Keir Starmer Labour Leader

What actually would have happened if Starmer did nothing about Sam Tarry?

Tory MPs attacking Labour on Twitter? Already happens daily.

The Daily Mail running a negative story? Already happens daily.
I don't even understand what they seek to gain from shit like this.

It's not as though the cnut right wing media will play ball with you any more for acting like tories in red ties when they have the actual fecking tories there to prop up.
What actually would have happened if Starmer did nothing about Sam Tarry?

Tory MPs attacking Labour on Twitter? Already happens daily.

The Daily Mail running a negative story? Already happens daily.
I don't even understand what they seek to gain from shit like this.

It's not as though the cnut right wing media will play ball with you any more for acting like tories in red ties when they have the actual fecking tories there to prop up.
I’m reminded of the Hall quote - “The right of the labour movement, to be honest, has no ideas of any compelling quality, except the instinct for short-term political survival. It would not know an ideological struggle if it stumbled across one in the dark. The only ‘struggle’ it engages in with any trace of conviction is the one against the left.”

Also Starmer history at the CPS is one of pettiness.
I didn't vote for him (although to be fair I didn't vote for Corbyn either, so at least I am consistently predicting the winner poorly), and I anticipated that Starmer would run from his pledges as soon as he felt politically able to, but I genuinely believed for a long time that there was something of substance there, which most Labour members electing him for. As has been pointed out by myself and other - Blair actually had policies in opposition. He has.... nothing.
He offered compromise and unity. He delivered the exact opposite. I actually worry he could be worse than the Tories in power. More authoritarian and equally as trustworthy as them!
He won't get into power.

Really sad because we need an effective opposition to being the conversation away from the Tory bullshit talking points and blame game, which isn't an accurate representation of society.

Without accurate analysis how can we expect effective policies to resolve the many problems...?
Just read Corbyn's address on some middle eastern channel where he's calling for a halt on armament shipment to Ukraine. I could sympathize when he said he's being labelled an antisemite for his support of Palestine but couldn't understand his stance on Ukraine. What the feck
Just read Corbyn's address on some middle eastern channel where he's calling for a halt on armament shipment to Ukraine. I could sympathize when he said he's being labelled an antisemite for his support of Palestine but couldn't understand his stance on Ukraine. What the feck
He wants a negotiated peace. More guns isn't going to solve the problem, as he sees it.
Just read Corbyn's address on some middle eastern channel where he's calling for a halt on armament shipment to Ukraine. I could sympathize when he said he's being labelled an antisemite for his support of Palestine but couldn't understand his stance on Ukraine. What the feck
He wants a negotiated peace. More guns isn't going to solve the problem, as he sees it.

To be absolutely fair to the man, he has always had pacifist views towards pretty much every conflict that has taken place in his life.
Didn't this happen one year under Corbyn and there was a big storm about it?
Think it was for something even more stupid like having a debate on a Saturday

However, the Jewish Labour Movement released a statement saying the proposed reforms were insufficient and criticised the plan to debate them on the Sabbath, which would stop Orthodox members taking part.

“Time and again, the party leadership and the NEC have demonstrated a complete failure in both judgment and commitment to tackle antisemitism. With a statutory investigation by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission well under way, this is the latest example of institutional failing.

“We have learned tonight from press reports that the party wishes to make sweeping changes to the disciplinary rules on antisemitism, without consulting us, its only Jewish affiliate, or any communal organisation. To add insult to injury, they will debate these changes at conference on the Jewish Sabbath, when religiously observant Jewish Labour delegates will be silenced, unable to participate in the debate.
Just read Corbyn's address on some middle eastern channel where he's calling for a halt on armament shipment to Ukraine. I could sympathize when he said he's being labelled an antisemite for his support of Palestine but couldn't understand his stance on Ukraine. What the feck

Without those weapons, Ukraine would have folded easily to the Russian. Utterly idiotic comments by him.

Starmer is only doing what every Labour leader who seriously wants to win a GE has to do... lick the troops into shape, in public; it may not get him elected... but if he doesn't do it he certainly won't be elected.
Way to make this one about Israel. I guess there are a lot of similarities with the Russians in Israel's treatment of Palestinians, now that you you mention it.

Wrong thread and wrong comparison, if you believe Zelensky who says the exact opposite. I only responded to highlight the innate stupidity of Corbyn and his cult followers.
Back to Keir Starmer, whose wife is Jewish if that means anything.
Labour - not quite as shit as the Tories. They should make hats. Truly inspirational leadership.

We are looking at 13% inflation, £1.6 TRILLION added to the national debt whilst services, education and the healthcare system crumble, whilst somehow still taxing people at the highest rate in 70 years, millions too poor to buy food to eat, millions more too poor to heat their homes, the biggest recession since the 1990s, and the Tories fixated on woke culture and trans women and cutting pay and borrowing to cut taxes further that will benefit the rich.

To even start to solve this we need a programme of reform comparably to what Attlee's government achieved.

For years Labour MPs, Councillors, grandees and loads more have explained that once the adults get back in charge and Corbyn is gone and his worst supporters expelled, then you will see an electable Labour Party that will help millions. Still waiting.
Should resign.

I actually think some of the detail of the report is worth stating.


It related to claims about late declaration of earnings and gifts, benefits or hospitality from UK sources.

Speaking at the time, Sir Keir said he was ‘absolutely confident’ he had not broken the MPs’ code of conduct.

The commissioner has now found that leader of the Opposition failed to register eight interests – five more than the ones alleged in the original complaint.

However, she noted the ‘breaches were minor and/or inadvertent, and that there was no deliberate attempt to mislead’.
Therefore, the watchdog decided the inquiry could be concluded by way of the ‘rectification’ procedure, without a referral to the Committee on Standards, which happens in the more serious cases.

But this is interesting:

During the investigation, Sir Keir also informed Ms Stone he was in the process of selling a plot of land for a sum that exceeded the £100,000 threshold for registration set by the House.

And then there is this:

Sir Keir received an £18,450 advance from publisher HarperCollins in April for a book he is writing, in which he is expected to set out his vision for Britain.

The sum, which he has pledged to donate to charitable causes, was declared a day late, while royalties for two legal books published before the lawyer became an MP were also delayed.

He's writing a book setting out his vision for Britain? Please, please, please tell me he is not waiting till it is published before we find out his proposed policies...
Just given this book writing thing some more thought. The actual feck? Country is in crisis and this cnut is writing a book?
Just given this book writing thing some more thought. The actual feck? Country is in crisis and this cnut is writing a book?
writing a book about how to fix the country before devising any policy. it's a farce.

should resign or be forced into no confidence vote. he's exactly what the uk does not need + exactly what labour does not need. as frosty said, labour needs a radical platform. transformational policy is the new aspirationalism in the era of the green new deal. except unlike the tory brand it offers common utility and tangible benefits to most people.
More on the book (from May in The Times):

That almost sounds satirical. He started writing it to organise his thoughts, and then realised there was some good quality stuff.