It is, but not in the way that gets presented by people who can't see anything other than political talking points in everything that they do. Woke WAS something that was good, something to aspire to, something that challenged wide ranging thoughts and beliefs. Now its just something akin to virtue signalling. "look at me, I have a black gay guy on my show! How progressive am I?!". Instead what they should be doing is writing that black gay guy well and letting the character building and story elevate the character. Its not enough just to have representation, you also have to write them well.
An example of what woke used to mean is in the 90s there was this stereotype that black men were all absentee fathers. It obviously wasnt true, but everywhere in media there was young black men being portrayed as having no father figure in their lives and that this was why they had turned to a life of crime and drugs etc. So instead of making a bunch of shows and saying "look, we have a black dads. Aren't we stunning and brave for challenging the stereotype!?" they actually wrote TV dads that changed the stereotype forever. Not because they told us that they were, but because they showed us in the form of character like Uncle Phil, Carl Winslow, Ben Sisko. These are men with strong family values who take great pride in being fathers and all the responsibilities that come with that.
Woke used to be about challenging conventional thinking. Now its about twitter talking points and getting likes and follows. Which is bullshit. Women, LGBT, all minorities deserve better than being a tool to be used for some cnut in Hollywood to get internet clout.
The Orville vs new Star Trek. Both are woke, but one gets praise while the other gets shit on. Why? They are both pushing diversity and talking about modern day politics. So whats the difference? The difference is as I said, one is about challenging convention, and the other is looking for a pat on the back. Being anti woke means you are against people getting a pat on the back for not being assholes to people.
I believe 4chan is where the changing of the words meaning happened, Im not really sure as Ive never been on 4chan. But the word has moved from where it was. So when people say Star Trek was always woke, it was. But woke wasnt always what it means today. And if anyone has a problem with words changing their meanings over time and though input of action, I would draw your attention to "gay". Its used to mean nothing more than being happy. Now its whole other thing.
Diversity is good. Modern day talking points are good. Writing those thing badly and looking to get praise for it is not. The article above is talking about women being raped, straight white men being cnuts, black people getting racist abuse, pro nouns, diversity behind the camera, etc etc etc. Its all buzzwords and twitter talking points. Like the article was built to be be cut up, put on social media, and get all the likes and follows and whatever else.
Art has always reflected modern culture, but this wokeness isn't doing that. Its reflecting social media. And as we are, or should, be aware that twitter is not a real place. Its the high sparrow. He does good deeds, but in the end all he really wants is power and the world to reflect his personal views with no consideration for any others. Just look at the above comments dismissing anything that doesn't agree with their world view as trolls and clowns and best ignored. But lets be honest, if they could, they would silence those voices who don't agree with them. Next thing you know there mobs of people going after the unpure, marching them across the internet highway and shouting "shame! Shame! Shame!". God forbid they actually address the talking points. No better to become what they hate. Bullies. Call people names, shout them down, and dismiss them as lesser human beings. That is what modern day woke is, and that is why there is such a thing as anti woke.