She reportedly once told MP Alan Graham "only a Jew like you would dare to be rude to me", according to Harold Nicolson.
The politician reportedly expressed her dislike for the Jewish community to the US ambassador Joseph P Kennedy and wrote to him that it would have to take much more than Hitler giving "a rough time" to "the killers of Christ" before supporting the launch of "Armageddon to save them", according to the book
The Kennedys at War: 1937-1945.
Astor did hold views “which blamed antisemitism on the Jews”, said David Feldman, director of the Pears Institute for the study of antisemitism at Birkbeck University of London.
He shared an anecdote from the diary of James McDonald, a League of Nations employee, who claimed Astor said at an event held by a wealthy Jewish family: “Did I not after all believe there must be something in the Jews themselves that had bought them persecution throughout all the ages?”