Jadon Sancho| Staying at Dortmund for now

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It's over boys. You don't come out and announce it's final, only to turn around and sell said player. Makes the club look weak, something they have been trying so hard to avoid this saga. Apart from Sancho kicking up a fuss, or a ridiculous offer, both of which I don't see happening, it's a wrap imo

If you sell You come out and say 'everyone has been affected by the pandemic, we could not refuse to sell him a this price (120m).'
You will be the perfect person they would want to negociate with.
I recognise that getting Sancho for the price they're asking for is still an incredible deal for us in the long run so yeah.. I respect Dortmund's stance a lot more than ours.
In English, uses the word 'Plan' doesn't sound so convinced!

The translation is incomplete. He says "we're planning with Jadon sancho. He will play for us next season. The decision is definitive. I believe that answers all questions."
You can google translate the original, this isn't a statement with a backdoor, where he could say "well I never said it was certain".
Can someone compile a list of names for a future Hall of Shame if this does indeed still happen:smirk:
If his contract has been extended until 2023 does it not make sense for us to wait a year and evaluate the full effects of Corona first before committing that money? The worry before in doing that would be we miss out on him due to the lower fee but not many will be able to afford the fee next year either.
So Sancho agreed the personal terms and forgot to say: "Oh sorry I have a secret extension..." BS
Some weak posturing, nothing to be worried about.

We'll sign him in a week or two and then Dortmund can start their petty bitter tweets.
If its true that he renewed to 2023, I would not negotiate anymore and pay the 120m Euros.
Why? Its not as if its an easy transfer to make?
We have highly paid people to get not difficult things done. If they can only do easy things, they shouldn't be employed at Manchester United.

Anyhoo, let's see. I'm not sure we've seen the end of this saga.
The translation is incomplete. He says "we're planning with Jadon sancho. He will play for us next season. The decision is definitive. I believe that answers all questions."
You can google translate the original, this isn't a statement with a backdoor, where he could say "well I never said it was certain".

Let's be honest, the backdoor is always open with Dortmund, especially when it comes to Bayern.

In a way this is good because it forces Ed to make a decision.

Basically they want the full 108m. No add ons bs. Woodward have to give away if we are to sign Jadon.
It's only over when the usual journalists come out with a brief that we have cooled our interest this summer.
If his contract has been extended until 2023 does it not make sense for us to wait a year and evaluate the full effects of Corona first before committing that money? The worry before in doing that would be we miss out on him due to the lower fee but not many will be able to afford the fee next year either.

Personally think this is our only chance to get him but know there will be many others who probably feel very different.
The translation is incomplete. He says "we're planning with Jadon sancho. He will play for us next season. The decision is definitive. I believe that answers all questions."
You can google translate the original, this isn't a statement with a backdoor, where he could say "well I never said it was certain".

Exact thing he said about Dembele.
It’s a PR masterclass tbf. Of course we — the Club — knew, but to the general public and the media who feed into the narrative it paints Dortmund as this negotiating behemoth and Manchester United and Ed Woodward as rich dumb dumbs!

Its because their stupid deadline has passed and they need to save face. What they wanted In their utopia was a crazy up front payment and to get A replacement very early. BVB has to come out now and say something like this to not look stupid
The translation is incomplete. He says "we're planning with Jadon sancho. He will play for us next season. The decision is definitive. I believe that answers all questions."
You can google translate the original, this isn't a statement with a backdoor, where he could say "well I never said it was certain".

We can still get him if we pay 120m straight up. Clearly we have been trying to negotiate various structures (“70-30-20”) and other add-ons. BVB’s hard line is full €120m upfront.

Can’t really blame Ed for screwing it up, BVB don’t want to negotiate on it. It’s a question of a) can we afford such an outlay, and b) is he worth it.
Also - We pay £120m for him and they still look strong for sticking to their guns. It's STILL all about money
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