was this truly ever in doubt? Despite the attempts of the govt and the russians to say otherwise?UN report concludes that the regime was responsible for the Khan Sheikhoun chemical attack - https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G17/234/18/PDF/G1723418.pdf?OpenElement
Something on tonight about undercover reporters being groomed by them. I find it amazing there are still manuals online for them to use. I know they can't always get everything, but come on? More and more, I don't believe that the government a) wants a real route out of this, and b) actually wants the safety of our people. With resources there are very real options for alleviating the problem...but they do very little.
was this truly ever in doubt? Despite the attempts of the govt and the russians to say otherwise?
I mean I guess if a day ever comes when he isnt in power and is brought to justice - these reports will provide proof/evidence of his crimes against humanityWell it's a good thing the investigation was carried out as there are plenty of non-regime bad guys operating in Idlib these days. It won't change the minds of the many, many people out there who seem to lap up everything the Russians and Assad say as gospel.
As someone works in cyber security, pretty much regardless of what you do, people with determination will find ways to share such materials. For a start a lot of it is hosted on servers in other parts of the world where the UK/US has no jurisdiction, they could get ISP's to block the IP's/Domains but that's a process that takes time and resources, and for people on the other end the easy get around is simply to host it on another server and domain like what happens with torrent sites that are 'blocked.' It's also actually kind of nice for the security services to know where this kind of thing is mainly hosted rather than it being distributed via encrypted services like Telegram. If someone is downloading terrorist/bomb making manuals from a website you can bet your ass GCHQ know exactly who has done it.
Was. Still is.was this truly ever in doubt? Despite the attempts of the govt and the russians to say otherwise?
was this truly ever in doubt? Despite the attempts of the govt and the russians to say otherwise?
One side of the story is from the Al Nusra controlled site and the other is from those that initiated the attack. Each side describes the opposing view as propaganda. Evidence is compromised. Personally, I believe it was a conventional weapon attack. You believe what you want.Everyone outside the Putin/Assad propaganda orbit has known this from day one.
One side of the story is from the Al Nusra controlled site and the other is from those that initiated the attack. Each side describes the opposing view as propaganda. Evidence is compromised. Personally, I believe it was a conventional weapon attack. You believe what you want.
You know the UN is fubar though, right?Ok then you continue believing Russian/Assad propaganda and the rest of us will go with what the UN said.
You know the UN is fubar though, right?
This is what they always do.If that's your way of attempting to discredit their report because you don't like the results then go right ahead.
It's true. I am more prepared to accept the version put forward by the Syrian and Russian authorities, together with reasoned analysis by experts that are deliberately ignored by media controlled by vested interests, than the side who base their version of events on the testimony and dodgy evidence provided by a bunch of head hoppers supported by those self same vested interests.This is what they always do.
Funny thing is Assad supporters were using the UN to back their arguments a while back, now they are FUBAR.
It's true. I am more prepared to accept the version put forward by the Syrian and Russian authorities, together with reasoned analysis by experts that are deliberately ignored by media controlled by vested interests, than the side who base their version of events on the testimony and dodgy evidence provided by a bunch of head hoppers supported by those self same vested interests.
No. He's not. Assad lays on buses. Al Nusra chops heads.And Assad & the Russians don't have vested interests?
And trust me Assad is no better than the head choppers.
Do you know why the civil war started? Please do some research.No. He's not. Assad lays on buses. Al Nusra chops heads.
You presume too much. For example, you ask if I know how the civil war started. I don't believe it is or was a civil war. I believe the conflict arose out of a deliberate plan to destabilise the Assad regime by external agents. You might want to look back at some of my earlier posts in this thread before presuming that I'm ignorant on the subject.Do you know why the civil war started? Please do some research.
Some very recent examples, these are just the tip of the iceberg.
You presume too much. For example, you ask if I know how the civil war started. I don't believe it is or was a civil war. I believe the conflict arose out of a deliberate plan to destabilise the Assad regime by external agents. You might want to look back at some of my earlier posts in this thread before presuming that I'm ignorant on the subject.
I haven't presumed anything. I just asked you a few questions. Also not surprised how you avoided the other part of the my post regarding Assad's brutality.
You're one of the conspiracists, that's fine you can hold that position.
I'm leaving it at that really. Frankly it's disrespectful to all the Syrians who died protesting just for better governance.You're arguing with a fake news, conspiracy buff. Best of luck.![]()
You're being very disrespectful to me and all, tbh. I honestly believe I know a lot about this subject. I also believe the BBC's reporting on it has been woeful. I've read as much as I can from their website though, along with a lot of other sources you would probably consign to the "conspiracy theorist" bin. The fact is, by widening my view of sources, I have a much more balanced view than those that would consider the BBC as an authoritative source.I'm leaving it at that really. Frankly it's disrespectful to all the Syrians who died protesting just for better governance.
Mutual respect mateYou're arguing with a fake news, conspiracy buff. Best of luck.![]()
Ok then you continue believing Russian/Assad propaganda and the rest of us will go with what the UN said.
I'm leaving it at that really. Frankly it's disrespectful to all the Syrians who died protesting just for better governance.
There were what 23 million Syrians now down to about 18 to 19 million. So even if he had 100% support Assad probably falls short of Trumps numbers....sadly.Interesting, I'm good friends with 3 naturalized American citizens originally from Syria. Came over as babies. They all still have large, extended families living in Syria. All of them, 100% support Assad. Their families support Assad. Now, that isn't representative of the entire country, obviously, but it is interesting that it does seem like the majority in Syria actually do support him. I'd bet more Syrians support Assad, than Americans support Trump![]()
Don't you think he meant proportionally?There were what 23 million Syrians now down to about 18 to 19 million. So even if he had 100% support Assad probably falls short of Trumps numbers....sadly.