'Kick Ass' Trailer

It's very good, one of the few films I've seen recently in the cinema I really enjoyed. Saw it with my two flatmates, both of whom don't like comic book films, and they both loved it too.
Just watched this....It was fantastically enjoyable. The little girl is an utter Legend and Nic Cage is actually very funny

I'd recommend anyone go and see this....seriously I had a riotous time in the cinema
Zero...saw a few trailers, thought it would be a bit like Super Bad maybe...Goofy shit, I had no real passion to see it...I thought the trailer looked quite shit actually...So it way surpassed them.

It's directed by Matthew Vaughn, Exec producer on Lock Stock and Director of Layer Cake ...so it's not a goofy kids film. It's also one of those films that because it's directed by a Brit, is choc a block full of random extra actors who've been on the Bill, or adverts for Strongbow, which is weird, but it's fecking epic seriously.....far more entertaining and genuinely funny than I thought it would be....It's far better than the silly teen comedies it looks like it is...It's full of lots of clever little homages too...

Nic Cage pretending to sound like a certain person had me in stitches when I realised what he was doing.
Zero...saw a few trailers, thought it would be a bit like Super Bad maybe...Goofy shit, I had no real passion to see it...I thought the trailer looked quite shit actually...So it way surpassed them.

It's directed by Matthew Vaughn, Exec producer on Lock Stock and Director of Layer Cake and that Starlight thing...so it's not a goofy kids film. It's also one of those films that because it's directed by a Brit, is choc a block full of random extra actors who've been on the Bill, or adverts for Strongbow, which is weird, but it's fecking epic seriously.....far more entertaining and genuinely funny than I thought it would be....

I was exactly the same to be honest, the trailers just didn't give me any reason to go and see it, and well Nic cage in a film lately has generally been enough to put me of watching it. But i'd heard the reviews and it generated a fair bit of fuss so i thought i'd find out what it was all about and i'm really glad I did.

EDIT: your edit - you mean like batman? that's who I presumed he was taking off
Aaadamm Weeeesst

He was instantly forgiven for every shockingly shit performance when he did that
It's fecking joke....Contains spoilers...Hit Girl centric trailer and sneak peak, feck you Daily Mail!

Oh, also, how ridiculously fit was Katie? It's not even fair how hot she was.

Absolutely. Lyndsy Foncesca.

Mockney likes and thus it had been given the Redcaf poster of the year stamp of approval. Seriously caftards.. go and see it.. its class!!
Meh he's still not as good as in Con Air :P
Mockney likes and thus it had been given the Redcaf poster of the year stamp of approval. Seriously caftards.. go and see it.. its class!!

I seriously loved it mate...But I'm sure part of that is I was expecting a very different film, and wasn't really too bothered about it, I just went with some people who were going....With the hype it's now getting, I'm sure it'll dissapoint a few. But it such a nice surprise, I came out of the cinema buzzing, it was just fun all the way through...The music was perfectly judged too, and there were some nice little nods to other films with it...

The use of this in particular was awesome...and I hate that word

That weirdo Mark Kermode summed it up well I thought, he said if you stumbled across this on late night TV and were a bit stoned, you'd think it was the greatest cult film ever made. Which is about right, when you aren't expecting it to be so good, it's such a wonderfully pleasant surprise.

I didn't even know the main kid was British either...he did a good job.
I seriously loved it mate...But I'm sure part of that is I was expecting a very different film, and wasn't really too bothered about it....With the hype it's now getting, I'm sure it'll dissapoint a few people. But it such a nice surprise, I came out of the cinema buzzing, it was just fun all the way through...The music was perfectly judged too, and there were some nice little nods to other films with it...

The use of this in particular was awesome...and I hate that word

That weirdo Mark Kermode summed it up well I thought, he said if you stumbled across this on late night TV and were a bit stoned, you'd think it was the greatest cult film ever made. Which is about right, when you aren't expecting it to be so good, it's such a wonderfully pleasant surprise.

I didn't even know the main kid was British either...he did a good job.

He's boffing Sam Taylor-Wood, believe it or not.
oh it's that kid....hmmm..Impressive (not that he's boffing Taylor-Wood)...You wouldn't of guessed at all, he plays the American geek with a little Toby Maguire crack in his voice to a tee.
Saw this last night for first time - thought it was outstanding, great film. Bet tarantino loved it!
I think it'll get a lot of love on DVD. To be honest, I think most films now look to make their money on DVD, unless they're a 3 hour 3D gimmick or an event film, so conventional box office success doesn't really apply anymore. Not as much anyway.
I think it'll get a lot of love on DVD. To be honest, I think most films now look to make their money on DVD, unless they're a 3 hour 3D gimmick or an event film, so conventional box office success doesn't really apply anymore. Not as much anyway.

Mark Millar (the comic book author) seems to agree. This is a quote from wikipedia...

In a 31 August 2010 interview with Richard Bacon on BBC Radio 5 Live, Millar suggested that a sequel might have been given a go-ahead, speculating, "The estimate is [Kick-Ass] will do 100 to 150 million on DVD based on the American sales, you know, so it'll end up making a quarter of a billion on a 28 million investment. So it should be okay. So the sequel's green-lit, we can go ahead and do the follow up now, you know. The first made so much compared to what it cost it would be crazy not to."[81]
If there is a second movie, it will do really good. Most people would watch the movie just for the little girl. She really saved the movie even though she kinda wasn't the main character or main hero.
I doubt she "saved" the movie. There were a lot of positive things about it aside from her but she certainly "made" it such a success. She was the stand out thing. Makes sense to make another I suppose. I liked the film but I'm not really sure if it needed a sequel to be honest. It seemed like a stand alone to me. If Vaughn's in charge though it should be OK. I've been impressed with his career...he's been just sneakily getting in there, making very decent films without much hoorar, on budget and in different genre's. I'm interested to see what he does next more than I am with a new Kick-Ass.
I thought it was a fantastic film, Hit-Girl did steal the show a bit but other characters were great too, Nic Cage and the main bad guy were fantastic.
The first issue of Kick-Ass 2 (the comic) came out last month, should be able to find it still in case anyones interested, the film sequel should follow it roughly like the first.

Let's hope it's better than the 3rd one. What a pile of shit that was.

Should be better than that last attempt of a Xmen film!! It's a prequal set in the 60's (which to me sounds more like a reboot, but they're denying that!), Singer is back on board but there's some odd casting; James McAvoy as Professor X & Nicholas Hoult as Beast :nervous:

Regarding Kick-Ass, it was always set to have a sequal - two infact! But because Mark Millar hadn't even started writing Kick-Ass 2 when Kick-Ass hit the cinema no one was expecting it. I think Vaughan as stated that Balls to the Wall will follow the story of the second comic.

Hopefully it attracts more attention, it's a shame that Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim didn't get the ticket sales they deserved!
Kick Ass is a great film, even liked Nick Cage in it, which is remarkable considering he's so annoying in everything else.
Should be better than that last attempt of a Xmen film!! It's a prequal set in the 60's (which to me sounds more like a reboot, but they're denying that!), Singer is back on board but there's some odd casting; James McAvoy as Professor X & Nicholas Hoult as Beast :nervous:

Regarding Kick-Ass, it was always set to have a sequal - two infact! But because Mark Millar hadn't even started writing Kick-Ass 2 when Kick-Ass hit the cinema no one was expecting it. I think Vaughan as stated that Balls to the Wall will follow the story of the second comic.

Hopefully it attracts more attention, it's a shame that Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim didn't get the ticket sales they deserved!

If Ellen Page isn't in the new X-men, it's not worth watching. Well, unless Ryan Reynolds is in it again, he's pretty hunky.

Loved Kick Ass, was surprised at how good it was to be honest. Have had Scott Pilgrim on my laptop for a few months now, been saving it as I have pretty high expectations. It better be good
If Ellen Page isn't in the new X-men, it's not worth watching. Well, unless Ryan Reynolds is in it again, he's pretty hunky.

Loved Kick Ass, was surprised at how good it was to be honest. Have had Scott Pilgrim on my laptop for a few months now, been saving it as I have pretty high expectations. It better be good

Well no Ellen Page :annoyed: (There's always Inception!) but... You do have January Jones and Rose Byrne in there instead :D Reynolds on the other hand isn't, but will be doing a 'REAL' Deadpool film in the future, not the shit Deadpool thing they royally screwed up in Origins!

Scott Pilgrim imo was great, loved every minute. I would have to say I probably liked them as much as each other, Pilgrim is filmed exceptionally well by Edgar Wright! But, that’s my opinion, I don't want to be blamed if you don't like it :lol:
Scott Pilgrim is like marmite. Love or loathe. I loved.

Kick-Ass was better though I think. Dark, gritty and hilarious at times. The action scenes were absolutely amazing considering it didn't really have much of a budget.
I disliked Pilgrim intensely....Cera was all wrong for a character that's supposed to be a bit of a dumb heart throb. He was perfectly cast in Youth in Revolt but not in Pilgrim. He looks like an ill lesbian mouse. It also got incredibly tedious on about the 3rd boyfriend if you've any desire to see any kind of story or progression in a film. But Wright did a good job in at least trying to pretend there was something other than a beat 'em up video game cutscene there.