You don't honestly believe that do you? So if a newly educated male and a newly educated female get the same job at a company, do you think the salary on his contract says 100,000$/year while hers say 78,000$/year. That stuff does not happen, simply because it's illegal, and this hypothetical woman would have completely annihilated this hypothetical company in a court of law
The pay gap is real, but not because women get paid less for same work. There is a myriad of other reasons. The biggest being that men on average take higher paying jobs like STEM, mining, industry etc vs women who prefer lower paid occupations like education and nursing. Also, there is seniority, leadership, the hours you work etc. Now you could make a very good case for traditional "female occupations" deserving more pay, but the biggest reason they are paid less is that the unions here are much younger and less established then their "male counterpart" unions.
Honestly, i can't believe how people still perpetuate this myth. I have never seen a single proof that women earn less for exactly the same work, i'd wager because none exists. Taking a nationwide average, conveniently ignoring all other factors and then using it as "proof" for something is the mother of all statistical fallacies.
If i were to look at crimes in the UK and Norway, i can see that the UK had roughly 3,7 million reported crimes while Norway had 370,000 in 2014. Ah man, the Brits are so criminal! 10 times the crime! Where is the headlines! (While conveniently ignoring that England roughly has 10 times the population of Norway). I know it's a stupid and exaggerated example, but just trying to point out that statistics can be misused in a number of ways.