Irish Politics and stuff.

It’s just an annoying bolt on tax. If we want our progressive taxation to be more progressive then change the bands on PAYE (or capital gains, or whatever) Creating a whole new type of tax out of thin air is a pain in the hole. The USC was supposed to be a short term measure and is lingering around like fart in a lift.
No government will ever get rid though, it would create a massive black hole in finances, it generates billions. So they might, as you say, shuffle the naming around so it's no longer called USC but that's about it.

Anyway, feck FFG, shower a cnuts, voting Shinners, even though they probably won't be any better.
No government will ever get rid though, it would create a massive black hole in finances, it generates billions. So they might, as you say, shuffle the naming around so it's no longer called USC but that's about it.

Anyway, feck FFG, shower a cnuts, voting Shinners, even though they probably won't be any better.
On the off chance you’re paying by the word, I think you can safely bin that one.
If, at the very least, it woke FFG up a bit, then fine. As it stands it seems we are polling towards another FFG gubberment, though.
Aye. Beyond grim. I’ve been voting Green for years now, purely based on my growing existential panic about my kids’ future. Tb be fair to FF, though, they’ve given it their best shot to blow up the country well before global warming does.
Aye. Beyond grim. I’ve been voting Green for years now, purely based on my growing existential panic about my kids’ future. Tb be fair to FF, though, they’ve given it their best shot to blow up the country well before global warming does.
I think the Greens get a bit of a bad rep, yeah the carbon tax is a bit of a ballache but they're the only ones in power who've actually pushed through new infrastructure projects. Eamonn Ryan (the ride) has done some good stuff. The local bus routes around Sligo are leagues and leagues ahead of what they are ten years ago (which is to say there's like.. three now instead of none, but still!)
Aye. Beyond grim. I’ve been voting Green for years now, purely based on my growing existential panic about my kids’ future. Tb be fair to FF, though, they’ve given it their best shot to blow up the country well before global warming does.

Same. Even though my local Greens councillor boils my piss. Don’t want to vote for FF/FG and am absolutely certain that a Sinn Fein government will be a train wreck.
Have to laugh at this so called 'Mansion tax' added into stamp duty, 1.5m barely gets you a 4 bed semi-d with a garden in half of Dublin :lol:
The officials told POLITICO the lawmaker had been recruited in 2019 as Russia sought to inflame Brexit-related tensions between Ireland and the U.K., particularly in the U.K. region of Northern Ireland.

Sinn Fein having a well timed implosion with a general election around the corner.

Great job Mary Lou.
Well, those nonces weren't going to write their own references, were they?
Look, we all know the first rule of Sinn Fein club, you do not criticise the leadership.

The "leadership" might not be people who've literally disappeared people anymore, but the same rules should still apply.
Look, we all know the first rule of Sinn Fein club, you do not criticise the leadership.

The "leadership" might not be people who've literally disappeared people anymore, but the same rules should still apply.
Ah, sure you can make anyone look foolish by listing out their own thoughts and actions.
Sinn Fein in meltdown, may change their political stance to a less noncentral position.
I'm surprised I don't seem to hate FF more, yes.

But there were a few topics I hadn't considered before that I feel now I need to learn more about.

Mission accomplished I guess?

Yeah, I think it’s a useful process. We’re all guilty of deciding which parties we like/hate without fully understanding their policies. So if this makes us dig a bit deeper that’s great.

Can anyone convince me why making every voter answer these questions (or similar) at the polling booth before being allowed to vote wouldn’t be a good idea?
I like these sort of things. Helps you vote based on actual policies, instead of vibes. Part of me thinks everyone who votes should complete this process at the polling booth.
I got soc dems and then labour. Green were surprisingly low for me.

Shinners were down the bottom

EDIT: When I dig into it though, greens agree with me on my more important things and disagree on less important ones. Soc dems agree on a lot of my important ones. I'll probably go green.
I like these sort of things. Helps you vote based on actual policies, instead of vibes. Part of me thinks everyone who votes should complete this process at the polling booth.

PBP, Social Dems, Sinn Fein, Aontu.

In the list thingy. Meaning Sinn Fein for voting reasons because SDems are not getting into government. Basically where I was before. FF/FG way down on my list. I'm doing same as five years ago. Voting left across the entire ballot so PBP etc will get vote from me somewhere.
Can anyone convince me why making every voter answer these questions (or similar) at the polling booth before being allowed to vote wouldn’t be a good idea?

I can already hear the complaints about parties' policies being misrepresented, bias in the questions asked, independent candidates being disadvantaged, the potential for questions to be interpreted in different ways, the potential for it to encourage more populist party manifestos, etc.

Plus a more complicated voting process likely increases the potential for lunatics to accuse elections of being rigged/influenced by certain parties. All it takes is one innocent mistake in the questionaire that favours a government party and you will inevitably get some conspiracy nonsense spouted. And in the context of what we've seen in countries like the US in recent times, best not to encourage that sort of fringe idiocy.
It's kinda shite that there are no good options who can realistically get into power.

I'll probably go Greens but they aren't gonna get many votes this time around.
I can already hear the complaints about parties' policies being misrepresented, bias in the questions asked, independent candidates being disadvantaged, the potential for questions to be interpreted in different ways, the potential for it to encourage more populist party manifestos, etc.

Plus a more complicated voting process likely increases the potential for lunatics to accuse elections of being rigged/influenced by certain parties. All it takes is one innocent mistake in the questionaire that favours a government party and you will inevitably get some conspiracy nonsense spouted. And in the context of what we've seen in countries like the US in recent times, best not to encourage that sort of fringe idiocy.

All very true.
Yeah, I think it’s a useful process. We’re all guilty of deciding which parties we like/hate without fully understanding their policies. So if this makes us dig a bit deeper that’s great.

Can anyone convince me why making every voter answer these questions (or similar) at the polling booth before being allowed to vote wouldn’t be a good idea?
Oh, it won't make me hate FF any less :lol:
I think they should have been shamed out of existence in 2008.
It makes me sick that they are still around.

What it might make me do though is learn which positions I apparently agree with them on in a quick two-minute survey and see what I need to be more informed about.
These things always give me the Social Democrats which I've been voting for anyway.

Happily enough, the best local TD is SD anyway. I'd generally vote for whoever was doing the best work for the constituency to be honest.

This one is good and bit more detailed/nuanced:
Got the Greens on that one.

I'm so happy to see FFG so low on both my lists.