Irish Politics and stuff.

He isn’t black, he’s wielding a knife and the police subdue him without even threatening him with a gun. You can see why that might be perceived as double standards if your brother - who is black - gets shot dead in a similar standoff.
Isn't this the first person shot dead by the guards since that kidnapping in the car years ago?. It's hardly like the guards are roaming around Blanch and Balbriggan looking for young black lads to shoot up.
He isn’t black, he’s wielding a knife and the police subdue him without even threatening him with a gun. You can see why that might be perceived as double standards.

On the other hand you have this -

Obviously we need to wait for the actual facts to be established. But I don’t think the brother is interested in weighing it all up and coming to some kind of rational conclusion about Garda racism. He’s just looking to cause trouble.
On the other hand you have this -

Obviously we need to wait for the actual facts to be established. But I don’t think the brother is interested in weighing it all up and coming to some kind of rational conclusion about Garda racism. He’s just looking to cause trouble.

Cause trouble or looking for someone to blame for his loss, while he’s in pain and grieving. I definitely agree he’s not being rational.

My inclination is that the guards did nothing wrong. They’re usually the opposite of trigger happy, so I’m willing to believe that is the case here. I just don’t like a young man who is clearly distraught over his brother’s death being portrayed as a malicious rabble rouser by racists online.

And I’m equally irritated by the genuine rabble rousers who are using this as an excuse to exaggerate the issues around policing in Ireland and generally stir shit. All for likes and shares on social media.
Messed up all around it seems.

Has the brother addressed why his brother had a knife and why he allegedly attacked someone with it?
He isn’t black, he’s wielding a knife and the police subdue him without even threatening him with a gun. You can see why that might be perceived as double standards if your brother - who is black - gets shot dead in a similar standoff.
Ah come on. By all accounts it sounds like the lad who was shot was swinging his knife at them wildly meaning it was pretty much impossible to subdue him in a similar fashion? The guy in that video didn't seem to be. I doubt the guards would have even thought to approach him like that if they felt they were in danger. Seems like a lot of straw clutching there, Pogue.
Ah come on. By all accounts it sounds like the lad who was shot was swinging his knife at them wildly meaning it was pretty much impossible to subdue him in a similar fashion? The guy in that video didn't seem to be. I doubt the guards would have even thought to approach him like that if they felt they were in danger. Seems like a lot of straw clutching there, Pogue.

I’m not clutching at any straws. Just trying to see it from the perspective of the bereaved brother. And when you do that, it really isn’t difficult to see why he feels aggrieved. Even if, in reality, it’s not justified.
I’m not clutching at any straws. Just trying to see it from the perspective of the bereaved brother. And when you do that, it really isn’t difficult to see why he feels aggrieved. Even if, in reality, it’s not justified.
You're assuming he had the level of knowledge of this event that you do. I'd put my house on the fact that he did not at all. I understand his anger. Lying about the situation helps nobody and only makes things worse.

They pepper sprayed him, were in a lengthy standoff with him after he'd assaulted two people, in the video you see him swing the knife at a Garda's head just before he gets shot. For Jesus sake like this is cut and dry. I understand the lad's anger as that of any bereaved family member. But this is flat out lies that are being tossed about.
You're assuming he had the level of knowledge of this event that you do. I'd put my house on the fact that he did not at all. I understand his anger. Lying about the situation helps nobody and only makes things worse.

They pepper sprayed him, were in a lengthy standoff with him after he'd assaulted two people, in the video you see him swing the knife at a Garda's head just before he gets shot. For Jesus sake like this is cut and dry. I understand the lad's anger as that of any bereaved family member. But this is flat out lies that are being tossed about.

Other than an article giving some facts about the original incident, the only exposure I’ve had to this story is via this thread. What are the lies circulating?
Other than an article giving some facts about the original incident, the only exposure I’ve had to this story is via this thread. What are the lies circulating?
For starters the 35 gardai shooting him dead thing from the brother. Then there's countless people on twitter pushing the idea they just turned up and executed him American style with no standoff or attempts to calm him. It's just madness.
For starters the 35 gardai shooting him dead thing from the brother. Then there's countless people on twitter pushing the idea they just turned up and executed him American style with no standoff or attempts to calm him. It's just madness.

Ah. Right. Ok. I’ve been off Twitter since the middle of last year. It’s a fecking cesspool.
Ah. Right. Ok. I’ve been off Twitter since the middle of last year. It’s a fecking cesspool.
The fact that government funded NGOs are actually organising these things and advising people on how to remain anonymous if they're recorded throwing things at Garda vans too. It's just utterly insane. I wish this country could stay the way I knew it. I wish America could stay in America.
Lads I am from the area and my mother in law was in the shop when the person in question came in slashing at people.
She said he was like a maniac in there and she thought someone was going to get killed. SHe is terrified and trapped in her home now as they rampage around the streets.

I will just say that George was well known around the area for the wrong reasons and there isnt much sympathy for him.
He is as far from an innocent man that certain elements of the black community are making him out to be.

I will leave it at that as I dont want to get involved in a race discussion.
The fact that government funded NGOs are actually organising these things and advising people on how to remain anonymous if they're recorded throwing things at Garda vans too. It's just utterly insane. I wish this country could stay the way I knew it. I wish America could stay in America.

That’s shit. I didn’t know the NGOs were involved. Desperate stuff.
That’s shit. I didn’t know the NGOs were involved. Desperate stuff.

They posted this, which drew a big backlash.

Lads I am from the area and my mother in law was in the shop when the person in question came in slashing at people.
She said he was like a maniac in there and she thought someone was going to get killed. SHe is terrified and trapped in her home now as they rampage around the streets.

I will just say that George was well known around the area for the wrong reasons and there isnt much sympathy for him.
He is as far from an innocent man that certain elements of the black community are making him out to be.

I will leave it at that as I dont want to get involved in a race discussion.
Jesus, glad she is ok.

If you attack someone with a knife and refuse to drop it when asked by the Gardai it's hard to have any sympathy with the outcome
Jesus, glad she is ok.

If you attack someone with a knife and refuse to drop it when asked by the Gardai it's hard to have any sympathy with the outcome

Shes 73 and relies on the Chemist next door for her blood pressure medication. Terrified to leave the house.

Its terrible.
Lads I am from the area and my mother in law was in the shop when the person in question came in slashing at people.
She said he was like a maniac in there and she thought someone was going to get killed. SHe is terrified and trapped in her home now as they rampage around the streets.

I will just say that George was well known around the area for the wrong reasons and there isnt much sympathy for him.
He is as far from an innocent man that certain elements of the black community are making him out to be.

I will leave it at that as I dont want to get involved in a race discussion.

I'd heard that was the feeling locally. Hope your mam is alright and the whole thing calms down soon.
A complete importation of American ethnonarcissist narratives into an Irish society which does not at all resemble that situation.

“Ethnonarcissist” is a new word to me and I agree we don’t have the same issue with violent cops that they have in the US but I’d say we’re, if anything, behind them when it comes to dealing with racism in general. As we can see with some of the fall-out from this incident.
I’d say we’re, if anything, behind them when it comes to dealing with racism in general. As we can see with some of the fall-out from this incident.

See this is the problem. Its not a racist incident. It was the police doing their job. They didnt just show up and shoot him down in a hail of USA style gunfire.
Certain elements of the black community want it to be a racist incident. It just isnt that.

The feeling anger in the community in general is with the black youth running wild destroying the place. There was a crowd of wild black people outside the shop where the initial incident happened, kicking and stoning the place. Shouting you are all going to die you white bastards at the staff that were cowering inside. Thats totally wrong. The largely young female staff in the shop did nothin on anyone and they dont deserve that treatment from a mob of black teenagers.

So its reaching boiling point locally and when someone decides enough is enough and stands up to them will he be seen as a racist?

Protest if you feel its what you need to do but do it peacefully and through the proper channels.
Growing up in Dublin there was an extreme anti Dublin sentiment from the Garda Siochana. Countless times I witnessed and was on the recieving end of a heavy flashlight, punch in the head or kick to the stomach followed by the usual "little jackine cnut" or "Dublin scum". These assaults were on children under the age of 16. When we got older they fecking knew better then to raise a hand to you.
But from my reading of this incident I don't see how racism can be involved. Is it in the police force, not surprised if it is, but it is not institutionalized like over here in the US and it certainly wouldnt be tolerated if it was.
Locals in the area have also said the guy was a dangerous scumbag and when the people in the communities around Dublin say a certain person is dangerous and trouble, believe them. For decades they have tolerated dickheads from thieving gear heads that wouldn't hurt a fly to dangerous teetotalers that just want to put the hurt on people. If Sheila and Una up the road with 11 kids between them speak up listen because they know more about what's going on than the Guards or local counselors.
See this is the problem. Its not a racist incident. It was the police doing their job. They didnt just show up and shoot him down in a hail of USA style gunfire.
Certain elements of the black community want it to be a racist incident. It just isnt that.

The feeling anger in the community in general is with the black youth running wild destroying the place. There was a crowd of wild black people outside the shop where the initial incident happened, kicking and stoning the place. Shouting you are all going to die you white bastards at the staff that were cowering inside. Thats totally wrong. The largely young female staff in the shop did nothin on anyone and they dont deserve that treatment from a mob of black teenagers.

So its reaching boiling point locally and when someone decides enough is enough and stands up to them will he be seen as a racist?

Protest if you feel its what you need to do but do it peacefully and through the proper channels.

What you describe is what I’m getting at. Racial tensions like this is something you’d expect in the UK in the 1980s. We’re way behind the curve at becoming a grown up, properly integrated multicultural society. I don’t think the police were being racist. I just find it depressing the way the response is making a bad situation so much worse.
What you describe is what I’m getting at. Racial tensions like this is something you’d expect in the UK in the 1980s. We’re way behind the curve at becoming a grown up, properly integrated multicultural society. I don’t think the police were being racist. I just find it depressing the way the response is making a bad situation so much worse.

I see. Well yeah I agree. This whole episode is setting the issue back decades.
What you describe is what I’m getting at. Racial tensions like this is something you’d expect in the UK in the 1980s. We’re way behind the curve at becoming a grown up, properly integrated multicultural society. I don’t think the police were being racist. I just find it depressing the way the response is making a bad situation so much worse.
The response from who Pogue?
Article in the Sunday Times today states that his family had a protective order against him, and that he didn't live in the family home. Goes some way towards explaining why there were worries about him entering his own home, or why the family didn't seem to be involved in trying to de-escalate the situation.
So some of his own family had taken out protection orders against him. They wanted the law to protect them from him but the law can't protect themselves from him? Go away to feck.

I've seen the video now and while not good footage you can clearly see him lunge at the Garda with a knife. Mental health issues or not, you lunge at a Garda with a knife with armed Gardaí present and it's only going to end one way and it has feck all to do with racism.
So some of his own family had taken out protection orders against him. They wanted the law to protect them from him but the law can't protect themselves from him? Go away to feck.

I've seen the video now and while not good footage you can clearly see him lunge at the Garda with a knife. Mental health issues or not, you lunge at a Garda with a knife with armed Gardaí present and it's only going to end one way and it has feck all to do with racism.

That's (at best) a silly point. There's a world of difference between thinking a protection order in one context is appropriate and thinking lethal force in another context is appropriate. Whether their complaints about the Gardai are fair or not, having had a protection order against him only undermines their argument if they are claiming he was never any sort of threat to anyone ever. Otherwise it's irrelevant, as they can absolutely think he was enough of a threat for them to need legal protection while also thinking the Gardai could/should have avoided killing him. It's not even remotely comparing like for like.
So some of his own family had taken out protection orders against him. They wanted the law to protect them from him but the law can't protect themselves from him? Go away to feck.

I've seen the video now and while not good footage you can clearly see him lunge at the Garda with a knife. Mental health issues or not, you lunge at a Garda with a knife with armed Gardaí present and it's only going to end one way and it has feck all to do with racism.
Did they though? Every previous detail thats been leaked about the case seems to have been a total fabrication. I'll wait for an official report rather than trying to pick through todays round of made up crap.
It doesn't fecking matter regardless. It has no relevance whatsoever to whether the shooting was justified or not.
So some of his own family had taken out protection orders against him. They wanted the law to protect them from him but the law can't protect themselves from him? Go away to feck.

I've seen the video now and while not good footage you can clearly see him lunge at the Garda with a knife. Mental health issues or not, you lunge at a Garda with a knife with armed Gardaí present and it's only going to end one way and it has feck all to do with racism.

There's a lot of lies floating around about this and a lot of it is coming from the far right so I don't know if I'd trust the protection order stuff. The Garda came out and said the 32 convictions thing wasn't true and that he had no convictions at all.
The protection order information has come from the Sunday Times, so I don't think it can be compared to the stuff floating around WhatsApp.
From the shit house way old Micheal has blamed the public and fecking families of those abused and not the church while FG tried to sneak in giving back the whip to the golfing idiots on a busy news day and taking advantage of a heartbreaking scandal, do they want SF in the next government?
Ay this stage its an honest question.
From the shit house way old Micheal has blamed the public and fecking families of those abused and not the church while FG tried to sneak in giving back the whip to the golfing idiots on a busy news day and taking advantage of a heartbreaking scandal, do they want SF in the next government?
Ay this stage its an honest question.
Your forgetting about the report getting leaked to the press before the families involved have even seen it, we all know it was the church like pretty much everything else back then was to blame. The church was pretty much head the of state
Your forgetting about the report getting leaked to the press before the families involved have even seen it, we all know it was the church like pretty much everything else back then was to blame. The church was pretty much head the of state
The fact it continued until fairly recently gets to me. Micheal in government at the time and all.
This country has become surprisingly forward thinking when important referendums are asked of us, this blaming of the families will not stand. When our feet are put to the fire, we tend to do the right thing. We wont let the church and a complicit government talk.
their way out of it.
They could not have handled this any worse than they have done.
Over 8000 bodies of children still remain in a sceptic tank. A disgusting and horrific stain on the history of Ireland and the church.