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Doesn't France hate Muslims - I should say the french governmentWell France will be a Muslim country in about 20-30 years so they are wrong there.
Doesn't France hate Muslims - I should say the french governmentWell France will be a Muslim country in about 20-30 years so they are wrong there.
So their boys were probably killed by their own people. The noose is tightening around those Neo-Nazi war criminals.
Doesn't matter French women doesn't want to have kids so the Muslims have for everybody, I saw some numbers in the tv and was a huge difference.Doesn't France hate Muslims - I should say the french government
Antarctica is free, big and has oil.Maybe the UN could find the Palestinians some nice land in Kashmir, or perhaps Poland.
But no Palestinians to killAntarctica is free, big and has oil.
I'm not missing those facts at all.
The fact that the Jews were fleeing from persecution was likely no small consolation to a local population who could see exactly where the mass immigration was going, especially after the cynical British attempts to get them to rise up in WW1 with promises of Arab self-independence, promises which were clearly not only broken but actively mocked by the British, who also offered the land to the Jews (and who would later disarm the Arabs in the region while keeping the Zionist militias fully armed). Especially as it was not them persecuting the Jews.
You don't get it do you? A population who is already living on the land is of course not going to accept a 'lion share' of the land when they currently occupy the entirety of the land, just as the Brits or the Americans or the Russians would not accept it if you told them part of the land they call their own would be split off to give to another people, currently not even there. It wasn't like they were being told to split the land with a people they'd been living alongside for hundreds of years in equal numbers. They were being asked to split the land with people they saw as no different to the French or British who just decades earlier (or indeed the Turks centuries earlier) had come and conquered their land. Look at the reaction of just a few immigrants in most of Europe for gods sake.
Again, I'm not sure who has argued that they weren't? After the Romans drove every single one of them out of the area, they've rarely been a majority until perhaps the 1950s or 60s?
Just read Fearless' made up comment on the page after I last posted.. Hilarious. He does have a record of doing this, especially with his favourite of the 'leader of the Palestinians in Jordan', a man neither I nor anyone else I know has ever heard of. Excellent leader.
It was a 16 month ceasefeire by Hamas, not any other faction in Gaza. Israel couldn't control rocket fire when it occupied the territories, it can't now when it's at total war, expecting Hamas to do the same is just Israel seeking any excuse to not negotiate.
By the way whats Israels excuse for not negotiating when there were only 41 rockets fired in the whole of 2013?
Haven't I what? Have I had amnesia at some point and called for the elimination of Israel and the Jews? Am I apparently one of the billions of non-Jews on the planet who holds a fundamental, visceral hatred for all things Jewish?
Historic justice....at the expense of the Justice of another people? The Palestinians or whatever you may wish to call them were neither the people that expelled the Jews from the land almost 2,000 years ago, nor were they the people that kept them out, nor were they the people that launched pogrom after pogrom against them in Europe, nor were they the ones that put the Jews in the Pale, nor were they the ones that enacted the horrific policies of the Nazis in WW2. Yet they are now the ones suffering for the return of an expelled people to 'its homeland'.
One side of them lives under occupation, the other under constant siege by both Israel and a despicable Egyptian government.
Some justice.
So their boys were probably killed by their own people. The noose is tightening around those Neo-Nazi war criminals.
I do hope that was badly misused sarcasm. The fundamental right is that of the Palestinians to return to their homeland and not live in refugee camps. Where they can live with full equality before the law. The Jews obviously have a right to live there also but not at the expense of the Palestinians. There is more than enough space for both communities to live side by side.
In days gone by Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side in harmony... That is what the two communities should be aiming for.
This is how you win friends. Can't wait for the scouse ambassador to be called back...
This was low. No need to bring up the 7:1.
Really? When was that?
You'll find a majority of Israelis want to leave side by side with the Arabs peacefully, but not at the expense of Jews' right for self determination. It's that simple. I said here ages ago that if the Palestinians wanted to expose Israel's evil face as it is portrayed here all they should have done was agreeing to a demilitarized Palestine next to a Jewish Israel along the 1967 lines (with land swaps). The rest could have been solved in 15 (diplomatic) minutes.
, Freudian slip.
Makes you wonder whether Israel is focusing its dimplomatic efforts in SA on Argentina.
You're straying into theological/metaphysical definitions of occupying, which have no place here.Are you saying that the 200.000+ Arabs at the end of 19th/b. of 20th century occupied every single inch, every rock, hill, valley, desert, literally everything on the entire territory?
You're straying into theological/metaphysical definitions of occupying, which have no place here.
Nice to see Israel's own Baghdad Bob squirming a bit....
That man makes me angry.
You're getting increasingly wilfully obtuse. What he clearly meant was that the demographics of the region indicated a clear Palestinian majority for self-determination.what?!
Africanspur spoke about a population that "currently occupy the entirety of the land". So I asked him in response if he believes that the Arabs really occupied (or inhabited, whatever) the entire land. What did you not understand?
It was the rogue IAF that bombed Gaza. Israel has never fired a bullet.
Africanspur spoke about a population that "currently occupy the entirety of the land". So I asked him in response if he believes that the Arabs really occupied (or inhabited, whatever) the entire land. What did you not understand?
Sums it up pretty well.I think I will come and occupy your living room whilst you're in the Kitchen
By the way I'll be locking you in your Kitchen
Does anyone think any changes will come out of this latest flare up ? It seems like Hamas' strategy will not only end with nearly 1000 Palestinian deaths, but also no change in policy regarding the blockade. If the status quo remains which it appears it will, then what is the point of this all ?
One could also argue that a complete cessation of rockets would also not change the status quo.
So if neither a cessation of rockets nor a continuation of rockets will change the status quo, then what is the point of it all if it only results in the killing of mostly innocent Palestinians.
What would you suggest as a solution since your country holds the key to this, and yet it chooses reinforce the status quo.
Islamic Jihad are not Hamas, the IAF is controled by Israels government
We don't do ceasfires with gangs. Either there is quiet on both sides or not.
Does anyone think any changes will come out of this latest flare up ? It seems like Hamas' strategy will not only end with nearly 1000 Palestinian deaths, but also no change in policy regarding the blockade. If the status quo remains which it appears it will, then what is the point of this all ?
Does anyone think any changes will come out of this latest flare up ? It seems like Hamas' strategy will not only end with nearly 1000 Palestinian deaths, but also no change in policy regarding the blockade. If the status quo remains which it appears it will, then what is the point of this all ?
but you do negotiate and swap prisoners![]()
Hamas will get economic incentive which will improve its position after he was on the verge of losing grip. This doesn't bode.want all for the Palestinians themselves more than anyone else.
Israel gain was the discovery of the extent of Hamas' tunnels, and the lucky escape from a possible scenario of Hamas using them to take control over entire Israeli towns. At least 20-30 tunnels.were discovered, each leading to an Israeli settlement across the border.
Still, I very much doubt we're on the verge of a long ceasefire so the end result of this round will still depend on what comes next.
This whole situation makes a lot of people unsympathetic towards either side.
You start to feel bad for the Palestinians in the Gaza strip and you feel like siding towards them. But then suddenly rather than like most countries with an oppressive, zealous and aggressive regime whereby a regime change is demanded, for Israel the argument is "Nah, that country shouldn't even exist". Any feelings of siding with the Palestinian cause is kind of lost because of all the other overly passionate aggressive supporters of Palestine demanding punishments for Israel that far exceed any other country if in a similar situation simply because it's Israel. And if you believe otherwise apparently you're a Zionist. It's not as if Israel is the first country formed by artificial mass migration. I mean, do people feel sorry for native Americans/Canadians are then demand that America/canada shouldn't exist as a country? Do people constantly bash the Oceanic Governments for reducing the Maori population to practically zero?
If you feel that strongly with regards to Palestine then why not all the 50-100 other countries/races which are put in a similar position?