Remains to be seen, but I doubt that as well. I think dragging down others with them is the single most damaging thing that can happen, and I refuse to believe the echo that Juventus seeks to play this card and point at others in court.
Also, from what I've heard, Fioranna Vittoria Negri is the single best thing that could have happened. She is said to be an absolute expert, ready to take all accounting matters into her hands, and again I think it's doubtful she gets asked to go down this justice route.
Lastly, I'd say the current overtones are to be heard in conjunction with the stock market value slump, to signal strength, while in the background, the new five are working their asses off. We'll see. If the stock exchange opens a case on their own, Juventus might still have to play the others too-card, but again, that can be more damaging in the long run.
Great punchline: the seven-headed dragon moves the seven seas!
