Its just as likely if not more so that these guys are all just piggy backing on each others 'exclusives'.
Where does this information come from exactly? What is more likely - that they all have high ranking contacts within every major club, or that they are being fed by agents? For me, its unquestionably the latter, and thats fine but its also highly misleading. Don't forget that agents are extremely self-serving and they will have a lot more reasons to use these guys for their own advantages that the clubs ever would.
I find this new twitter culture quite bizarre. Everyone loves a rumour or two but its reached a ridiculous level now, where fans eat this stuff up, believe every word of it, and even form solid opinions based off of it - probably in the same way that people used to do with the newspapers 20 years ago.
Its not unhealthy until you reach the stage where fans are mocking clubs for a lack of conviction over a deal, or penny pinching, or all the other crap that gets said when really we all have absolutely no idea what's going on and we should just wait until the end of a window before we pass judgement.