Ball Spotter
Very capable of hitting him if I ever see him in person.
Very capable of hitting on him if I ever see him in person.
I mean, to be fair, he does have shit teeth. But he's the kind of person who would have shit teeth. Clarkson with fake, perfect whites would look horrendous. It would almost be the antithesis to everything he proclaims to hate. In fact, come to think of it, he should probably be forced to have them.
You know lots kids in America wear retainers and/or braces? Surely that says to you that actually, Americans' teeth aren't that great either and they need correcting? People over here have access to retainers and braces too so I doubt there are any more kids with bad teeth over here than there are in America, the difference is the stereotype.
The whole teeth thing is ridiculous. No one gives a feck. Most people under 40 have perfectly fine teeth in this country anyway, and most people over a certain age in America with perfect teeth have them cosmetically done. It's hardly an amazing thing to crow about. It's like teasing a bald man cos you're so vain you had to pay 30k to get a hair transplant.
Have you tried to find a NHS dentist recently?
I said in my earlier post cosmetic dentistry is over done in the US and practically none existent in the UK. You would think people with the resources would actually find a dentist and use them occasionally, especially people on TV.
Have you tried to find a NHS dentist recently?
I said in my earlier post cosmetic dentistry is over done in the US and practically none existent in the UK. You would think people with the resources would actually find a dentist and use them occasionally, especially people on TV.
mjs must have a yank wife.
It doesn't matter if you don't give a feck about your appearance. Its rather bizarre that Brits over obsess about fashion and their hair and walk around with jacked up teeth.
Yanks should start worrying about their weight more than our teeth. Although saying that, we're the "fattest nation in Europe" now apparantly.
Why should they, the Brits are constantly on about the Yanks weight.
Both are basically stereotypes based an a certain amount of truth.
I mean, look, yes, Americans clearly have more people with radioactive pearly white smiles than Britain does, and there are thousands of good reasons to take the piss out of us Brits, but it's just such a weird stereotype. Where did it come from? Did someone come over during the Dickens era and notice all the urchins had wooden pegs in their mouths? Is it a G.I War thing? Were all the ration starved housewives they were banging dropping teeth by the minute? Or is it someone whose gone over there? I can't imagine Charlie Chaplin, Liz Taylor and Cary Grant went over with busted up gobs and were rushed straight into an emergency dentist. And its not as if the Burtons, O'Tooles, Connerys, Andrews, Bales, Laws & Grants etc etc have continued to profligate a perception of bad oral hygiene ...
So where the feck does it come from?
I think it's more a perception of not looking after your teeth rather than a genetic pre-disposition to having terrible teeth. I think.
I mean, look, yes, Americans clearly have more people with radioactive pearly white smiles than Britain does, and there are thousands of good reasons to take the piss out of us Brits, but it's just such a weird stereotype. Where did it come from? Did someone come over during the Dickens era and notice all the urchins had wooden pegs? Is it a G.I War thing? Were all the ration starved housewives they were banging dropping teeth by the minute? Or is it someone whose gone over there? I can't imagine Charlie Chaplin and Cary Grant went over with busted up gobs and were rushed straight into an emergency dentist. And its not as if the Burtons, O'Tooles, Connery's, Andrews, Bales, Laws & Grants etc etc have continued to profligate a perception of bad oral hygiene ...
So where the feck does it come from?
Nope we are both Brits. I have never had any issues with my teeth. My last filling was about 35 years ago. Dentists fecking hate me, check ups every two or three years and no treatment. I use home whitening stuff a little bit over here but that is about it.
Mike wins again on the internet.
I'm sure the fat thing is exagerated. It's also probably hugely a geographical thing. People in LA or NY for example are likely to be far skinnier than their counterparts in London or Manchester. But I'd guess our rural children are better than theirs.
I think if you remove African American women, and Mexicans from the US stats the obesity levels are not much different to the UK. Its locational as well, rural areas are generally fatter.
Like someone else said though the Yanks do HUGE on a whole different level.
Basically, non white people aren't American.
Nope, I left the black guys in. Nice try scooter.
I think it was 1970's Bowie that started this whole yank obsession with shit, brit gnashers.
Second most popular comment I get, after "Isn't is really foggy in London?", is "What's with you guys and bad teeth?"
As an aside, for the third time in the 10 years that I've been here I got asked "What language do you guys speak in England?"
I hope you answered "American."
I like how a conversation between a group of Brits and one or two British ex-pats living in America is seized on as a sign that Americans are obsessed with teeth.
I like how a conversation between a group of Brits and one or two British ex-pats living in America is seized on as a sign that Americans are obsessed with teeth.
I like how a conversation between a group of Brits and one or two British ex-pats living in America is seized on as a sign that Americans are obsessed with teeth.
I like how a conversation between a group of Brits and one or two British ex-pats living in America is seized on as a sign that Americans are obsessed with teeth.
Have you not seen all the ads on telly about teeth whitening and such? The obsession is not solely about teeth, it's about body image. For whatever reason, yanks think that they have to all look great in order to be successful/happy/respected. There are deep insecurities that English people just don't have.
The thing that always strikes me about 'commercials' on US tv is the amount of medication you guys have rammed down your throats. Although the way they read through potential side affects is always good for a laugh.