass. Pilgrim was far worse, to be fair.

Oh is there anything decent on at the flicks?
That's true. I don't mind brainless action to be fair but I've been disappointed with most of the films I've seen at the flicks this year. In fact I actually walked out on Pligrim half way through - I've been tempted to walk out on movies in the past....but Pilgrim was a first. According to a few on here...I didn't get it because I'm not a fan of comics despite actually loving some comic book to movie adaptations.
Yea 4 defo. A lot of Harry Potter fans found the movie very nice and interesting. The people who read the book are not complaining even though we know what the movie was missing from the book, but people who don't read the book are complaining.

A lot of people of who don't read the books and who haven't watched any films so far, watched the 7th film and said it is a stand alone film and they kinda knew what was happening.

Uber Asgard Beams
To be fair, Harry Potter's hardly Crime and Punishment....in fact it's not even Lord of the Rings. It's totally gay in a proper gay way. And for that reason I will never watch the latest one. There are other ways of wasting time, like peeling your skin off your body or posting on here.
Yeah but Emma Watson or Kristen Stewart?....Who's boyfriend would you rather let shaft you violently?
Emma Watson's, he's probably more got more curves than Emm. She's got that look that'd appeal to Gary Glitter. I have no idea what Kristen Stewart or her BF looks like. I suspect she's a moose.
Good call..I donated to the NSPCC, so I'm now off to change my profile picture to Gary Glitter and argue my moral superiority with everyone on facebook.
Well, this was one of the most bizarre films that I have ever seen. The first half an hour was absolutely comedic genius (the bit where he confronts the mugger, then gets stabbed and runover! :lol:), but I was absolutely baffled by everything else after that.
I saw this yesterday because you guys were raving so much about it. It was good but I didn't understand why everyone in this thread was going so bonkers over it. And it wasn't funny at all! Maybe a few parts when he was a geek but otherwise there's little comedy in this movie..
Yea 4 defo. A lot of Harry Potter fans found the movie very nice and interesting. The people who read the book are not complaining even though we know what the movie was missing from the book, but people who don't read the book are complaining.

A lot of people of who don't read the books and who haven't watched any films so far, watched the 7th film and said it is a stand alone film and they kinda knew what was happening.

Uber Asgard Beams

That is exactly what I said in the Harry Potter movie thread. Oh Mockney! You just stole my post without any references to me. Copyrights come into play here.
Emma Watson's, he's probably more got more curves than Emm. She's got that look that'd appeal to Gary Glitter. I have no idea what Kristen Stewart or her BF looks like. I suspect she's a moose.

That's a lie. You even posted in the Kristen Stewart Vs Emma Watson thread.
Kick Ass is a great film, even liked Nick Cage in it, which is remarkable considering he's so annoying in everything else.

Aka the holy trinity of 90s action! Legend
On Sky anytime now.

Watched it last night for the first time. Absolutely brilliant. I spit out my coffee twice at some of the quotes.......

Kick Ass: How do I get a hold of you?

Hit Girl: [sarcastically] You just contact the mayor's office. He has a special signal he shines in the sky; it's in the shape of a giant cock.

Cage it is fantastic. As he talked in the film I thought to myself 'he's doing Adam west in the original batman'. After reading stuff about the film I find out that he researched the old Adam west films to be like him. Now that's bloody good acting.

They are making Kick Ass 2 which is out next year. I will be at the cinema on day one of the release.

If you haven't seen it then do so. The young girl is awesome in it and she's about 11. Probably the best youngest actress in the industry at the moment.
I wouldn't get your hopes up on the sequel being out next year. Probably be one of those long delayed films like Sin City tbh. Which would just be sad, because both are so wanted by me.
Watched this tonight. fecking loved it.

Hit Girl is brilliant.
It would have still been better had someone else played his role.
It would have still been better had someone else played his role.

Nah, Nick Cage in the hands of a good director who reins in some of his "i'm crazy look at me" act is actually quite a good actor and deserves credit for it when he does give a good performance.

He does however make some horrendous career choices as his back catalogue will serve as evidence to.
caught this on Sky - never heard of the comic or anything like that - enjoyed it!
It would have still been better had someone else played his role.


Nicolas Cage was really good in it, thought he played the part perfectly.

Cage isn't a bad actor per say, he'll just star in absolutely anything which has brought his reputation down to shit.

He was fantastic in Lord of War as I recall.
He is the best in the business at losing his shit.

He was fantastic in Kick Ass though. The scenes with him and hit girl are some of the best in the movie.
Underwhelming. A bit of a nothing story which sort of took itself a bit too seriously.
Saw this tonight for the first time and loved it, first film to really make me laugh in ages but I think that was mainly due to my surprise at the nature of the deaths and the age of Hit Girl. Cage was brilliant also.

Top film
I think you'll find Nic Cage's career was redeemed when he punched a woman whilst dressed as a bear
Nic Cage has had a fantastic career. Superb actor, although seemingly doesn't read script before he chooses films.
I am unashamedly admitting that i quite like Nicolas Cage. Oh, he's done some terrible, terrible movies, but he's also done some excellent ones. He does do the "slightly unhinged" thing quite well.
Also, Nic Cage's entire career was redeemed in this moment:

That scene was fecking awesome. But in fairness anyone could've played that, it speaks volumes that Cage's 'best ever scene' is one where he has literally no lines, and you can't see his face. Not to mention he's playing a badarse doing what they do best.
Watched it last week. And Liked it very much. And all the religious nuts can yabbing about child abuse can shove it up their arse.