Pogue Mahone
My 13 year old daughter is having a Halloween party tonight for her mates, she's asked if they can watch horror films so I have been putting together a selection of what I think might be appropriate for them to pick a couple from. I'm avoiding sex and major gore, but at the same time still want them to be able to give themselves a scare. These are my choices so far...
A Quiet Place
Amityville Horror (1979)
Get Out
Paranormal Activity
Poltergeist (2015)
The Blair Witch Project
The Woman in Black (2012)
The Conjuring
Any thoughts, are any too much (I'm a bit worried about the Conjuring) for 13 year olds, or any others you think would be OK for that age, without me being harangued by angry parents tomorrow!
Late to this but my kids watched Insidious at about this age. Seemed to be very popular with their peers. I’ve never watched it so can’t recommend it personally.