I have got about 25k tied up in flight tickets that the airlines are refusing to refund, but are instead providing a credit shell valid for up to a year. DGCA issued a circular saying that only tickets booked for during the lockdown period for flights during the lockdown period will be refunded (how is this even possible and who the hell would be booking tickets when flights were already cancelled?).
Have a few issues with this credit shell option:
1) I lose my choice to book the cheapest ticket available and need to go for the more expensive ticket because my money is already tied up with a certain airlines.
2) Why is the financial burden faced by the airlines being passed on to the consumers? What if the airlines go bankrupt?
3) Which other industry has been allowed to get away with keeping money without providing the goods/services that the money was paid for?
4) I lose my money if I decide to not travel during the period.
Thinking of filing an online RTI with the DGCA - does it help? What other legal options do I have?
Look at point 1 in the circular below, what a joke! Clear collusion between the Government and the airlines.