Kanye West why?

How does it sound like I’m saying that?

What’s the feeling with Kanye? Mental illness? Does he really believe all the stuff he’s saying? Is he trying to prove some weird point about things and is just doing it in the way that brings the most attention?

I know he has bipolar apparently, but I know people with bipolar who are nothing like this even when they’re off their medication.

It could also just be a convenient excuse when he does need it.
That's how it sounds like you're saying that. It's actually what you said.
He does crazy shit on a weekly basis, he isn’t having a manic episode every week.
Genuinely, can you list the crazy shit he does on a weekly basis. Crazy that's relative to celebrities and that culture and not to us.
I have never disliked him, I listen to his music and, until now, I’ve never took much interest in the stuff he’s gets up to. He’s an extremely eccentric guy at the best of times and I’m simply wondering if this is some of his usual bollocks that has just crossed the line. He was making out it was a test on free speech, and whilst a manic episode does look most likely, I also can’t rule out that he genuinely was trying to prove some sort of point.
What point was he trying to prove if this wasn't a manic episode? The problem I have with this is all the behaviour screams episode, but people are turning around and saying "Ah it's Kanye, probably just trying to prove a point" completely dismissing the fact he's genuinely mentally ill?
I think the worst commentators in this situation (r/kanye is rife) are those immediately defending him because of mental health issues. Saying they’ll only listen to his pre nazi music now etc. The guy is defending fecking pedophiles and there’s fans jumping to his defence without hesitation, or refusing to condemn him because they like his music? Whole thing is suspicious to me.
I'm sure there's a lot of people who'll defend him due to his music, but I'm not gonna condemn someone literally mentally ill having a manic episode for the world to watch and judge and dismiss. Just doesn't feel as if you take his illness seriously or understand what it is and how it can effect him.
1)That's how it sounds like you're saying that. It's actually what you said.

2)Genuinely, can you list the crazy shit he does on a weekly basis. Crazy that's relative to celebrities and that culture and not to us.

3)What point was he trying to prove if this wasn't a manic episode? The problem I have with this is all the behaviour screams episode, but people are turning around and saying "Ah it's Kanye, probably just trying to prove a point" completely dismissing the fact he's genuinely mentally ill?

4)I'm sure there's a lot of people who'll defend him due to his music, but I'm not gonna condemn someone literally mentally ill having a manic episode for the world to watch and judge and dismiss. Just doesn't feel as if you take his illness seriously or understand what it is and how it can effect him.

1) I said it could. Come on now…

2) He has his wife walking round stark naked half the time and isn’t bothered about it, I can’t think of many others that do that. He forces employees and other artists to watch porn in his company. He’s been sympathising with Nazis and nonces for years. He’s had the anti semitic rhetoric for years. The guy ran for president. Wearing clothes with white supremacy slogans. I could go on. Not long ago people were trying to blame his behaviour on nitrous from his dentist.

3) He said it himself. It was a test of freedom of speech. He did the same stunt with Adidas didn’t he? When he said they’d never drop him no matter what he said. The he fecked around and found out.

4) I think with Kanye it’s best to not just sympathise with him and blame this that and the other. Nitrous, mental health, whatever. This is stuff he’s done many times in the past already. The guy makes questionable decisions on the daily, ones that other celebrities don’t make, which it feels like you’re also implying. He can just be a bit of a cnut too, you know? One that has a huge ego and thinks he can say what he wants because he feels untouchable (he practically is). Even I’ve been guilty in the past of overlooking it and thinking “it’s just Kanye being edgy/trolling again, he doesn’t really mean it”. But there comes a point where he has to stop automatically getting a pass.
No rule that says people who are massive cnuts can't also suffer from severe mental illness, and Kanye is the textbook example of that. Kinda pointless trying to determine which side of that coin is coming out on top at any given time.

As for him being bipolar, he's now insisting that was a misdiagnosis and he's actually autistic. Though that also conveniently justifies him no longer taking the medicine he says blocks his creativity, so possibly not the most reliable assessment of his own mental health.
I think him saying that is simply another way to provoke people: daring people to take issue with it while insulting those who genuinely are ASD. KW has exhibited zero signs of autism. He’s bipolar, dissociative, and likely schizophrenic.
It's glorious

Kanye - "I'm in charge of everything including my wife. I'm the boss."

Wife - "......and......bye."