Irish Politics and stuff.

I think if we'd had a history of making statements of military intent against Russia or Germany pre WW2 things could've gone very very bad for us and destroyed the nascent independent state, and it isn't a certainty that this current invasion doesn't spiral into something far worse across the continent

That's my concern for these kinds of statements, coupled with the fact that they're already being armed by the USA far better and far faster than we could ever remotely match so it isn't like they'd be some consequential factor in the war if we sent a few javelins

We were gone if the Nazis won the war despite the bizarre vibes from FF at the time. Also the Soviets were more interested in managing their own sprawl than us. You're overthinking the volume of our voice.
I think if we'd had a history of making statements of military intent against Russia or Germany pre WW2 things could've gone very very bad for us and destroyed the nascent independent state, and it isn't a certainty that this current invasion doesn't spiral into something far worse across the continent

That's my concern for these kinds of statements, coupled with the fact that they're already being armed by the USA far better and far faster than we could ever remotely match so it isn't like they'd be some consequential factor in the war if we sent a few javelins

Sorry where did we make statements of military intent?

Also if it's a drop in the ocean, as you are suggesting, then why is it such a big problem for you?

I'll be honest, I have no idea when the last vote for MEPs was. I don't know how often they take place or generally how the process works.

But it seems like something that we as a country need to give much more attention to.

Oh, and these need dealing with at the next election too:


I'll be honest, I have no idea when the last vote for MEPs was. I don't know how often they take place or generally how the process works.

But it seems like something that we as a country need to give much more attention to.

Oh, and these need dealing with at the next election too:

I think we are sending old MM out there on a retirement plan when he step down for FG.
Oh, and these need dealing with at the next election too:

Really? With all the corruption, the homeless problem, the planning and housing scandals, growing wealth inequality and drive to join nato and the paddywhackery in general ; this is what you feel the next election should rectify?
Really? With all the corruption, the homeless problem, the planning and housing scandals, growing wealth inequality and drive to join nato and the paddywhackery in general ; this is what you feel the next election should rectify?
Woah man, when did I imply that they were the only issues that need rectifying in the next election?

Listing out a vast number of issues and acting like I was willingly ignoring them because I was making a post about something else? What a nothing post. Get a life.
Woah man, when did I imply that they were the only issues that need rectifying in the next election?

Listing out a vast number of issues and acting like I was willingly ignoring them because I was making a post about something else? What a nothing post. Get a life.

All those issues, if they concern you, are not listed whimsically, they are at the top of the agenda for those you have an issue with for not joining the cheerleading. That's why I listed them. They are part of the manifesto of who you want dealt with. How many votes do you have, and how many options do we have as a, nation?

It just seemed a bizarre issue to suddenly decide the only really left wing party in our parliament needed its tiny voice lessened..

They have four seats, and are anti war, anti sanctions that that hit the people instead of targeting the revenue that funds the war, and have been vocally anti Putin long before or was fashionable and were ignored on the topic of Russian money by the clapping lemmings and are concerned about the silencing of minority parties in the Ukrainian Parliament and that's crossing the line for you? It's all very George Bush of you, if you're not with us etc.

I think we should do more for Ukraine and all the other victims of war, but people can clap or not clap for who they like.

Get a life, for not agreeing with you?

Edit : to answer your post above, the last round of Euro elections took place with the local elections in 2019. The next ones are in 2024.
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All those issues, if they concern you, are not listed whimsically, they are at the top of the agenda for those you have an issue with for not joining the cheerleading. That's why I listed them. They are part of the manifesto of who you want dealt with. How many votes do you have, and how many options do we have as a, nation?

It just seemed a bizarre issue to suddenly decide the only really left wing party in our parliament needed its tiny voice lessened..

They have four seats, and are anti war, anti sanctions that that hit the people instead of targeting the revenue that funds the war, and have been vocally anti Putin long before or was fashionable and were ignored on the topic of Russian money by the clapping lemmings and are concerned about the silencing of minority parties in the Ukrainian Parliament and that's crossing the line for you? It's all very George Bush of you, if you're not with us etc.

I think we should do more for Ukraine and all the other victims of war, but people can clap or not clap for who they like.

Get a life, for not agreeing with you?

Edit : to answer your post above, the last round of Euro elections took place with the local elections in 2019. The next ones are in 2024.
Yeah that's my bad. I was very unnecessarily snappy. Apologies.

I also misunderstood your post - I thought you were listing out issues the country is facing at random / in general, failing to notice you were listing out the key issues that PBP hone in on in their manifesto. Again, my bad.

I still think their refusal to show a basic level of respect to Zelenskyy is deplorable and their reasoning behind it is completely flawed but we can agree to disagree on that.
FFG lost the majority in the Dail tonight with McHugh resigning the whip.

Could have two government collapses next week
FFG lost the majority in the Dail tonight with McHugh resigning the whip.

Could have two government collapses next week

Nah, he'll keep voting with them on most issues regardless as will others. It leaves them more vulnerable to any future breaking points that arise but for now they're fine.
Nah, he'll keep voting with them on most issues regardless as will others. It leaves them more vulnerable to any future breaking points that arise but for now they're fine.
I wouldn’t be sure about that. There’s genuine hatred up here about the MICA crisis and how the government are handling it. A Donegal man being a FFG stooge won’t go down well after this. McHugh isn’t standing again after this stint anyway so he might want to get friendly with the neighbours!
Anyone who wants to be a career politician is basically guaranteed to be some manner of gobshite but our recent shower of independent TDs are scraping the very bottom of the barrel.

It's not even funny. We either have corruption or imbeciles.

I was at the RDS recently at an Expo fronting our corporate display and the minister for trade and employment came along to our stand.. posed ME for a fecking photo, shook hands with me and said its great to see Irish firms doing so well. Then he waddled off. I didn't utter a word it all happened so fast.

I work for American company.
It's not even funny. We either have corruption or imbeciles.

I was at the RDS recently at an Expo fronting our corporate display and the minister for trade and employment came along to our stand.. posed ME for a fecking photo, shook hands with me and said its great to see Irish firms doing so well. Then he waddled off. I didn't utter a word it all happened so fast.

I work for American company.



She's brilliant.

She's a good speaker, but let's not pretend Shinners are anything but a bunch of con artists like the rest of 'em. No realistic policies to speak of and they want to spend money that doesn't exist.

Still, guess they're our only option if we want "change".
Leo’s been making a fair show of himself over the last week.
Its been months. Cant make a statement or give an interview without saying something utterly braindead stupid. The whole one mans rent is another mans income, Ireland can join NATO without a referendum etc. If FG had any sense they would have dumped him ages ago
Its been months. Cant make a statement or give an interview without saying something utterly braindead stupid. The whole one mans rent is another mans income, Ireland can join NATO without a referendum etc. If FG had any sense they would have dumped him ages ago
I just saw him claiming even revolutionaries needed the confidence of the markets and that’s it for me. The high jacking he’s done this week is beyond the pale. Feck knows who I’m voting for next time round but it won’t be FG

Apparently this is a huge issue on the deep sea fishing boats. fecking shameful.
I worked for a Solicitor who represented numerous women who were trafficked into the country. They're openly displayed on escort websites for hire and the govt does absolutely nothing about it and doesn't want to know. It's supposed to be illegal here and the market for it is absolutely huge.
I worked for a Solicitor who represented numerous women who were trafficked into the country. They're openly displayed on escort websites for hire and the govt does absolutely nothing about it and doesn't want to know. It's supposed to be illegal here and the market for it is absolutely huge.

Vile. Is anyone trying to make noise?
I remember seeing a report saying we were the 2nd worst EU country for combatting human trafficking, behind Romania.

Seems to be something politicians/law don't have much interest in.