Jeremy Clarkson: Duality Personified

Nah my teeth are OK. They actually comment that our teeth are good with a confused look as if all Brits have jacked up teeth. They look down on me because I am not fat.
Nah my teeth are OK. They actually comment that our teeth are good with a confused look as if all Brits have jacked up teeth. They look down on me because I am not fat.

I bet you go for man-hugs. I can't abide's a handshake or nowt for me......and feck off with your gay high-fives too.
Have you not seen all the ads on telly about teeth whitening and such? The obsession is not solely about teeth, it's about body image. For whatever reason, yanks think that they have to all look great in order to be successful/happy/respected. There are deep insecurities that English people just don't have.

I've seen as many ads for lawncare products, apple juice, and children's toys. I don't think those are indicative of national obsessions either.

Meanwhile, I'll leave others to judge what deep insecurities the English propensity to explain other cultures to members of said cultures represents.
It doesn't matter if you don't give a feck about your appearance. Its rather bizarre that Brits over obsess about fashion and their hair and walk around with jacked up teeth.

Clarkson is a big smoker and has been for ages so its hardly a surprise his teeth are that colour is it. The fact he can't be arsed to have them bleached up is up to him, I mean its not like he doesn't have the spare cash. Besides, do you think he cares when he has one of the best jobs in the country? Most men would do his job for free if they could!!!

Not all Yanks have a hollywood smile, in the big films maybe but I've seen loads of films with actors who have bad teeth, be it yellow or goofy/bent etc. Anyway, if Clarkson got his done he'd have to take back the all the mocks of Hammond for his white teeth work. :D
Not all Yanks have a hollywood smile, in the big films maybe but I've seen loads of films with actors who have bad teeth,

Its not just Hollywood types that have cosmetically perfect teeth over here. Many middle class professionals have great teeth. Pretty much everyone in the office I work in have pearly white straight teeth.

I know multiple adults that have had braces, which is very rare in the UK. In my son's old high school I would say 80% of the kids had braces at some point.