Television James Corden


Am I the only one getting strong Corden vibes from Harry Kane's brother and "agent"?

another deeply disappointing thread bump
Very disappointed there isn't some constructive discussion about the pros and cons of James Corden personality in this bump as there usually is in this thread.

P.S. James Corden is a Twat.
I went to Barry Island last month on a stop off in South Wales, feck me, without Gavin and Stacey that place would die on its arse. pictures of the main characters in every cafe and tea room, some woman leading 20-30 plebs round with a few pictures from the show saying "this is where they sat when this happened", "over there is where Smithy shat himself".

fecking retards
That shrill, obnoxious laugh is spot on...

He's bang on. The thing I hate most about Corden is that stupid laugh. He's one of those people who substitutes being humorous with laughing loudly like a moron at everything, in some weird attempt to convince people into thinking funny things are happening, when they're not.
Just rewatched the Gervais Golden Globes speech. Love the second sentence "but.."

I went to Barry Island last month on a stop off in South Wales, feck me, without Gavin and Stacey that place would die on its arse. pictures of the main characters in every cafe and tea room, some woman leading 20-30 plebs round with a few pictures from the show saying "this is where they sat when this happened", "over there is where Smithy shat himself".

All in all, loved the tour
Fixed that for you
Apparently he's self-isolating for a week. Should really be doing it for the rest of his life just to be on the safe side.
Not his biggest fan, far from it, but wish the lad a speedy recovery wanker.
Ugh.... And then Lilly Singh comes in right after him. Pretty awful stuff.
I would seize that opportunity, give it full revs and clock it into first.
Probably dips his pizza in ketchup. Wanker.
I love how everyone on social media hated that stunt he pulled :lol: What a wanker. Probably thought he’d be trending as doing something cool, amazing and unprecedented.