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Jonny Evans Northern Ireland flag

2014-15 Performances

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4.7 Season Average Rating
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Yellow cards
As bad and all as Evans is supposed to be no one gave him a roasting like the one Burnely's Afrield gave Blackett this season. Blackett's performances taking all things into account have been nothing more than just alright.

If you're going to go down the road of ridiculing the shite of players or defenders for poor performances or making possible costly errors well then it might be no harm if you went full hog besides setting your sights on the one lad because that's all you and a fair few others are doing on this thread now.

I guess MK Dons was a better performance. Sure thing
Thanks for the info mate but whats your point?

My point is he's still got time to develop into an even better player. You make it sound like he's turning 26 sometime soon. I just had to add that he just turned 25.
My point is he's still got time to develop into an even better player. You make it sound like he's turning 26 sometime soon. I just had to add that he just turned 25.

Yeah he does still have time to improve and i hope he does. I make it sound like he's turning 26 this year which he is that's an indisputable fact. I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with exactly.

Some of you lot have Evans washed up at 26-27 and yet Smalling at 25 has all the time in the world it seems. Truth is both are still relatively young for centre backs both can still improve.
Injuries? Why is it then that everytime Smalling comes back from one he looks the best CB we have almost every time?
Evans doesnt have the balls to be a top CB. He is not strong enough physically and mentally I fear.

The excuses in this thread are hilarious. That mistake yesterday was unbelievable. You shouldnt give away those balls in Sunday league. But do those things happen once to him? No he has at least one big feck up in almost every game he plays for us.

He either grows a pair or fecks off it's that easy atm.
It's the same as Cleverley and Anderson. Every year these shite players have their threads filled with a few delusional supporters of theirs, endlessly bashing on about how spacegoated they are, and then when they've fecked off either out the club, to the U21s, or to the feckin glue factory, nobody misses them. As I've always said, Manchester United should have genuine world class players throughout the lineup, and replacements who are either 100% reliable, solid, 7/10 players or hungry youngsters.

Evans is never going to be a WC centre back, is MASSIVELY unreliable, mediocre to shite, weak, slow, can't concentrate, can't head a ball, isn't young, so what is the point of having him around? There isn't one.
I think comparing Evans's age to Smalling's doesn't fit the plot. I admit that I like Smalling so I'm biased but Smalling has shown much more from his recent performances than Evans has. Evans has made mistakes that are unacceptable on any level of professional football, let alone PL, and he seems to make them every game.

I was shocked when Evans in that one sequence defended against Armstrong in the Newcastle match. A 25 year old international almost completely bottled it against a 17 year old kid. Pathetic.

Same thing against Diouf at Stoke. Has a situation where he needs to assert himself and play the ball, gifts them a chance.

I want Evans to turn it around, I really do. A couple of seasons back I would readily have accepted him into the starting XI alongside Vidic. He looks too far gone now for whatever reason and needs to be replaced.
Yeah he does still have time to improve and i hope he does. I make it sound like he's turning 26 this year which he is that's an indisputable fact. I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with exactly.

Some of you lot have Evans washed up at 26-27 and yet Smalling at 25 has all the time in the world it seems. Truth is both are still relatively young for centre backs both can still improve.

There is a 2 year age gap between them. Not sure why you keep trying to insuiniate that they are of a comparable age.

One is in a development stage the other has just entered his prime.
It's the same as Cleverley and Anderson. Every year these shite players have their threads filled with a few delusional supporters of theirs, endlessly bashing on about how spacegoated they are, and then when they've fecked off either out the club, to the U21s, or to the feckin glue factory, nobody misses them. As I've always said, Manchester United should have genuine world class players throughout the lineup, and replacements who are either 100% reliable, solid, 7/10 players or hungry youngsters.

Evans is never going to be a WC centre back, is MASSIVELY unreliable, mediocre to shite, weak, slow, can't concentrate, can't head a ball, isn't young, so what is the point of having him around? There isn't one.

I think I've been one of these fans you describe there in the past and I must say I'm now inclined to agree with you. We haven't missed any player that left last summer. And aside from a few good games from Nani in the Champions League and Welbeck's general game-to-game effectiveness for Arsenal, not one of them has flourished having left the club. I always like to see the best in our players, and still maintain faith in much of the squad, but the reality is that when there has been a common consensus of late, the consensus has generally been correct. Evans is no scapegoat, he's simply playing shite.

We should have quality running all the way through the team and I welcome the briefings Ed Woodward has supplied the press in relation to having two excellent players for every position on the park. I've always liked Evans, and there's still a good defender in there somewhere, but I think it's time to bring in a replacement that can walk straight into the side and improve the defence.
Yeah he does still have time to improve and i hope he does. I make it sound like he's turning 26 this year which he is that's an indisputable fact. I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with exactly.

Some of you lot have Evans washed up at 26-27 and yet Smalling at 25 has all the time in the world it seems. Truth is both are still relatively young for centre backs both can still improve.

This is true, they can both improve. However, people have run out of patience with Evans. At what point does one just give up and accept that a player isn't good enough overall? Evans is 27 with a huge question mark over his career. He's been a first team member since 19 and he had a proper loan to aid his development. He has way more experience and games than Jones and Smalling, yet next to them he's looked a level or two below them this season. In my opinion he simply hasn't been good enough. Even if he became a backup player his injury record would still make him very unreliable.
This is true, they can both improve. However, people have run out of patience with Evans. At what point does one just give up and accept that a player isn't good enough overall? Evans is 27 with a huge question mark over his career. He's been a first team member since 19 and he had a proper loan to aid his development. He has way more experience and games than Jones and Smalling, yet next to them he's looked a level or two below them this season. In my opinion he simply hasn't been good enough. Even if he became a backup player his injury record would still make him very unreliable.

Spot on
It's the same as Cleverley and Anderson. Every year these shite players have their threads filled with a few delusional supporters of theirs, endlessly bashing on about how spacegoated they are, and then when they've fecked off either out the club, to the U21s, or to the feckin glue factory, nobody misses them. As I've always said, Manchester United should have genuine world class players throughout the lineup, and replacements who are either 100% reliable, solid, 7/10 players or hungry youngsters.

Evans is never going to be a WC centre back, is MASSIVELY unreliable, mediocre to shite, weak, slow, can't concentrate, can't head a ball, isn't young, so what is the point of having him around? There isn't one.

Tbh this place can be really harsh, and I can go over the top especially after shitty games as well.
I don't think that he is a shit player neither. Just that he lacks a lot of confidence, and sadly, a bit of physicality in his game. The confidence thing is why I think he really must man up. He is our most senior CB atm and he should be handling bad periods better imo.
There is a 2 year age gap between them. Not sure why you keep trying to insuiniate that they are of a comparable age.

I'm not sure why you seem to be so hung up on this and what exactly you are having a hard time understanding. Evans turns 27 this year 2015, Smalling turns 26 in 2015 same year. There is less than two years between them in age, had they went to the same school Evans would have only been a year ahead of Smalling.

Even if there was 2 full years between them they would still be around the same age both in their mid twenties.

So given all this information please explain how they are not comparable in age?

One is in a development stage the other has just entered his prime.

Who decided this you?

Do you create these theories and assume not only are they fact but also that everyone else automatically subscribes to them?
Last edited:
This is true, they can both improve. However, people have run out of patience with Evans. At what point does one just give up and accept that a player isn't good enough overall? Evans is 27 with a huge question mark over his career. He's been a first team member since 19 and he had a proper loan to aid his development. He has way more experience and games than Jones and Smalling, yet next to them he's looked a level or two below them this season. In my opinion he simply hasn't been good enough.

Different people have varying levels of patience when it comes making judgements on players. Personally i decided Evans would never be world class or a first team player here long ago, for me he would always be a squad player in the O'Shea/Butt mould. I like Smalling and still think he can come good, if he sorts his constant injuries out he will.

With Jones it's more hope as for me he's never came close to fulfilling his early hype but he's still very young so he has time, but i have yet to be seriously impressed with him.

Even if he became a backup player his injury record would still make him very unreliable.

But that's true of all 3 of them. All 3 are injury prone and while i hope they get over this i don't have much faith that they will at this stage especially Jones.

To be brutally honest while its impractical and it won't happen. If i was LVG and could get in 2 quality defenders who would each give you 30-40 games a season i would sell 2 or maybe even all three this summer. I really like Smalling and would be sad to see him go but these annual defensive injury crises have to stop one way or another.

Every year we are forced to cobble teams together with midfielders in defence and it costs us. I reckon with a settled back 4 this season we could have another 5-8 points and be in with at least a shout for the title.
Different people have varying levels of patience when it comes making judgements on players. Personally i decided Evans would never be world class or a first team player here long ago, for me he would always be a squad player in the O'Shea/Butt mould. I like Smalling and still think he can come good, if he sorts his constant injuries out he will.

With Jones it's more hope as for me he's never came close to fulfilling his early hype but he's still very young so he has time, but i have yet to be seriously impressed with him.

But that's true of all 3 of them. All 3 are injury prone and while i hope they get over this i don't have much faith that they will at this stage especially Jones.

To be brutally honest while its impractical and it won't happen. If i was LVG and could get in 2 quality defenders who would each give you 30-40 games a season i would sell 2 or maybe even all three this summer. I really like Smalling and would be sad to see him go but these annual defensive injury crises have to stop one way or another.

Every year we are forced to cobble teams together with midfielders in defence and it costs us. I reckon with a settled back 4 this season we could have another 5-8 points and be in with at least a shout for the title.

I agree with you mostly. I don't even think a player like Hummels is the answer because he seems quite injury prone himself
Nah, he's not getting off that easily. He has been poor for longer than he has been good in his entire United career. And he's 27, not 22. In fact, the further back you go, the better he was. He hasn't been good for a long time now, just levelled out at average here and there for a few spells.
Poor spells more than good ones? List them please.
He's not a youngster he will be 26 this year.

He just turned 25 on november 22.

Thanks for the info mate but whats your point?

My point is he's still got time to develop into an even better player. You make it sound like he's turning 26 sometime soon. I just had to add that he just turned 25.

I make it sound like he's turning 26 this year which he is that's an indisputable fact.

I'm not sure why you seem to be so hung up on this and what exactly you are having a hard time understanding. Evans turns 27 this year 2015, Smalling turns 26 in 2015 same year.

Tbh this place can be really harsh, and I can go over the top especially after shitty games as well.
I don't think that he is a shit player neither. Just that he lacks a lot of confidence, and sadly, a bit of physicality in his game. The confidence thing is why I think he really must man up. He is our most senior CB atm and he should be handling bad periods better imo.

I would say it's a lack of genuine natural leadership which he misses. He looked brilliant next to Vidic or Ferdinand, as they did all the shouting and organising. Whilst he might technically not be a terrible defender, his lack of leadership is a significant problem when he is by far our most experienced and senior defender.

Even a confident and on form Evans would still have this problem.
I'm not sure why you seem to be so hung up on this and what exactly you are having a hard time understanding. Evans turns 27 this year 2015, Smalling turns 26 in 2015 same year. There is less than two years between them in age, had they went to the same school Evans would have only been a year ahead of Smalling.

Even if there was 2 full years between them they would still be around the same age both in their mid twenties.

So given all this information please explain how they are not comparable in age?

Who decided this you?

Do you create these theories and assume not only are they fact but also that everyone else also automatically subscribes to them?

:lol: you're brilliant.
Evans isn't being made out to be a scapegoat. He's just crap and hasn't looked up to it for two years now. Sure, he has talent, but we don't have time to wait for four of our senior centre backs to suddenly blossom especially when they keep getting injured.

Simply put, our defenders are rubbish compared to the top teams. If we wanna get back to what we used to be, we need a solid defence. Smalling is the best of the lot, followed by Rojo, Jones and then Evans. That's a lot of mediocrity (albeit a lot of potential in the case of the former three) in those ranks. We simply need to bring in a better starting centre back or two and it only makes sense to get rid of the worst (and oldest) one as there's no point in having that many defenders.

There's only so much time you give some of our defenders too, Evans being given the longest, yet still finding it difficult to impress. To add that, the British trio can't stay fit to save their lives so slowly one by one, if they can't prove their fitness, they should be shafted out and replaced. Evans, however, is the first one that needs to be shown the door.
I don't think so. Any time I've seen the pair of them this season I've been really impressed. Their defensive display against Chelsea in particular has been the best I've seen in a long time.

A rearguard defensive effort for a team like Sunderland vs Chelsea is a very different type of defending than 90% of games United defenders play in. I've got a terrible memory but watch Lampard's winner vs Sunderland. He was the only threat in the box and he got a free header (didn't even have to jump) from 10 yards out with Brown just looking at him. Far worse than any of the mistakes Smalling was being criticised for at Stoke. Even when he was at his best Wes was capable of some terrible howlers.
We've let in 3 goals since Evans has taken up his 1st team CB position.
1 goal (penalty) - Phil Jones was directly/solely responsible.
1 goal (against Stoke) - Jones and Smalling were culpable.
The other goal - not sure, you have to remind me.

Evans is not the reason for our draws.
He may lack footballing intelligence, invention and attacking prowess, but that's what Blind is there for (once he returns). Evans can pass Blind the ball, all day long and Blind will spray the ball forward, in all directions.

I agree that for us to win the CL, we cannot rely on Evans, but Evans is not our weakest link at this point in time. Our defensive record is now one of the best in the league.
So do we not count the glaring chance Evans gave diouf, because it wasn't scored? That was just as bad a mistake as any of the others. He compounded that in my view when he left the ball bounce again about 5 minutes later. This time he got away with it but just shows the guy is very slow to learn. I'm simply saying, the guy isn't good enough. Every week he makes at least one awful mistake. The fact they don't all lead to goals does not make it ok in my opinion.
So do we not count the glaring chance Evans gave diouf, because it wasn't scored? That was just as bad a mistake as any of the others. He compounded that in my view when he left the ball bounce again about 5 minutes later. This time he got away with it but just shows the guy is very slow to learn. I'm simply saying, the guy isn't good enough. Every week he makes at least one awful mistake. The fact they don't all lead to goals does not make it ok in my opinion.

He has made a right few errors this season to be fair and centre forwards are trying to rough him up (that's the last thing you need). Would be good as a back up but we now have Rojo Smalling and Jones. We need a better quality of centre half than the 3 we have (a leader) so one has to make way imo. Evans due to performances is the one in danger.
I agree with you mostly. I don't even think a player like Hummels is the answer because he seems quite injury prone himself
I hope that these Hummels rumours remain as that, just rumours. We must use our scouting to find that defender or couple defenders that we need and not perpetuate this thing of throwing away £40m+ in fees at our problem areas. Our limit should be thirty million and that is enough to get Godin in, play him alongside Smalling with Jones and Rojo as back ups. If we buy Godin then someone has to make way and on current form there is no doubt who that is.

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Man United opinion: Jonny Evans could be make an example of by Van Gaal
    • Opinion
    • sam-luckhurst.jpg
    • by Samuel Luckhurst
The Northern Irishman once looked like captaincy material at Old Trafford but is now fighting to save his Reds career.
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Evans almost gifted a goal to Mame Biram Diouf at Stoke
"F*****g wake up," Sir Alex Ferguson barked at Jonny Evans inside the San Siro nearly five years ago.

Evans is still stirring.

The Northern Irishman looked as confused to be in 2015 as Marty McFly at the Britannia Stadium on Thursday. Mame Biram Diouf ought to have punished his haphazard defending with Stoke ahead but Evans was reprieved.

He wasn't the only defender to amateurishly allow the ball to bounce and struggle to cope with Stoke's artisans. Louis van Gaal wrote in his notes one player had conceded a "stupid" free-kick, as Chris Smalling encouraged Stoke with a needless foul, Phil Jones disobeyed David de Gea and Michael Carrick failed to protect United's flimsy defence.

The Evans-Smalling-Jones triumvirate started together for the first time at Stoke this season - United's 25th different central defensive combination under Van Gaal - and it showed.

The trio are all out of contract next year and their form, as well as their brittleness, means they are fighting for their United careers.

Of the trio, Evans has the fewest excuses. A talent who has benefited from emerging through United's academy, at the Amsterdam Tournament in 2006 an 18-year-old Evans flourished against the predatory Klaas-Jan Huntelaar.

Yet he is in danger of developing into a deluxe John O'Shea. Both enjoyed auspicious breakthrough seasons under Ferguson before regressing.

Like O'Shea, Evans tends apportion the blame elsewhere. At Stoke, he allowed a cross to go over his head and immediately hollered at De Gea - who is prone to remaining on his line - for not claiming the ball. The linesman also copped it in the second-half for failing to raise his flag.

From the first minute at Stoke, Evans looked as delicate as many felt on New Year's Day morning as he grappled with Jonathan Walters. Physical strikers smell fear whenever Evans is in their vicinity, and Christian Benteke capitalised on that with his opener against United last month.

Evans once tellingly told a reporter the Championship battering ram Rob Hulse was his "toughest opponent". The Ulsterman has marshalled Didier Drogba and Zlatan Ibrahimovic authoritatively but has also helped Carlton Cole resemble Pele and was bullied by the might of MK Dons.


The quandary with Evans for Van Gaal is he is a good footballer but an erratic defender. His distribution is useful beside the clunky Jones and Smalling and, as one of the few United players reluctant to adopt long ball tactics, he advanced into Stoke's third time and again.

Evans turns 27 on Saturday, though, and his hesitance in defence is akin to Tyler Blackett or Paddy McNair's. Those two can be excused after being thrown in at the deep end whereas Evans has had the benefit of Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic leading him through matches.

Should Blackett or McNair look to Evans for guidance they will be disappointed. Evans seemed to boast the silk, steel and talent to emerge into a future United captain at one stage but looks forlorn without Ferdinand or Vidic.

Vidic reportedly approached United executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward in a desperate attempt to cancel his move to Inter Milan in the summer after David Moyes was sacked. Despite his decline, retaining the seasoned Vidic would have alleviated some of the pressure on Evans, now the most senior United defender.

In 2009, Evans perfected the kung-fu kick to the abdomen long before Nigel de Jong left his mark on Xabi Alonso. Tough and fearless, he was unfazed until that night against a Ronaldinho-inspired AC Milan attack.

Evans endured a demoralising 2011, memorable for the humiliation Mario Balotelli inflicted on him in City's 6-1 shock, and a festive drinking session with Wayne Rooney and Darron Gibson that led to a fine and a suspension.

"In the winter of 2011, I did have to take disciplinary action after Wayne, Jonny Evans and Darron Gibson had a night out," Ferguson writes in his autobiography.

"They went across to Southport to a hotel to celebrate our 5-0 Boxing Day win against Wigan. They came into training the next day weary.

"I went into the gymnasium where they were doing their exercises and told them they would be fined a week's wages and not considered for selection against Blackburn on the Saturday."

United lost 3-2 and Evans missed the next two games, as well.

He recovered to excel alongside Ferdinand in 2012 and became a goal threat, netting vitally against Braga, Queens Park Rangers and Newcastle, only for three injuries in three months to scupper his momentum in 2013.

The irony is Evans has not properly recovered from Ferguson's order to him in Milan back in February 2010. Later that week, he was bulldozed by Jack Rodwell at Goodison Park in the first memorable instance of a player dominating him.

And now Ferguson is gone, Evans has just 18 months to convince Van Gaal and wake up at United.
I'm not sure why you seem to be so hung up on this and what exactly you are having a hard time understanding. Evans turns 27 this year 2015, Smalling turns 26 in 2015 same year. There is less than two years between them in age, had they went to the same school Evans would have only been a year ahead of Smalling.

Even if there was 2 full years between them they would still be around the same age both in their mid twenties.

So given all this information please explain how they are not comparable in age?

Who decided this you?

Do you create these theories and assume not only are they fact but also that everyone else automatically subscribes to them?

Wow this is becoming difficult!

They are not comparable because smalling is 25 and evans is 27, there is 23 months between them, which is as good as 2 years. 2 years which will take Smalling towards his prime. I am not sure why your finding that hard to accept?

Consider - Smalling started his senior career in 2007 at Maidstone so has far less experience.

Would you not agree me that at 25 and 27 respectively that they are at different stages in their careers?

It's common knowledge what I have stipulated, its hardly a ground breaking theory is it?! Players from the age of 16/17 develop at different rates and usually once they reach 27/28 they enter their prime, the period of time where their physical and mental attributes align and they start to produce their best football, this of course is not gospel and can fluctuate with players who peak early, or even late, but it's a fair parameter to measure from.
I've never rated Evans but the replies to this tweet by @ManUtd from supposed United fans are embarrassing.

Cafe sometime ago. About Smalling this time.

So stupid. Shouldn't be playing for us.

Get rid of this piece of junk.


About as clever as he looks.


As I have said on many occasions, he is just too stupid to be a first choice cb for us.

Absolute idiot who has probably cost us the game.

What a clown.

What a donkey.

Sell him and Jones. Not a brain cell between the two of them.

Idiot. Donkey.

Him and Jones must be some of the dumbest footballers this club has ever employed.

Absolutely thick as pig sh!t.

What a moron.

Guy is an absolute moron.

Absolute idiot.

Does he has a brain?
Bit like this thread then.
Yes there are some comments on here that are OTT but there's one thing discussing his performances in a thread like this and another berating him with abuse after the club wish him happy birthday. Not good.
Bit like this thread then.

The only posts that are embarrassing in this thread are yours. The only thing being spoken in this thread is sense. Even stevoc with his stance can have an structured debate.

This thread isn't vile and doesn't go overboard, it's actually interesting to see the thoughts coincide with those in MEN, which suggests our thoughts are shared, even though they are more diplomatic about the argument.
Cafe sometime ago. About Smalling this time.
That was when Smalling got his stupid red card and cost us the game so the comments are entirely justified. If a player performs poorly and does stupid things, you won't expect people to praise him, right?
That was when Smalling got his stupid red card and cost us the game so the comments are entirely justified. If a player performs poorly and does stupid things, you won't expect people to praise him, right?

What, it's praise or that garbage?

Also, those quotes are not from match thread, but player one.
Yes there are some comments on here that are OTT but there's one thing discussing his performances in a thread like this and another berating him with abuse after the club wish him happy birthday. Not good.
Is there though? You can't really control who posts on Facebook, many of them might not even be United fans, on here however we are all supposed to be fans. There's nothing wrong with constructive criticism, he deserves criticism for some of his performances this season but this thread is far from that.

The only posts that are embarrassing in this thread are yours. The only thing being spoken in this thread is sense. Even stevoc with his stance can have an structured debate.

This thread isn't vile and doesn't go overboard, it's actually interesting to see the thoughts coincide with those in MEN, which suggests our thoughts are shared, even though they are more diplomatic about the argument.
Ok then :lol:
Oh and still waiting for a reply to this in reference to the game on Sunday.
Are you that blind? He only made one mistake?do me a favour! I counted a large handful of instances which were mistakes, additionally his overall being on the pitch creates an uncertainty.

Go on then, tell me these large handful of mistakes.
Wow this is becoming difficult!

They are not comparable because smalling is 25 and evans is 27, there is 23 months between them, which is as good as 2 years. 2 years which will take Smalling towards his prime. I am not sure why your finding that hard to accept?

Consider - Smalling started his senior career in 2007 at Maidstone so has far less experience.

Would you not agree me that at 25 and 27 respectively that they are at different stages in their careers?

It's common knowledge what I have stipulated, its hardly a ground breaking theory is it?! Players from the age of 16/17 develop at different rates and usually once they reach 27/28 they enter their prime, the period of time where their physical and mental attributes align and they start to produce their best football, this of course is not gospel and can fluctuate with players who peak early, or even late, but it's a fair parameter to measure from.

I think at this stage it's safe to assume that i don't no.

I honestly don't know if you are on a wind up at this stage mate or you made such a big deal of out such a minor point in one of our exchanges that you feel compelled to just keep going with it, despite it not making much sense.

The fact several people have been quoting our exchange about this and are laughing at the simplistic terms in which i am having to explain things should tell you something.

Either way i don't care anymore as it's becoming boring, tedious and it's derailing the thread, so subscribe to whichever theory you like.

But to me and most people if they were asked would accept Evans and Smalling are very close in age seeing as one turns 27 this year and the other turns 26 that's really all there is to it.
Is there though? You can't really control who posts on Facebook, many of them might not even be United fans, on here however we are all supposed to be fans. There's nothing wrong with constructive criticism, he deserves criticism for some of his performances this season but this thread is far from that.

Ok then :lol:
Oh and still waiting for a reply to this in reference to the game on Sunday.

I'm simply not prepared to go through the game and pinpoint these moments, that would require a large amount of effort on my part which I'm not prepared to exert because even then your bias would prevail.

If it's come this far and you can't see his weakness and consistent failings I can not change your opinion.

Why don't you go through the effort of rewatching it an try to observe without your bias glasses on, and see how many times he played poor passes, showed poor decison making, cleared inefficiently and defended without conviction. He has been the same all year and last that's why everyone is calling for his head.
I think at this stage it's safe to assume that i don't no.

I honestly don't know if you are on a wind up at this stage mate or you made such a big deal of out such a minor point in one of our exchanges that you feel compelled to just keep going with it, despite it not making much sense.

The fact several people have been quoting our exchange about this and are laughing at the simplistic terms in which i am having to explain things should tell you something.

Either way i don't care anymore as it's becoming boring, tedious and it's derailing the thread, so subscribe to whichever theory you like.

But to me and most people if they were asked would accept Evans and Smalling are very close in age seeing as one turns 27 this year and the other turns 26 that's really all there is to it.

Quoting you I believe - I would point those laughs in your direction.

Keep wording it whatever way makes you happy. ☺️
I'm simply not prepared to go through the game and pinpoint these moments, that would require a large amount of effort on my part which I'm not prepared to exert because even then your bias would prevail.

If it's come this far and you can't see his weakness and consistent failings I can not change your opinion.

Why don't you go through the effort of rewatching it an try to observe without your bias glasses on, and see how many times he played poor passes, showed poor decison making, cleared inefficiently and defended without conviction. He has been the same all year and last that's why everyone is calling for his head.
You said you counted a large handful of incidents which were mistakes, surely you can remember some?
Further you say I have 'bias' glasses on? Funny that, I have said many times that he hasn't played well this season, or that I wouldn't mind if he was sold in the summer, funny way of looking at things from someone who's biased isn't it?