Irish Politics

I’ve already been told, multiple times, that we have a right wing government. So thanks for doing that again. Although I guess conceding that they’re not actually right wing “in the modern sense” (whatever that means) is at least a slight change in tack.

I was hoping for some evidence of them being right wing though. Because, as I said, all available evidence - in terms of actual government policy - seems to point in the opposite direction. We’re a country of open borders, big government, extremely progressive taxation, free healthcare and education, a liberal approach to LGBTQ issues and a comprehensive social safety net. Are you aware of any specific policies that you think are right or centre? There must be a few, right?

I’m not really seeing the cognitive dissonance in the screenshot either. It’s just more evidence of high earners paying a much bigger chunk of the overall income tax take. There’s a separate issue about the morals of some sectors offering enormous wages compared to others (and the consequences of this in terms of housing etc) but that’s got nothing to do with income tax.

It's not a change of tack. It's pretty much what I said the last time. They've always been described as centre right but it depends where you think the centre is.

Historically, their policies were always to the right of Labour and Sinn Fein so they were to the right of the Irish political landscape.

I don't think anyone's claiming they're outright right wing or right wing in the sense that you see in other countries across europe. However, neo-liberal economic policy is certainly not a left wing ideal as I think was pointed out by Moses previously.
It's not a change of tack. It's pretty much what I said the last time. They've always been described as centre right but it depends where you think the centre is.

Historically, their policies were always to the right of Labour and Sinn Fein so they were to the right of the Irish political landscape.

I don't think anyone's claiming they're outright right wing or right wing in the sense that you see in other countries across europe. However, neo-liberal economic policy is certainly not a left wing ideal as I think was pointed out by Moses previously.

Ok, fair enough. It obviously wasn’t you I was discussing this with before. Because I had someone insistently telling me we definitely had a right wing government without ever providing any reasons. So this tax analysis made their claims seem even more far-fetched.

Moses is a Trot. I’m basically a fascist as far as he’s concerned, because I vote for the Green Party.
A €335,000 bike shelter in Leinster House.



A lot of fat, fat envelopes for that. Shower of cnuts.
€322,282 lump sum for "construction and installation" with no breakdown.

That seems fine.
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You get what you for. And we, as taxpayers, are getting ridden.
We got a bike shed installed in the kids school; bigger than that and it cost nowhere near 335k. Disgusting; that would build some much needed houses