Ineos appointments - Who will they be?

You’re supposed to cook chicken?!

Choke the chicken.

Have there been any statements from Ineos on the playing style they want to implement? It may give ideas on who they want to bring in.

It’s difficult to translate the role some of the targets have had at their previous clubs into one at United. Take Freedman for example, his role in part would be to almost bargain bucket shop, does that translate into being part of big money transfers, which are vastly different and arguably significantly more difficult as you need to get it right first time due to higher stakes. Palace have had a lot of success with lower to mid signings but have they hit on every one?

It’s actually quite exciting to see the club go down a different path and see how the various improvements manifest.
Mitchell will be part of it.... this Mitchell:
Hopefully Ashworth as DOF. Apart from him being highly rated, he has been in the league and in the country for a long time which would surely be a positive.
Hopefully Ashworth as DOF. Apart from him being highly rated, he has been in the league and in the country for a long time which would surely be a positive.

Still hoping we appoint either another Sporting Director who knows foreign markets to work with him or a Head of Recruitment
I would be delighted with this structure apart from Fletcher. In all honesty I have no idea (like the rest of us don't) if Fletcher is good at his job. But I know that the current hierarchy has been F'ing disastrous at hiring the right people for the right roles, and at least from the outside it seems to have prioritized people who wouldn't rock the boat as well as the well established job for the boys culture that seems to have been in place.

So for me I would just cut him, clean slate bring in everyone fresh who can come in with fresh eyes, no baggage, some one who has knowledge of how other clubs operate, not some one who has been part of a broken system and toxic culture for over a decade.
We have a reasonable idea that Fletcher is good at his job - look at the young players coming through to get spots in the first team squad now.
I’m certainly no expert either mate but my understanding is,

Blanc/CEO is in charge of day to day running of the club and only below the owners in hierarchy, oversees the functioning of the club and that everyone is working to the level the club requires

Brailsford/H.O.P I’m guessing is someone who crunches all the data/stats and analysis to show who is performing and who isn’t and why the reasons are and what is needed for them to do better or continue as such

Ashworth/D.O.F would be the one who is in charge of everything football related so decides our style of play, on pitch identity, identifies the type of player needed to fit our system, picks the head coach to coach players in said system, creates scouting jobs and handles contract negotiations

Mitchell/H.O.R would do talent identifying to fit our required criteria, create a huge database and network from around the world and forge strong relationships with clubs across the world so we’d know of any talent anywhere from pre youth level to pre superstar, they’d work with Ashworth in them bringing players in

With Fletcher it’s a bit vague as my understanding of a Technical Director was the person charged with bringing in staff so finding coaches to coach the style that the D.O.F had set, bringing in the scouting network, bringing in a top medical team etc but from what I’ve always seen and read is Fletcher is the bridge in liaising between the first team and reserves/academy.
Said it at the time, the club did him no favours with that silly title. He is not a technical director in how every other club understands it. Fans shouldn’t make that mistake because then they have unrealistic expectations. His job is to develop the pathways between reserves and first team

He spotted Bellingham, Caicedo, Tchoumani and Camavinga as teens by all accounts. And Woodward wouldnt spend the money on them at an early age. He left because of Woodward and is immediately hired back with Ratcliffe and Ineos running the show.
He spotted Bellingham, Caicedo, Tchoumani and Camavinga as teens by all accounts. And Woodward wouldnt spend the money on them at an early age. He left because of Woodward and is immediately hired back with Ratcliffe and Ineos running the show.

Jeez seeing those names makes me so sad,why on earth wouldn't that Toy Story puppet see the bigger picture with them instead of looking for shirt sellers
He spotted Bellingham, Caicedo, Tchoumani and Camavinga as teens by all accounts. And Woodward wouldnt spend the money on them at an early age. He left because of Woodward and is immediately hired back with Ratcliffe and Ineos running the show.
He spotted them or he was in charge of a team that identified them as future talents?
He spotted Bellingham, Caicedo, Tchoumani, and Camavinga as teens by all accounts. And Woodward wouldn't spend the money on them at an early age. He left because of Woodward and is immediately hired back with Ratcliffe and Ineos running the show.

Are you saying this from knowledge or just trolling ?
Jeez seeing those names makes me so sad,why on earth wouldn't that Toy Story puppet see the bigger picture with them instead of looking for shirt sellers

People seem to forget that just because we spot a young player it doesn’t mean other clubs don’t spot them too. Ultimately, the players have choices to make and that choice is never always going to be Manchester United, regardless of who does what job here. Not like we didn’t try and buy all of those players at some point, so the notion that the recommendation of buying Bellingham was ignored, for example, wouldn’t be accurate.
So on Ashworth himself, I think his transfers in and out at Brighton were very good, and then Newcastle last year's signings Gordon and Isak have been good this season and Botman was good last season and not as good this season. Probably not quite to the level of the fees paid but still among their better players alongside Trippier and Guimares who were signed before he arrived.

This seasons transfers though are highly questionable. Tonali, Barnes and Livramento havent come close to looking like the quality you expect from their fees

We've been poor with our signings especially this summer so most people would be an improvement. And historically I think thats certainly the case with Ashworth at Brighton and at the start with Newcastle. Tonali, Barnes and Livramento wouldnt have been better than our window. Of course we had different areas of need so he probably wouldnt have signed one of them and signed a striker instead for example. Still its the most recent summer spending from him and its the weakest period he's had. so I hope he hasnt lost his touch
So on Ashworth himself, I think his transfers in and out at Brighton were very good, and then Newcastle last year's signings Gordon and Isak have been good this season and Botman was good last season and not as good this season. Probably not quite to the level of the fees paid but still among their better players alongside Trippier and Guimares who were signed before he arrived.

This seasons transfers though are highly questionable. Tonali, Barnes and Livramento havent come close to looking like the quality you expect from their fees

We've been poor with our signings especially this summer so most people would be an improvement. And historically I think thats certainly the case with Ashworth at Brighton and at the start with Newcastle. Tonali, Barnes and Livramento wouldnt have been better than our window. Of course we had different areas of need so he probably wouldnt have signed one of them and signed a striker instead for example. Still its the most recent summer spending from him and its the weakest period he's had. so I hope he hasnt lost his touch

Tonali, Barnes and Livramento have all been largely unavailable.
So on Ashworth himself, I think his transfers in and out at Brighton were very good, and then Newcastle last year's signings Gordon and Isak have been good this season and Botman was good last season and not as good this season. Probably not quite to the level of the fees paid but still among their better players alongside Trippier and Guimares who were signed before he arrived.

This seasons transfers though are highly questionable. Tonali, Barnes and Livramento havent come close to looking like the quality you expect from their fees

We've been poor with our signings especially this summer so most people would be an improvement. And historically I think thats certainly the case with Ashworth at Brighton and at the start with Newcastle. Tonali, Barnes and Livramento wouldnt have been better than our window. Of course we had different areas of need so he probably wouldnt have signed one of them and signed a striker instead for example. Still its the most recent summer spending from him and its the weakest period he's had. so I hope he hasnt lost his touch

I don’t think anyone could have foreseen the Tonali situation whilst Barnes I’m pretty sure has been injured, Livramento was fantastic for a period whilst playing left back but if you look at Ashworth’s time at Newcastle and whilst on gardening leave (no one can convince me he wasn’t working with Newcastle on the sly) he’s been a success not to mention his spell with England and Brighton too.
The more that I read about the achievements of Dan Ashworth the more impressed I become, for example I didn't know about his involvement with implementing the "England DNA" structure.

I hear compensation of around £6M would have to be paid to Newcastle, well for such an important and influential figure taking on the longer term project, that sum is a drop in the Ocean.
I'm pretty excited for this appointment, it looks like we would genuinely have a "best in class" professional, doing a proper professional job.
I don’t think anyone could have foreseen the Tonali situation whilst Barnes I’m pretty sure has been injured, Livramento was fantastic for a period whilst playing left back but if you look at Ashworth’s time at Newcastle and whilst on gardening leave (no one can convince me he wasn’t working with Newcastle on the sly) he’s been a success not to mention his spell with England and Brighton too.
The Athletic also mentions the involvement of Eddie Howe's nephew, pretty sure he was around at Bournemouth as well. Things like that always lead to conflict, so no doubt Ashworth didn't have it all his way at Newcastle.
One thing to note, with regard to Ashworth's Brighton stint, is that their impressive, “moneyball” model was and is largely driven by the owner's analytics and research consultancy (Starlizard).
The starting point for Brighton’s ability to source low-cost gems is the worldwide data on players of owner-chairman Tony Bloom, which nobody else can replicate. The 53-year-old sports betting entrepreneur has his own software that filters the whole market. The algorithm is a secret, kept even from those inside the club. Brighton are a client of Bloom’s company, Starlizard, buying in the data that supports the recruitment programme. Scouts are sent a list of names to watch and compile reports on players who have passed the data tick list, based on factors such as age and match minutes. A traffic light system is used for reports. Green means a great fit, amber is for players close to fitting the criteria, and red is for monitoring.
How Brighton’s transfers have become the envy of the Premier League

Ashworth must have had a say in the overall process as their Technical Director (and played an active role in fostering an environment where players frequently exceeded expectations after the initial rectuitment step was over and done with (be it in terms of organizing appropriate loans or smoothening their integration in the First Team)), but Starlizard's comprehensive database was the cornerstone of their recruitment (and Bloom presence looms large at the organization).

With the medium term in mind, and with the supposition of a restored Manchester United, Ashworth would be operating a radically different realm than emergant teams like Brighton or Newcastle United anyway (with due respect to those clubs). Of course, you should have good scouting and analytics teams to provide a robust and wide-ranging framework (which in turn provide additional layers of checks-and-balances and increase the possibility of unearthing a few under-the-radar gems along the way) — but crème de la crème clubs like Real Madrid (even Manchester City) aren't reinventing the wheel on the way to success, they are apex predators who go out there and gobble up the best players or talents for the most part (and on a fairly consistent basis). That one of the perks of being at a powerhouse club — you sit close to the top of the food chain and can act as such.

Even casual observers had a vague idea of how good Håland (phenomenal, record-breaking goal scorer), De Bruyne (Bundesliga Player of the Year), Mahrez (PFA Players' Player of the Year), Rodri (the finest No. 6 prospect in Spain since Busquets and J. Martínez) et cetera were when they signed for Manchester City. A club with Manchester United's resources and pedigree could definitely afford to do the same, and one might argue that we already have an exciting core for the future with the talent level and expected developmental trajectory of Garnacho, Mainoo and Højlund; as long as you construct an expanded core group of players with sufficient hits on a year-to-year basis (on average), you're going to be in pretty good shape.

The most crucial part of Ashworth's remit over the medium to long term will be to ensure that:
  • The coaching is absolutely spot on and in line with what our principles are supposed to be. There is bare minimum margin for error against Guardiola, especially when he backed by Mansour, Al Mubarak, Begiristain and Soriano. He would need to discern, along with the CEO and the ownership, if the current Head Coach is up to the challenge — and if not, they will have to identify someone who at least gives United a fighting change by virtue of his coaching and leadership skills.
  • The myriad departments are optimized and on the same page (and there's appropriate level of collboration between the various heads of departments operating under him (and Berrada, and ultimately the ownership)), with Brailsford lending a helping hand in the initial audits. Our operations in recent years were too incoherent and choppy for comfort (and reportedly a bit too influenced by the meddlesome whims of one Joel Glazer).
How will our new team line up?




Sir Alex
How will our new team line up?




It’s more like



(Man United)



In that order of authority.
Wow very cool! Isn’t this just the best. I feel like in a few seasons we can start being smug about being well run again. If they expand OT or build a new stadium and get it rocking I dare say it’ll be the best shape the club has ever been in. We just need some league and CL challenges which should follow if we aren’t always missing out on the best players and chasing posers and players only motivated by money. If players know they have 2/3 seasons here tops to make it work their effort and output should skyrocket
How will our new team line up?




Sir Alex

I posted this in the other thread because I hadn't seen this one:


No idea how accurate it is though. As others have mentioned, Wilcox might not even be being considered for that role.