The People's President
Mike, did Americans look down on you for having bad teeth?
Nah my teeth are OK. They actually comment that our teeth are good with a confused look as if all Brits have jacked up teeth. They look down on me because I am not fat.
I bet you go for man-hugs. I can't abide them...it's a handshake or nowt for me......and feck off with your gay high-fives too.
Have you not seen all the ads on telly about teeth whitening and such? The obsession is not solely about teeth, it's about body image. For whatever reason, yanks think that they have to all look great in order to be successful/happy/respected. There are deep insecurities that English people just don't have.
It doesn't matter if you don't give a feck about your appearance. Its rather bizarre that Brits over obsess about fashion and their hair and walk around with jacked up teeth.
Not all Yanks have a hollywood smile, in the big films maybe but I've seen loads of films with actors who have bad teeth,