Don’t ever discount the fact that peace is hell, that the defense contractors need real-time arenas to show how improved their weaponry has become, & that the KBRs / Halliburtons / Carlyle Groups have not been making their billions in profits through no-bid contracts like they did in Iraq & Afghanistan.
I don’t believe that we would go into Iran for the oil, it’s just not that much of a necessity for my country, it will be the internal pressure from the entities listed above that will get us embroiled into conflict with Iran. To think we could ‘invade’ a country multiple times bigger than Iraq & multiple times more mountainous than Iraq with the same number of troops is as idiotic as can be. The leaps in quality & force projection of military weaponry from 2003 to now were not as substantial as they were from 1991 to 2003, plus we will be going up against a far more impressive military force.
I am just waiting for the big lie to start being spread. We might be looking at the Gulf of Tonkin incident 2.0 as a pretext for some military intervention into Iran, but it won’t be enough to rally the country behind it. There’s always the GWOT bandwagon to rally Americans behind, but that rings a little stale nowadays. Some lie needs to be cooked up pretty soon to get the drumbeats growing louder.
I want to think that there are smart men & women in uniform & in the intelligence services that will stop the march to war, especially under such a horrific & incompetent president, but I thought the same in 2002.