In all of this you've got a 20-year old kid whose head must be frazzled that we've dicked him about and left him in a veritable no mans land.
People point out that he's not kicked up a fuss, but
@Jim Beam made the excellent point that Sancho has a whole lot to be grateful to Dortmund for. They gave him the platform via playing time to be this hot talent who is second only to Mbappe as most coveted in that age range. He likes playing for the club and has a great time out there in an attacking team with team mates he clearly has a rapport with. Sancho, by not featuring "ill" has done about as much as would be deemed fair in terms of come and get me pleas - for all he knows, we aren't even going to make good on that and have left him in the lurch.
If the information hasn't already been relayed back to him that it's over for this window, he's still sat there twiddling thumbs hoping we're going to fulfill our end of the bargain and put in the adequate bid.
The notion he doesn't care and can just get on with things as if this window never happened will be played out through his performance level over the upcoming months - if he can do that, it shows he's got a far stronger constitution as 20-year old than many others. It wouldn't be a surprise to see him tank for a bit, I think.
The amount of tapping up and behind the scenes hyperbole only for it to end with us not appearing to value him as we would have said we did, players choose other clubs when the time comes for that.