Need a citation on Reagan who is the free market capitalist get the government out of the way deity. Obama supported government intervention and expansion. When Trump tried to get Obamacare struck out via a legislative vote there were huge protests and activity to stop a Republican majority from accomplishing it. Instead he resorted to executive power to rip it up and now wants to sue to remove what is left of it in a midst of a pandemic.
And there were and are people on the left, usually with red roses by their accounts, who will tell you Trump saying a giveaway line in 2016 of "I want everyone to have healthcare", when his only plan was to take away people's existing healthcare through Obamacare, was him running on the left of Hillary Clinton who supported a public option to build on it. The idea that Trump's vagueness in detail under the cover of "populism" meant he would push for Medicare For All. The same is happening now against Biden.
Now I don't think they are representative of the broader left. But the extremely online, concern trolling red rose brigade seem to me to be too eager to align with anything resembling populist bluster. The Jimmy Dore type crowd who loved to talk about drone strikes when Obama was in power, but apparently think Trump is anti-war despite drones exceeding in two years what they did under Obama ... with the actual figures distorted due to transparency rules being gutted by Trump.
To put it back in UK politics there are plenty of conservatives who will be appalled by the prospect or suggestion of increased taxes. There is in-fighting on the right too ... but I don't see those under the Tory umbrella split so much they tell each other "feck off and vote labour" the way people under the labour umbrella told each other "feck off and vote tory".