Television House of the Dragon (GoT Prequel) - No book spoilers allowed

Not looked forward to the next episode of something as much as this for a long time!
Second episode was leaked online with French subtitles, can't believe they've done it again. I did some searching and found it quickly, I reported it right away, everyone should help do the same.
Disappointed with the intro. I thought they would come up with an original intro and music instead they just rehashed the GOT intro and the same musical theme..
Hasn't Game of Thrones always taken itself extremely seriously?

I’m not sure. I definitely remember lighter moments. Of which there were zero in episode one of this show. I can see @Wibble ‘s point.

I did enjoy it more than him though. But will get tired of it soon enough if every episode is as po-faced as that. Plus all the politics is a bit of a bore.
I’m not sure. I definitely remember lighter moments. Of which there were zero in episode one of this show. I can see @Wibble ‘s point.

I did enjoy it more than him though. But will get tired of it soon enough if every episode is as po-faced as that. Plus all the politics is a bit of a bore.
Bronn was funny. And Thyrion, though more in a sarcast cnut kind of way. All the Denaeryes (how do you spell all these Targaryan names) bits always seemed moronically over serious given how ludicrous most of it was. I actually quite like the politics, small council stuff.

I can't get over Matt Smith's weird head though. Had the same problem in the Crown. Just can't figure out what's weird about it.
I’m not sure. I definitely remember lighter moments. Of which there were zero in episode one of this show. I can see @Wibble ‘s point.

I did enjoy it more than him though. But will get tired of it soon enough if every episode is as po-faced as that. Plus all the politics is a bit of a bore.
I thought episode 1 had a couple of light moments, more than I expected from hearing other people talk, but if you think the politics is a bore then this story probably won't be for you cause it's all politics and not a lot of lightness. Of course there will also be the customary GoT style murder and scheming but less of the funny. Then again I was always more interested in the politics and one of the worst things they did for me was give more screentime to characters like Bronn and the Hound. From what I've heard of spoiler free reviews this one is actually more politics focused, and is pretty much a set up episode for what happens next.
Bronn was funny. And Thyrion, though more in a sarcast cnut kind of way. All the Denaeryes (how do you spell all these Targaryan names) bits always seemed moronically over serious given how ludicrous most of it was. I actually quite like the politics, small council stuff.

I can't get over Matt Smith's weird head though. Had the same problem in the Crown. Just can't figure out what's weird about it.

He looks a bit like Haaland. They both have very weird heads.
He looks a bit like Haaland. They both have very weird heads.
He does, but I just can't figure out what's wrong. It was like God made them, but had to run an errand while working on them and forgot the fill out the detailed features or something.

Great actor though. Matt Smith, not Haaland.
He does, but I just can't figure out what's wrong. It was like God made them, but had to run an errand while working on them and forgot the fill out the detailed features or something.

Great actor though. Matt Smith, not Haaland.
Same for me with Milly Alcock, the princess, but with her it’s in a cute endearing way. Like Tolstoy with his ‘her particular defect is her own special type of beauty‘ thing. Or maybe that was Hemingway…? Nah, that has to be Tolstoy.
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Disappointed with the intro. I thought they would come up with an original intro and music instead they just rehashed the GOT intro and the same musical theme..
Could've done without knowing this but meh. Saw the leaked opening on twitter and scrolled past it.
I’m not sure. I definitely remember lighter moments. Of which there were zero in episode one of this show. I can see @Wibble ‘s point.

I did enjoy it more than him though. But will get tired of it soon enough if every episode is as po-faced as that. Plus all the politics is a bit of a bore.

The lighter moments were either from smarmy outcasts like Tyrion or Varys or small folk like Pod or Bronn. There's no one like that in the show. Not yet anyway. The closest to funny was Daemon.
Alcock was an interesting cast. I can't exactly say she's pretty by GOT standard. Her mates is more stunning. But there's something about her i can't pinpoint that makes her, kinda mysterious. Very subtle. Was it strength? Confidence? Resolve?

Anyway. She's actually quite stunning in real life... In some picture... From some other angle she looks... Different...
Alcock was an interesting cast. I can't exactly say she's pretty by GOT standard. Her mates is more stunning. But there's something about her i can't pinpoint that makes her, kinda mysterious. Very subtle. Was it strength? Confidence? Resolve?

Anyway. She's actually quite stunning in real life... In some picture... From some other angle she looks... Different...

Have you watched Upright? She is great in that. The HOTD script seems to have given her little to work with .
I like it. There was more intrigue and less token sex and violence from tourneys or gold cloaks’ rampages/orgies. I still need more Daemon screen time to make my mind up on him.

I also love the king’s guard dude looking after Rhaenyra, the guy from The Witcher. He’s a quality supporting actor whenever I‘ve seen him recently.
No way! I loved Upright and hadn’t realised it’s the same girl.

She looks very different with her hair drawn back. I loved upright. The end of ep5 where Minchin sang Carry You in the desert has me wiping my eyes.

She lives just down the road from me and was back doing bar work after Upright until she landed this gig.
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I enjoyed that episode, it's good to get some politically intriguing episodes from the GOT world again. I think they're slowly drumming up the tension which is the right way to do it.

I think the King is an absolute cnut for what he did to his wife.
Viserys is weak, and what he did to Lord Corlys was not right. Otto is a slimy cnut.
Went in not expecting much but I actually might've enjoyed that episode more than the previous one. Obviously episode 1 had some more impactful moments that get people talking but I enjoyed characters simply talking to each other (or failing at talking to each other like Viserys and Rhaenyra). It also sets up some things going forward, with Daemon and Corlys but more importantly this marriage and continuing the family line business where Viserys manages to piss of both his daughter and the most wealthy family in the realm, that's obviously gonna have some repurcussions most importantly with Rhaenyra and Alicent. That's what I really missed in the latter seasons of thrones, people having conversations that weren't the writers trying to get Peter Dinklage his emmy or Daenerys girlbossing or whatever.

Promo for next week, pretty huge spoilers I'd say.
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Another really solid episode. You can start to see who is aligning with who and the political motivations that drive them.