Irish Politics and stuff.

Can people explain why the current Sinn Fein shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government? It does feel strange even considering to vote for them(I would have an inherent distrust for them, probably borne out of their past actions before my time), but I definitely am, given what they propose and the state of the other 2 main parties. What do people really think is going to happen?
People are stupid. Mary Lou McDonald was 25 when the ceasefire happened. She is no more IRA than fecking Boris Johnston.
Yet she’s old enough to be chucking around IRA slogans at republican meets
Can people explain why the current Sinn Fein shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government? It does feel strange even considering to vote for them(I would have an inherent distrust for them, probably borne out of their past actions before my time), but I definitely am, given what they propose and the state of the other 2 main parties. What do people really think is going to happen?

Read that article, that’s how a supposed political party operates. There was a few SF party members in the bar that night, supposedly no one saw anything. 72 people claimed to be in the toilet at the time it happened.

As for Mary Lou, she has been around too many dodgy nights to be a leader for all people of Ireland

Read that article, that’s how a supposed political party operates. There was a few SF party members in the bar that night, supposedly no one saw anything. 72 people claimed to be in the toilet at the time it happened.

As for Mary Lou, she has been around too many dodgy nights to be a leader for all people of Ireland

Colum Eastwood brought up the murder of Paul Quinn today in the house of commons urging Sinn Fein to say what they know about it .

Apparently it was to do with a personal feud between the guy and the local IRA chief

There are too many people in Sinn Fein with blood on their hands whether they were personally involved or know all about who was in too many cases for them to ever be allowed in any sane Goverment .

The disappeared alone is enough reason for them to rot in hell as far as im concerned
Interesting look at the history of fascism and anti fascism in pre WWII Ireland. Blue shirts and the red menace and how the blue shirts took up arms for Franco in the Spanish civil war

You seem to think thats a much better point than it is. Fine Gael left that behind nearly 100 years ago and they actually left it behind unlike some. Sinn Fein are still heavily involved in paramilitary activities today.
I think the sinners, sorry I mean shinners are going to be the majority party this time, despite their past and despite their wonky policies which don’t add up. They are saying all the popular sound bites and like Trump and BoJo, the public will vote them in because they like what’s being sold to them
You seem to think thats a much better point than it is. Fine Gael left that behind nearly 100 years ago and they actually left it behind unlike some. Sinn Fein are still heavily involved in paramilitary activities today.

Ah the old "its okay because it happened further back in history now lets get back to the IRA" trope. Basically the same reason people dont want to talk about the famine or all the other acts of genocide that happened in Irelands history. So what do you reckon Caid? Give SF another 50 years and they will be grand? Is that how it works?
I think the sinners, sorry I mean shinners are going to be the majority party this time, despite their past and despite their wonky policies which don’t add up. They are saying all the popular sound bites and like Trump and BoJo, the public will vote them in because they like what’s being sold to them

With all due respect Geebs, and you know I think you are dead on, thats a load of bollocks. Can you please tell me why people are afraid of left leaning parties that want to look after the worker? Hasnt there been enough far right, corporate first, austerity centric arseholes in charge recently?
Aye she sure is. Can the homeless live in slogans or eat slogans Geebs?
Nah, perhaps they could dig up the disappeared and eat those?

In all seriousness, it’s easy to say all the popular shit when you’re in opposition. I think they are about to get the chance to put their policies to the test. We will see then how they handle the pressure
With all due respect Geebs, and you know I think you are dead on, thats a load of bollocks. Can you please tell me why people are afraid of left leaning parties that want to look after the worker? Hasnt there been enough far right, corporate first, austerity centric arseholes in charge recently?
What part is incorrect? Are they not saying what the public wants to hear?
Nah, perhaps they could dig up the disappeared and eat those?

In all seriousness, it’s easy to say all the popular shit when you’re in opposition. I think they are about to get the chance to put their policies to the test. We will see then how they handle the pressure

Im not denying what the RA did Geebs but the way people are posting you would think that SF are the only party that has blood on their hands. Yes if MLM gets in they will have to prove they can govern.
Ah the old "its okay because it happened further back in history now lets get back to the IRA" trope. Basically the same reason people dont want to talk about the famine or all the other acts of genocide that happened in Irelands history. So what do you reckon Caid? Give SF another 50 years and they will be grand? Is that how it works?
I have a lot more time for their politicians who joined after Gerry Adams was no longer party leader than before. So yeah, maybe in 60, 70 years after you've actually seperated yourself from the criminal and paramilitary wings of the organisation I'll stop bringing up the criminal and paramilitary wings of your organisation.
Every fecking party does that though. Also what is extraordinary about wanting to build houses or implement Slaintecare? Its not out of this world stuff.
Just to be clear, you're asking what's extraordinary with wanting to build 100,000 houses for 65k a pop?

Everything about SF's policies is "extraordinary", you're off your fecking rocker if you actually think any of that ridiculous manifesto will get put in place. The money is not there for it.
I think the sinners, sorry I mean shinners are going to be the majority party this time, despite their past and despite their wonky policies which don’t add up. They are saying all the popular sound bites and like Trump and BoJo, the public will vote them in because they like what’s being sold to them

I think that is a fairly condescending way of looking at it. I think it's more that people are struggling to believe in anything that the other 2 are promising, given their track records in recent times. Any new party in power will have to practice what they preach(fairly obvious I think no?), if they do half of what they're claiming, they would be off to a better start than the other 2 main parties.

Thanks for the article, I'll give it a read.
The reason people keep bringing up the IRA connection with Sinn Fein is that the IRA connection still exists. As per the PSNI, their political stragegy is currently still overseen by the IRA army council. Those sort of accusations aren't an issue any other party faces.

If we were just talking about the past then fine, all parties have blood on their hands. We're actually talking about Sinn Fein's present and future though.

It's a very simple moral point: murderers and people who cover for murderers are bad. Therefore, I won't support a party overseen by murderers and people who cover for murderers. The faux mystery as to why Sinn Fein should be regarded in this way is nonsense, as is conflating the issue with some antipathy to left-wing policies. I will be voting entirely for left wing politicans and policies, just not ones under the shadow of murderers.
I think the sinners, sorry I mean shinners are going to be the majority party this time, despite their past and despite their wonky policies which don’t add up. They are saying all the popular sound bites and like Trump and BoJo, the public will vote them in because they like what’s being sold to them

Nah, don't think they have enough candidates or transfer potential this time around. Most people who would be inclined to vote SF at all will likely have them as first preference already given the state of the alternatives, whereas those opting for FG or FF will likely prefer the other centre right party over SF for second and third preferences.

Next GE will be a different matter though, particularly if FF & FG are forced into government together again this time around. You'll have a large and apparently electorally viable SF party in opposition alongside other parties who (Labour aside) haven't ruled out coalition with them, which is a strong position to begin positioning for another election from.
Anybody got any thoughts on Andrew Montague for Labour in Dublin north-west? Based on childcare alone I’m being drawn to Labour.
Mary Lou was embarrassing last night... it would be embarrassing if we had a government with such obvious links to organised crime, but not like it hasn't happened in many other countries in the recent past... anything can happen in 2020.

Hopefully the paper thin manifesto steers voters clear even if the organised crime angle doesn't
Sinn Fein will probably lead a government in the next 15 years. Any young person currently cant remember the troubles, they can clearly remember how shite FF/FG are at running the country though.
I have a lot more time for their politicians who joined after Gerry Adams was no longer party leader than before. So yeah, maybe in 60, 70 years after you've actually seperated yourself from the criminal and paramilitary wings of the organisation I'll stop bringing up the criminal and paramilitary wings of your organisation.

Gerry Adams is still the boss and everyone else does as he says . Mary Lou will say something one day then come out with the total opposite the next day because gerry has had a word in her ear
Nah, don't think they have enough candidates or transfer potential this time around. Most people who would be inclined to vote SF at all will likely have them as first preference already given the state of the alternatives, whereas those opting for FG or FF will likely prefer the other centre right party over SF for second and third preferences.

Next GE will be a different matter though, particularly if FF & FG are forced into government together again this time around. You'll have a large and apparently electorally viable SF party in opposition alongside other parties who (Labour aside) haven't ruled out coalition with them, which is a strong position to begin positioning for another election from.

Theres more than 3 parties.
Independents and the others controlled about 40 seats last dail and will probably have a pretty decent representation again next time out. Forcing whichever of the 3 usual suspects who ends up in power into a minority government will force them to work towards some kind of consensus and will limit what kind of bullshit they can push through.
Gerry Adams is still the boss and everyone else does as he says . Mary Lou will say something one day then come out with the total opposite the next day because gerry has had a word in her ear
He's not party leader and its a start, even if it is just for appearances. I have a lot more time for Sinn Fein supporters in their 20's than i do for those in their 50's too.
interesting and a little irrelevant to see the IRA brought up as a factor in current Irish politics particularly in the South - ML McD was what 24/25 at the time the IRA ceased activities?

people have largely moved on in the North and Sinn Fein have been accepted by political rivals including parties like the DUP who have links to armed loyalist groups who murdered in the past and continue to exert influence in their communities

The IRA have been inactive for well over 20 years and largely persisted due to an inability for nationalists to change their circumstances politically during the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s..... people in NI were war weary by the 90s in my opinion hence the willingness for Sinn Fein and the Governments to try and settle things politically

I haven't followed the southern election closely but I do think Mary Lou seems a very credible leader especially given the way friends of mine in the South view the established order - people who are fed up with the way things have been run/have fought water charges etc

I think the reality is Sinn Fein have the potential to be in Government in the South and the North and for a group with United Ireland aspirations this is tantalising

Cant understand why people would try and beat people like McDonald with an IRA stick
interesting and a little irrelevant to see the IRA brought up as a factor in current Irish politics particularly in the South - ML McD was what 24/25 at the time the IRA ceased activities?

people have largely moved on in the North and Sinn Fein have been accepted by political rivals including parties like the DUP who have links to armed loyalist groups who murdered in the past and continue to exert influence in their communities

The IRA have been inactive for well over 20 years and largely persisted due to an inability for nationalists to change their circumstances politically during the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s..... people in NI were war weary by the 90s in my opinion hence the willingness for Sinn Fein and the Governments to try and settle things politically

I haven't followed the southern election closely but I do think Mary Lou seems a very credible leader especially given the way friends of mine in the South view the established order - people who are fed up with the way things have been run/have fought water charges etc

I think the reality is Sinn Fein have the potential to be in Government in the South and the North and for a group with United Ireland aspirations this is tantalising

Cant understand why people would try and beat people like McDonald with an IRA stick
Its a strange one. The south are the first to talk down to NI about working together for the future of the country. Yet insert murder number 3 comes out just before the next election to smear SF but it looks as if that same tactic seems to be wearing a bit thin.
Mary-Lou couldn't even answer the other night when they asked her where she'd get the money from. And their plan is to build 100,000 social houses at a cost of €65k each. Who the hell thinks they can build a house in Ireland for 65 grand? :lol:

Tbf, that's not quite correct.

"The party promises it will “build 100,000 homes over 5 years. This will include council housing and affordable homes for renters and first time buyers. Cost – €6.5 billion.”

This has given rise to the €65,000 figure – by simply dividing the €6.5 billion budget by the 100,000 homes. Sinn Féin housing spokesman Eoin Ó Broin told The Irish Times that included in the 100,000 figure are 50,000 social homes, which, he says, are already committed to and budgeted for under the National Development Plan. So half of the headline figure is to be achieved before the €6.5 billion budget is touched.

However, the implication is still that around €6.5 billion will pay for 50,000 new homes. That would suggest, by the same (fairly crude) measurement as above, that a home can be built for around €130,000. "
Tbf, that's not quite correct.

"The party promises it will “build 100,000 homes over 5 years. This will include council housing and affordable homes for renters and first time buyers. Cost – €6.5 billion.”

This has given rise to the €65,000 figure – by simply dividing the €6.5 billion budget by the 100,000 homes. Sinn Féin housing spokesman Eoin Ó Broin told The Irish Times that included in the 100,000 figure are 50,000 social homes, which, he says, are already committed to and budgeted for under the National Development Plan. So half of the headline figure is to be achieved before the €6.5 billion budget is touched.

However, the implication is still that around €6.5 billion will pay for 50,000 new homes. That would suggest, by the same (fairly crude) measurement as above, that a home can be built for around €130,000. "
Ahhh the old tactic that the Tories used recently when boasting how many nurses they’d have
interesting and a little irrelevant to see the IRA brought up as a factor in current Irish politics particularly in the South - ML McD was what 24/25 at the time the IRA ceased activities?

people have largely moved on in the North and Sinn Fein have been accepted by political rivals including parties like the DUP who have links to armed loyalist groups who murdered in the past and continue to exert influence in their communities

The IRA have been inactive for well over 20 years and largely persisted due to an inability for nationalists to change their circumstances politically during the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s..... people in NI were war weary by the 90s in my opinion hence the willingness for Sinn Fein and the Governments to try and settle things politically

I haven't followed the southern election closely but I do think Mary Lou seems a very credible leader especially given the way friends of mine in the South view the established order - people who are fed up with the way things have been run/have fought water charges etc

I think the reality is Sinn Fein have the potential to be in Government in the South and the North and for a group with United Ireland aspirations this is tantalising

Cant understand why people would try and beat people like McDonald with an IRA stick

What makes her credible? You’ve already said you don’t follow politics in Mexico so how would you know if she’s credible or not?

Imho she’s a loose canon, I find the northern girl Michelle whatshername more credible
What makes her credible? You’ve already said you don’t follow politics in Mexico so how would you know if she’s credible or not?

Imho she’s a loose canon, I find the northern girl Michelle whatshername more credible

Loose cannon in what sense, from what i've seen she's very much the opposite. She's calm, informed and measured when speaking. It was very noticeable when she came north for the recent elections she essentially took over the mic from Michelle O 'Neil. I think that was a deliberate ploy from Sinn Fein, O'Neill knows her stuff alright but she isn't as poised in debates as Mary. All you can do at this stage in present your policies and back them up convincingly. Proof is in the pudding if you get elected and have to implement said policies.
Loose cannon in what sense, from what i've seen she's very much the opposite. She's calm, informed and measured when speaking. It was very noticeable when she came north for the recent elections she essentially took over the mic from Michelle O 'Neil. I think that was a deliberate ploy from Sinn Fein, O'Neill knows her stuff alright but she isn't as poised in debates as Mary. All you can do at this stage in present your policies and back them up convincingly. Proof is in the pudding if you get elected and have to implement said policies.
She’s very much as likely to put her foot in it and shout the odd chucky slogan to the gatherings as she is being ‘calm and collected’
What makes her credible? You’ve already said you don’t follow politics in Mexico so how would you know if she’s credible or not?

Imho she’s a loose canon, I find the northern girl Michelle whatshername more credible

You might think Michelle O'Neill is more credible but she doesn't speak as well as Mary-Lou does.
Looks like the attack hounds have gotten hold of an issue that will hurt SF and you all will be able to breathe again., Its funny that this issue has only been prevalent since the last poll numbers.

Also @golden_blunder talking about politicians with credibility issues when he comes from one part of an island where millions of pounds were literally burned in a scheme run by freeloading gangsters in the Unionist community, also he lives in a city where you can rent a closet for 1500 euros and he is criticizing MLMs credibility. Why dont you and the others call it like it is you dislike the people in SF and will find any reason to criticize them.
What makes her credible? You’ve already said you don’t follow politics in Mexico so how would you know if she’s credible or not?

Imho she’s a loose canon, I find the northern girl Michelle whatshername more credible
well I haven't been hiding under a rock when it comes to Southern politics but I wouldn't claim to be an expert or very knowledgeable either - nevertheless you see/read and hear some impressive things from her

my main experience is in the North and maybe you arent aware of her roles here

she's had quite a presence in the North over the last 18 months openly supporting workers of both sides. In particular she supported workers made redundant for Harland and Wolff and Wrights, two staunchly protestant employers traditionally when some Unionist politicians haven't exactly been supportive or showing the kind of leadership youd expect - Ian Paisley Jr's silence was deafening during the Wrightbus issues - these are the kind of people who would NEVER deal or entertain Sinn Fein and her presence and support was symbolic of a positive shared future

Shes had an active role in helping the restoration of devolved Govt and whilst I've no issue with Michelle o Neill its clear who the Senior partner is there - Mary Lou is far more polished as a politician, has gravitas and has been very statesmanlike in her dealings up here

Read that article, that’s how a supposed political party operates. There was a few SF party members in the bar that night, supposedly no one saw anything. 72 people claimed to be in the toilet at the time it happened.

As for Mary Lou, she has been around too many dodgy nights to be a leader for all people of Ireland

That's not what leaders are though. Is Arlene foster the leader of all people in the north , maybe by position but not by leadership. What about Irish speakers, what about same sex couples, what about women looking to have abortions- all 3 of those policies are available in Britain, you know the union the DUP wants to remain part of, just not the bits it doesn't like. What about people who didn't want to leave european union and voted in majority to stay. You can't please everyone as a leader. Funny thing is she's the leader of the biggest party in the island in terms of cross border support.
Looks like the attack hounds have gotten hold of an issue that will hurt SF and you all will be able to breathe again., Its funny that this issue has only been prevalent since the last poll numbers.

Also @golden_blunder talking about politicians with credibility issues when he comes from one part of an island where millions of pounds were literally burned in a scheme run by freeloading gangsters in the Unionist community, also he lives in a city where you can rent a closet for 1500 euros and he is criticizing MLMs credibility. Why dont you and the others call it like it is you dislike the people in SF and will find any reason to criticize them.
You’re like a republican parody. Somebody from Northern Ireland can’t distrust Sinn Fein because the DUP exist? Wise up.
What makes her credible? You’ve already said you don’t follow politics in Mexico so how would you know if she’s credible or not?

Imho she’s a loose canon, I find the northern girl Michelle whatshername more credible

Feck her to the death . Bitch personally sold out Strabane with the Dept Of Agriculture even though they won the bid giving it to Ballykelly instead which cost the taxpayer a lot of extra money .

All so Strabane would stay impoverished and keep voting Sinn Fein .

Last thing Sinn Fein want is their voters getting anything or being well off as then they won't vote for them and their fake promises
Looks like the attack hounds have gotten hold of an issue that will hurt SF and you all will be able to breathe again., Its funny that this issue has only been prevalent since the last poll numbers.

Also @golden_blunder talking about politicians with credibility issues when he comes from one part of an island where millions of pounds were literally burned in a scheme run by freeloading gangsters in the Unionist community, also he lives in a city where you can rent a closet for 1500 euros and he is criticizing MLMs credibility. Why dont you and the others call it like it is you dislike the people in SF and will find any reason to criticize them.
I’m not a fan of the DUP so I don’t see the relevance of it. Just because most politicians are shite doesn’t mean I can’t say that I think another one is full off it too.

Yes im not a fan of the shinners, especially coming from the north where they were always up to their necks in it. That being said there are one or 2 from the south who have been on tv debates and have come across well, but MLMD is not one inmho

Read that article, that’s how a supposed political party operates. There was a few SF party members in the bar that night, supposedly no one saw anything. 72 people claimed to be in the toilet at the time it happened.

As for Mary Lou, she has been around too many dodgy nights to be a leader for all people of Ireland

That's not what leaders are though. Is Arlene foster the leader of all people in the north , maybe by position but not by leadership. What about Irish speakers, what about same sex couples, what about women looking to have abortions- all 3 of those policies are available in Britain, you know the union the DUP wants to remain part of, just not the bits it doesn't like. What about people who didn't want to leave european union and voted in majority to stay. You can't please everyone as a leader. Funny thing is she's the leader of the biggest party in the island in terms of cross border support.

You’re the second person to throw DUP stuff at me too, I’ve no time for those cretins either. They can barely represent their own families never mind the wider diverse community

I’ve about as much respect for Arlene as i do MaryLou
Feck her to the death . Bitch personally sold out Strabane with the Dept Of Agriculture even though they won the bid giving it to Ballykelly instead which cost the taxpayer a lot of extra money .

All so Strabane would stay impoverished and keep voting Sinn Fein .

Last thing Sinn Fein want is their voters getting anything or being well off as then they won't vote for them and their fake promises

Didn’t know that