I'm sure some of us know what it's like to be a leader or top tier in class to then lose that mantle and fall back in with the pack for whatever reason, be it fatigue, age, boredom or just having had enough, but what must it be like for a narcissist like Jose to go from all-time conversations, to good coach, to average, to falling way below the pack to the stage of being an also-ran relic?
Nobody really knows whether he just doesn't care anymore and the latter stage of his career is a money grab, but if it isn't, and he's still trying his very best, and has that same pride and ego about him that he carried for so many years, there's no wonder he's so much more angry and disgruntled than he used to be.
Jose has his past and his achievements, but I don't think someone who was so forward-thinking in the past will be satisfied with that; to see peers of his still at the top of their game and being world innovators and perennially lauded for their brilliance, has to do something to him - those were the class of manager he used to go to war with in world broadcast and billed games! These days, they are so far beyond him that it's tragic. There'll be some who believe it's just a matter of giving Jose a Newcastle-sized budget and he'd be back, but is that really the case?
So many of his peers will walk away from football at the top, on their own terms, celebrated to the very end, but Jose has become a meme and a coach most pray doesn't get mentioned in association with their club. It's a very, very strange end to a manager that contests so highly in the all-time standings of club football.