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2023-24 Performances

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The cnut that keeps on giving. Tell you what Jadon, take a pay cut and feck off there for good in the summer if you love it so much.

We need to sign less of these “smile on my face” footballers.
he’s more brazen than a returning spouse who lost loads of weight and thought she could do better. she ran off with her gym instructor, who soon traded her in for a new model, and now she’s trying to worm her way back. he’s basically carol partridge.

... Everything all right at home rimmers?
Glad to see him gone, albeit temporarily for now. I will be rooting for him to do well enough that we can sell him for a decent fee.
He is, like so many young players, fragile mentally. Hes got all the ability to succeed at United despite us not playing a style of football that necessarily suits him best. He just didn't want to put in the work and didn't like running into the consequences of his actions in the form of a manager who won't put up with it.

I desperately wanted him to do well at United. Hes a great player and great to watch at his best. Its just frankly pathetic that people can get paid £300k per week and still act like children. Even more astonishing is the people that will defend him despite his silly wages.
I am so disappointed with Sancho's career so far at united, he hasn't come anywhere close to expectations. Whatever has happened behind closed doors, it's not reflecting well on him at all. I think it's best for both if he's moved on in the summer. Hopefully can get some form going so we can get a good price.
What would Fergie have done if one of his players called him a liar to the world? The player would have had to have gone into hiding.

In fairness, I don't recall Ferguson ever saying a player is not performing in training in a post-match after a loss. Different managers will have different approaches of course, and I'm not saying Ten Hag lied, but I also don't think it was "needed". From most reports, and recollection, Ferguson was hard on players behind close doors, but extremely protective of them to the world.
In fairness, I don't recall Ferguson ever saying a player is not performing in training in a post-match after a loss. Different managers will have different approaches of course, and I'm not saying Ten Hag lied, but I also don't think it was "needed". From most reports, and recollection, Ferguson was hard on players behind close doors, but extremely protective of them to the world.

How would you have answered the question about why he wasn't selected if it was put to you?
Why are footballers so dumb? Dortmund feels like home etc.. he'll be there until June.

He's still our player, the club is paying him to play for Dortmund because he's been awful. Our and his only hope is he'll score some goals and look like an actual footballer so we can recoup some money and he can get a fresh start elsewhere.

He should be saying things like I want to get my career back on track etc instead of that rubbish.
The ones that are defending him vs ETH, do you forget that he gave Sancho like 3 months off last season to sort out his personal matters and mental health? Also there was nothing wrong with what the manager said in that press conference, no one would even remember it if Sancho didn't make a mountain out of it
His comments are those of someone with only loyalty to himself. He'll be highly motivated to demonstrate that he isn't the problem but United / Ten Hag are, but I'm going to bet that months of improper training and all those late night FIFA sessions will show their impact when he plays.
How would you have answered the question about why he wasn't selected if it was put to you?

From "had a knock" to "illness" to "we felt the selected players were the right ones for the plan we had in mind" etc - it's not as if he was short of options. Managers lie all the time. I'd even argue it's a core tool set for the role.
Ferguson didn't fell out with Ronaldo, though. ETH seems to have problems with most of the better players. He also burned bridges after his Bayern stint with that famous letter.

Guardiola let Sancho go, so probably not best suited for PL. However, i think he's still got it and will turn it on again. If he's eligble for CL i can see lots of fans eating their own words.

United could have provided a better environment for him. It's not a coincidence that most of the flair players don't work out, e.g. Di Maria, Mkhi, Sanchez and the list goes on and on again.
Looking forward to the inevitable comments when he scores a goal and people say EtH is toxic, Sancho is a good lad, big mistake etc etc.

As others have said, no one would be surprised if EtH got the sack and Sancho gets another fresh start next season. The survivor culture here is just like that.
Ferguson didn't fell out with Ronaldo, though. ETH seems to have problems with most of the better players. He also burned bridges after his Bayern stint with that famous letter.

Guardiola let Sancho go, so probably not best suited for PL. However, i think he's still got it and will turn it on again. If he's eligble for CL i can see lots of fans eating their own words.

United could have provided a better environment for him. It's not a coincidence that most of the flair players don't work out, e.g. Di Maria, Mkhi, Sanchez and the list goes on and on again.
What famous letter? I must have missed that and my google search proved fruitless.
The cnut that keeps on giving. Tell you what Jadon, take a pay cut and feck off there for good in the summer if you love it so much.

He really got a knack for diplomacy. What is this, trying to reignite the smoldering remains of the burnt bridges? :lol:
I mean what's he supposed to say? That Dortmund fifa players are a bit naff compared to the ones he got to know online? Seriously...
Ferguson didn't fell out with Ronaldo, though. ETH seems to have problems with most of the better players. He also burned bridges after his Bayern stint with that famous letter.

Guardiola let Sancho go, so probably not best suited for PL. However, i think he's still got it and will turn it on again. If he's eligble for CL i can see lots of fans eating their own words.

United could have provided a better environment for him. It's not a coincidence that most of the flair players don't work out, e.g. Di Maria, Mkhi, Sanchez and the list goes on and on again.
Seems to put the blame on Ten Hag (and United).

Ferguson fell out with lots of players. Also knew when to slightly stretch things for certain players/situations.

Got no issues with Ten Hag (or any manager) having certain expectations and this is all on Sancho for me. Glad he’s gone, hope it becomes permanent.
At least Dortmund will send someone to get him up from bed and drive him to work.
I mean what's he supposed to say? That Dortmund fifa players are a bit naff compared to the ones he got to know online? Seriously...
He could leave out all this stuff about coming home. It makes it sound like he never really arrived in Manchester. On the other hand, considering how it all went, that might even be just the truth and he again is publicly saying what he thinks without considering potential consequences.
Got no issues with Ten Hag (or any manager) having certain expectations and this is all on Sancho for me. Glad he’s gone, hope it becomes permanent.

It's 50/50 on Ten Hag and Sancho for me. It's clear Sancho is a diva, but as a Manager you have to work with them and get the best out of them. Instead he hit the nuke button because he lost patience.

Sancho going to Dortmund with a point to prove, watch him be excellent. He'll want to stick two fingers up at Ten Hag. He's that type of person.
He is full of shit is what he is.

When he sat on his ass, refusing to "apologize" and grabbing hundreds of thousands, doing nothing, he was showing middle finger to the fans, not to Ten Hag. He may not understand it, but it is still truth and I never want to see his petulant, lazy ass anywhere near United, ever.
He could leave out all this stuff about coming home. It makes it sound like he never really arrived in Manchester. On the other hand, considering how it all went, that might even be just the truth and he again is publicly saying what he thinks without considering potential consequences.
He's a footballer in a football business world. Driving down the asking price at the end of this is entirely in his interest.
We need a manager and coaching team we can trust, yes.

Someone who can coach and manage players and individuals. No player is unmanageble.
To me it doesn't look like we are managing the players we have very well. We are among the biggest clubs in the world, with an enormous apparatus around the players, and their only job is to get the most out of a pool of 30 players. Dealing with someone who's unmotivated and comes in late for training should be easy to handle. It's the managements job to coach and if needed guide this player into better habits, making sure he understands what is expected of him in a way that makes sure we get the best out of him. What works for one player doesn't work for every player. Players that have shown WC-talent and performed well at other clubs, that fail here, is on us. Getting the best out of every asset we have is the managements responsibility. If the player just doesn't have the potential to play on the top level, that is another thing, but Sancho has that potential.

We failed miserably with him and it's obvious ETH doesn't have the right set of keys to unlock some of our players.
Really? Why did we give up on Ravel then? There are plenty of examples of top talent who didn't have the application and willpower to make it.
He's been here 3 fecking years and you are talking about Sancho having potential to play at the top level when he has shown nothing of the sort under 3 managers here. ETH even gave him time off to get his head together and still people have a go at him for answering a question in a fecking interview.
Rule number one: Don't throw your players under the bus at press conferences. Jadon played here for 2 years. Did ETH "giving" him time off really help him? Did it (It was pretty controversal)? There are many factors playing to why he didn't hit Dortmund form here, but there's no doubt he has a massive ceiling and there's many doubts our manager/staff could have manged ehim a lot better.
We should expect that he would need some time to adapt when he came here, but we should be asking why he didn't perform at the same level here that he did in Germany. We should have done everything in our power to make him fit in and optimize the the einvironment around him to get the best out of him (As we should with every player/asset we have invested in).

It'll be very interesting to see if Dortmund manages to get him back in form, because it'll also tell us a lot about our own management/coaching staff.
I really wanted him to succeed here but he's such a petulant little prick that I wouldn't want him back even if ten Hag is sacked. Anyone calling for that has lost sight of what this club standards should be regarding player power. Hopefully he plays well and fecks off to another club for a decent fee.

Scores or assists on his debut.

Internet explodes, memes, jokes etc.

Does eff all the rest of the season.
From "had a knock" to "illness" to "we felt the selected players were the right ones for the plan we had in mind" etc - it's not as if he was short of options. Managers lie all the time. I'd even argue it's a core tool set for the role.

If he lied, Sancho would have easily done another social media post about him not being injured and then everyone would have been on ETH's back for lying. He didn't say anything wrong, Sancho's reaction is what blew out of control.
I really wanted him to succeed here but he's such a petulant little prick that I wouldn't want him back even if ten Hag is sacked. Anyone calling for that has lost sight of what this club standards should be regarding player power. Hopefully he plays well and fecks off to another club for a decent fee.

Player power will exist regardless, and it should be evident why. Players are assets. If - and it is a big if - he does outlast Ten Hag here, it will hardly be the situation to point out to for "player power"

The manager made the decision, was backed by the club and is largely backed by fans, and the player was banished. If the next guy decides to give the player a chance (provided he does well on loan), that's hardly an indictment on the club in regards to player power.
Rule number one: Don't throw your players under the bus at press conferences. Jadon played here for 2 years. Did ETH "giving" him time off really help him? Did it (It was pretty controversal)? There are many factors playing to why he didn't hit Dortmund form here, but there's no doubt he has a massive ceiling and there's many doubts our manager/staff could have manged ehim a lot better.
We should expect that he would need some time to adapt when he came here, but we should be asking why he didn't perform at the same level here that he did in Germany. We should have done everything in our power to make him fit in and optimize the the einvironment around him to get the best out of him (As we should with every player/asset we have invested in).

It'll be very interesting to see if Dortmund manages to get him back in form, because it'll also tell us a lot about our own management/coaching staff.

How on earth is that comment throwing him under the bus? The only person who threw him under the bus was himself by his reaction. If he wasn't given time off to help him, WTF was he off for? He was training in Holland and looked pleased to be back with ETH when coming on. The guy came with a huge reputation, he's had 3 years to prove himself and he has failed. Just because he starts scoring again in Dortmund won't mean nothing.
Rule number one: Don't throw your players under the bus at press conferences. Jadon played here for 2 years. Did ETH "giving" him time off really help him? Did it (It was pretty controversal)? There are many factors playing to why he didn't hit Dortmund form here, but there's no doubt he has a massive ceiling and there's many doubts our manager/staff could have manged ehim a lot better.
We should expect that he would need some time to adapt when he came here, but we should be asking why he didn't perform at the same level here that he did in Germany. We should have done everything in our power to make him fit in and optimize the the einvironment around him to get the best out of him (As we should with every player/asset we have invested in).

It'll be very interesting to see if Dortmund manages to get him back in form, because it'll also tell us a lot about our own management/coaching staff.

This is exactly the type of mentality that is hindering us from re-establishing standards at the club again. Player power has killed this club and good managers that have come before. If Sancho cannot find the motivation to show up on time for training or assert himself into the starting 11 with game changing performances its not on the manager.
Player power will exist regardless, and it should be evident why. Players are assets. If - and it is a big if - he does outlast Ten Hag here, it will hardly be the situation to point out to for "player power"

The manager made the decision, was backed by the club and is largely backed by fans, and the player was banished. If the next guy decides to give the player a chance (provided he does well on loan), that's hardly an indictment on the club in regards to player power.
Feck with this player power. Prove yourselves and then you can have that. It's not something because you have a contract worth 350k.
This is exactly the type of mentality that is hindering us from re-establishing standards at the club again. Player power has killed this club and good managers that have come before. If Sancho cannot find the motivation to show up on time for training or assert himself into the starting 11 with game changing performances its not on the manager.
Agree...if saying "didn't train well" is throwing under the bus, we'll never have any standards
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