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That's basically what the article says -

That's basically what the article says -
Team Assad?@Kaos @Danny1982 @TeamAssad, what does a regime victory look like? What's Assad's endgame here, and how does he achieve it?
@Kaos @Danny1982 @TeamAssad, what does a regime victory look like? What's Assad's endgame here, and how does he achieve it?
Yes, because you were doing a bang up job before the US started assisting.
What do you expect him to say? "Yeah our military's a bit shit and we've relied entirely on our militias, so I'm going to go ahead and welcome the support of Iraq's grim reaper the United States because we all love them"
Well, given he said that Iraq was not getting enough support from the US in October, I'd expect some statement acknowledging that this shows an increased level of support from the US. Abadi can recognize the limitations of his forces without denigrating them.
Certain targets can't be dealt with using only air support and semi-competent ground forces. If there was a good chance to capture or kill Al-Baghdadi, it would probably be done with allied special forces. In Syria this May, special operations forces killed a high ranking financial officer in ISIS who was responsible for their oil operations. It also allowed them to gather intelligence from the site rather than destroying it. They also worked with Kurdish forces to rescue 70 hostages from an ISIS prison in October. The SAS have no doubt been involved in certain operations as well as has been reported.
Iraqis see the US as the harbinger of death and destruction. He's not going to come out singing their praises.
The Kurds don't have much of a problem with the US. Unfortunately, the rest of Iraq is far less reasonable than the Kurds. Large majorities of Sunnis and majorities of Shias supported insurgent attacks on US/Coalition forces despite the fact that the insurgents were better at and more interested in killing civilians than they were coalition forces.
Depends which insurgents you're talking about. The Mahdi army were pretty popular and tended to focus more on US troops, ditto for some other Sunni resistance groups. The Al Qaeda affiliated ones were hated by the majority of Iraqis.
And no its not unreasonable considering half a million kids starved to death because of sanctions, and the entire country decimated because of a war fought on bogus pretenses. So they have every right to be distrusting and resentful towards the US, which is largely responsible for all this mess.
The Kurds were lucky enough to not be affected by the US's illegal war because their regions remained unaffected. And I say that as a Kurd.
Weren't the chemical weapons Saddam used on the Kurds produced using US /French supplies as the starting material?
The Iraqi forces are doing fine right now, even the army forces are making a lot of progress, and they're close to re-capturing Ramadi. ISIS or Daesh (I agree we should use the name Daesh by the way), haven't made any progress for a long long time in Iraq, and they have been on the receiving end of many resounding defeats lately.Well, given he said that Iraq was not getting enough support from the US in October, I'd expect some statement acknowledging that this shows an increased level of support from the US. Abadi can recognize the limitations of his forces without denigrating them.
You mean info like this:Certain targets can't be dealt with using only air support and semi-competent ground forces. If there was a good chance to capture or kill Al-Baghdadi, it would probably be done with allied special forces. In Syria this May, special operations forces killed a high ranking financial officer in ISIS who was responsible for their oil operations. It also allowed them to gather intelligence from the site rather than destroying it. They also worked with Kurdish forces to rescue 70 hostages from an ISIS prison in October. The SAS have no doubt been involved in certain operations as well as has been reported.
Which now they're trying to deny?Senior Western official: Links between Turkey and ISIS are now 'undeniable'
A US-led raid on the compound housing the Islamic State's "chief financial officer" produced evidence that Turkish officials directly dealt with ranking ISIS members, Martin Chulov of the Guardian reported recently.
The officer killed in the raid, Islamic State official Abu Sayyaf, was responsible for directing the terror army's oil and gas operations in Syria. The Islamic State (aka ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh) earns up to $10 million a month selling oil on black markets.
Documents and flash drives seized during the Sayyaf raid reportedly revealed links "so clear" and "undeniable" between Turkey and ISIS "that they could end up having profound policy implications for the relationship between us and Ankara," senior Western official familiar with the captured intelligence told the Guardian.
Toner: Russia's wrong about Erdogan dealing ISIL oil.
Toner: It’s not ISIL truckers taking oil to Turkey.
The Shia in Iraq can't be friends with the US because of its alliance with Saudi Arabia, which forces it to be against the Shia. They also don't trust the US after what happened in 1991 (unlike the Kurds, obviously). However in 2003 the Shia in Iraq weren't hostile to the US, and the south was very quiet. It was when the US stayed (much longer than than first advertised) and started to apply pressure on the government forcing it to take unpopular decisions, that many Shia started to have problems with the US, and Iran capitalised on that.The Kurds don't have much of a problem with the US. Unfortunately, the rest of Iraq is far less reasonable than the Kurds. Large majorities of Sunnis and majorities of Shias supported insurgent attacks on US/Coalition forces despite the fact that the insurgents were better at and more interested in killing civilians than they were coalition forces.
Surprised it hasn't been discussed here, but I'm sick knowing the UK is involved in bombing Syria. It comes to a point where you just can't feel exasperation.
The logic is so nonsensical. Let's bomb the shit out of a country and then limit the amount of refugees spilling out from this mess. On top of that, what of the thousand upon thousands innocent men women and children that either can't afford to get away or physically can't. It's fecking ridiculous. David Cameron is a fecking mug. Calling anyone against intervention a 'terrorist sympathiser'. What a stupid thing to say. How did we end up with someone like that leading the nation.
When you have monsters like Bashar getting away with murder, rape, and torture on a daily basis and receiving international protection, and then the wider powers decide to bomb the IS who are holed up in the sparse countryside, and are already retracting due to Kurdish, rebel and Iraq pressure, and becoming more desperate. It just doesn't stack up.
We may aswell get Chilcott to start the enquiry into this. This will only end up with one result, and we'll be here in 10 years time discussing whether it's right to 'go into' Egypt. fecking idiots.
And then when Daesh got closer to Baghdad in 2014 and the US refused to help (forcing the Iraqis to lean heavily on Iran) the US pretty much lost the Shia in Iraq completely (as things stands right now), and now it's very difficult for them to trust the US again. One of the most foolish decisions by Obama was refusing to help the Iraqi government when Daesh got close to Baghdad. It was a big blunder that threw Iraq right into Iran's arms imo.
How has his policy been responsible for this?How to lose friends and alienate people. Obama's Middle East policy has not been a great success. He found it a City of Marble (or at least standing) and is leaving it a City of Brick (or in ruins).
The odd thing is that his ideas are perfectly logical. With looming American oil self-sufficiency, there's no earthly reason why the US should be fighting wars in the Middle East any more - they no longer have any vital strategic interests in the area. The Europeans should be much more concerned - a high proportion of their energy comes from the region. Yet Obama couldn't avoid getting sucked in, and then conducted the intervention in a half-hearted way calculated to piss everyone off.
How to lose friends and alienate people. Obama's Middle East policy has not been a great success. He found it a City of Marble (or at least standing) and is leaving it a City of Brick (or in ruins).
The odd thing is that his ideas are perfectly logical. With looming American oil self-sufficiency, there's no earthly reason why the US should be fighting wars in the Middle East any more - they no longer have any vital strategic interests in the area. The Europeans should be much more concerned - a high proportion of their energy comes from the region. Yet Obama couldn't avoid getting sucked in, and then conducted the intervention in a half-hearted way calculated to piss everyone off.
I almost feel resigned to this.This will only end up with one result, and we'll be here in 10 years time discussing whether it's right to 'go into' Egypt.
right wing loons wont be happy until the US is invading one country or another.
Well we are not going in under Obama or Hillary.
It's perfectly feasible that you'll do so under Hillary.
30 minute interview of Assad by Czech Media -
He is as expected, pretty articulate and well spoken (when compared to the retards that rule most of the ME)....and if you ignore his old man was a murdering scumbag and when challenged he more or less did the same - he comes across pretty well and makes decent points. Of course, I am not a Syrian who ran away from Assad's barrel bombs, or a Syrian who was hit with chemical weapons....
Half of what he says is true and the other half delusional lies...lies that every dictator spouts.
I find the Syrian mess quite funny and kind of draw some parallels with Egypt. In a Syria minus Assad and ISIS - you just know, Islamists will win the elections. Syrian population are without doubt more secular and educated than the average Arab middle eastern population...but the moderate and secular parties will get into petty infighting and the Islamists will end up having the end grassroots organization.
I can then imagine them winning like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and ruling in a similar manner....resulting in mass dissatisfaction (though tbf, the MB were never going to be allowed to rule in Egypt - the army and others were plotting and looking for excuses from day 1....funny thing about moderates in the middle east...when they don't win, they aren't so keen on the democratic process!). So this mass dissatisfaction will lead to what?
The Army taking over? A compliant stooge - ala Sisi in Egypt?
Under what circumstances do the Syrian people actually win? Rather than the US-Saudi v Russian-Iranian alliances?
We must also not ignore why some of these nations are willing to spend so much money and man power in Syria - of course it's about regional influence, but also this....
she will not invade. She wants to be a two term President. Even Cruz Munster does not want US troops overseas. The country is sick of war.
Yes. we need to handle terrorism but not get tied up in a long term occupation.
I am also not a huge fan of just random bombings in that area. Obama is being very deliberate...even in this San Bernadino issue...not wanting to get ahead of the FBI investigations.
We need calmness with all the craziness happening.
I think you're being a bit generous towards her. She probably won't invade any country, but it won't stop her from meddling to indulge the military industrial complex. She's a lot more of a neocon hawk than Obama is. For all his faults, he's probably been your best president in a while, Hilary will be a considerable regression.
Hillary is more hawkish than Obama. Not saying she'll go for a full-blown invasion, but I could see the role of the special forces amped up (which is actually already starting) a la the early stages of the Afghanistan war.
The country is moving left. She will moderate too. I just hope the Progressives keep her giving too much away to her buddies in Wall Street.
I think she will be a very good President.
History will see Obama as the best President since JFK. Personally I think he is the best since Jimmy Carter.
Then sadly I think you'll be disappointed. She'll just be another establishment shill.
Your only real progressive option is Bernie Sanders.
Regardless of your opinion of him, he's spot on for the most part. Not much in that interview you can rebuke.
'I am still in power because the Syrian people are with me'...Let's be honest when this shit started in Syria, this wasn't about ISIS - this was about him. One cannot ignore he followed the same path of every other dictator when faced with dissent - a violent crackdown.
You see how he speaks of reforms - I bet if he has spoken of these reforms as soon as the protests started years ago...things would look different today. He of course promised reforms when he realized things were getting out of hand...but by then the damage had already been done.
Obviously there's a lot of back peddling and revisionism there to dignify his current position, but he was spot on regarding the fact the West's current stance in all this is a mess. Syria always has been a secular country and should continue to be so, regardless of what Qatari based opposition groups preach.
So in Iraq, it's Maliki's fault (who had more problems with the Shia than the Sunnis by the way).He's basically done everything right in terms of his policy by getting the US out of Iraq and Afghanistan and muting involvement in Libya (allowing the Europeans to take the lead).
Also, this is a good piece from Fawaz Gerges of LSE about how Nouri al-Maliki's sectarian polices allowed ISIS to proliferate in the post US vaccum. Gerges correctly calls this out here