she'd not been referring to the word's 'historical' meaning.
ok boomerThe Grantham Journal after the clicks.
Iron lung and Herman Goering
Snowflakes are sucking the life out of everything' says Grantham reader
Whatever has happened to the people of this country?
A few years ago you would never have believed it possible to get so many tulips into one small country.
There is a saying – sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.
Well that one’s gone well out of the window as we seem now to be ruled by minority groups like the Hermann Goring division of the feminist movement, the PC brigade or even the ‘Remainers’.
Just as long as you can make enough noise and disruption, everyone else will be ignored or overruled.
It is, or soon will be, against the law to mention anyone’s colour, creed, sexual persuasion, religion and probably even hat size.
After the millions of lives lost in two World Wars by what was the youth of the time to keep this country free for all of us, and which would also include freedom of speech, it now seems that you cannot utterthe word male or female without someone throwing a hissy fit and having a nervous breakdown.
And do not even consider whistling after anyone of the opposite sex, or come to think of it the same sex, unless you are completely sure you have access to an iron lung, a tin bucket and at least one roll of toilet tissue, and, just to be on the safe side, a tin hat.
If in my young days you approached a young lady with a proposition, depending on the proposition and depending on the young lady, it usually ended in one of three ways – acceptance of the proposition, a rejection of the proposition or a knee in the nuts, and that was it sorted and forgotten, but not now.
This country is full of snowflakes sucking the life out of absolutely everything.
Everyone seems insulted to hear their own name.
D. Drury
You are now on Mota Bhai's list.Oh feck off, I can never taste gujarati food, it sucks
President Xi, sir, you have the nukes just point them at us and get it over with.
I want to single out Saira Rao as both a Wall Street exec and one o the biggest grifters ever. Just awful in every way.
President Xi, sir, you have the nukes just point them at us and get it over with.
I want to single out Saira Rao as both a Wall Street exec and one o the biggest grifters ever. Just awful in every way.
Fairly certain saira rao is a parody account.
President Xi, sir, you have the nukes just point them at us and get it over with.
I want to single out Saira Rao as both a Wall Street exec and one o the biggest grifters ever. Just awful in every way.
For some perspective, last week Shailja Patel was arguing in favor of the legality of targeting Israeli children, due to Israel’s conscription policy.
'It's just a great celebration of good old traditional British songs which are sung with a sense of British pride. What's wrong with that?'
Swilling down a pint of Carling at 10am with your British bulldog tattoo, while eating egg and chips and singing Rule Britannia. That's a holiday worth fighting for.
British holidaymakers slam 'snowflake' P&O Cruises for ditching patriotic singalongs and Union flags at its sail-away parties
Do they think they're headed off to war, and not a holiday?
She's doing the genuinely good work: Stepping down into the social-media sewers to try and engage openly with turds who probably don't deserve her time, energy and attempts to reasonable dialogue. Have to respect it.
She apparently explained near the end of this video that she didn't hire an editor to prevent anyone else being hit by the same backlash. I say apparently because I didn't make it till there and this thing definitely needs editing.
That said, the opening ~30 minutes are very good. I really like the point about increasingly vague language.
A professor who jokingly listed 52 cultural sites in America that Iran should bomb has been fired from his job at a private Massachusetts college.
Donald Trump claimed on 4 January that the US had earmarked 52 Iranian cultural sites for destruction – warning the country not to strike back after a US drone killed Iran’s top general, Qassem Suleimani, last week.
But following Trump’s post, Professor Asheen Phansey posted to his own Facebook page, saying: “[The Supreme Leader of Iran] should tweet a list of 52 sites of cultural American heritage that he would bomb … Um … Mall of America? … Kardashian residence?”
Can't believe the po-faced bastards sacked him for that.
And tbf I bet a lot countries would be getting down to some ropey old attractions by cultural site number 52."I was born during the war when it was 'make do and mend' and we had to use everything we had like making broth out of potato peelings."
Alvin Wilkinson, 77. So unless my maths/ability to type numbers into the google calculator is way off, Alvin was born in 1943. The war was over by the time he was 2 years old(Plus he was born in one of the least effected countries during the war).Shopkeeper's frustrated rant about food banks and out of date products
A business owner has spoken of his outrage after being told by food banks they did not want his donated food because they were past their sell-by date.
The Falkland's War?Shopkeeper's frustrated rant about food banks and out of date products
A business owner has spoken of his outrage after being told by food banks they did not want his donated food because they were past their sell-by date.
Alvin Wilkinson, 77. So unless my maths/ability to type numbers into the google calculator is way off, Alvin was born in 1943. The war was over by the time he was 2 years old(Plus he was born in one of the least effected countries during the war).
Old people really do love being miserable.
Rationing only ended in 1954 tbf- my mother remembers it, but was born post-war.Alvin Wilkinson, 77. So unless my maths/ability to type numbers into the google calculator is way off, Alvin was born in 1943. The war was over by the time he was 2 years old(Plus he was born in one of the least effected countries during the war).
Old people really do love being miserable.
That makes much more sense.Rationing only ended in 1954 tbf- my mother remembers it, but was born post-war.
EDIT: CM beat me to it.
I guess it depends a bit on whether you're a glass half-full or empty guy. Poor people being fobbed off with out of date stuff versus help people out and cut down on unnecessary food waste.Don't see anything wrong with what he said or why it's in this thread really. He's talking about not wasting food and things in general whilst having a lower carbon footprint by using local outlets that are in walking distance. Rationing lasted to 1954 too.
I guess it depends a bit on whether you're a glass half-full or empty guy. Poor people being fobbed off with out of date stuff versus help people out and cut down on unnecessary food waste.
Meh that of stuff sort of pointless in the grand scheme of things(Although people mean well when they say it)Don't see anything wrong with what he said or why it's in this thread really. He's talking about not wasting food and things in general whilst having a lower carbon footprint by using local outlets that are in walking distance.
Rationing lasted to 1954 too.
Ah fair enough.Rationing only ended in 1954 tbf- my mother remembers it, but was born post-war.
EDIT: CM beat me to it.
I'm sure that's more an absentmindedness with age thing. My mum used to take the piss about her mum having things miles past their sell by date, then she became the same and now me. My deputy last year was appalled that I was using a nicotine patch that was best before the end of 2005. It worked fine though tbf and not like it was dairy.I guess its health and safety gone mad because the food is highly likely to be safe to eat. I think it is a generational thing because my dad has scant regard for sell by dates.
I'm sure that's more an absentmindedness with age thing. My mum used to take the piss about her mum having things miles past their sell by date, then she became the same and now me. My deputy last year was appalled that I was using a nicotine patch that was best before the end of 2005. It worked fine though tbf and not like it was dairy.
The phrase alluded to in the title always used to wind me up. Political correctness is a good thing and comes as a result of a decades long struggle for equality. Who cares if we sometimes err on the side of being too cautious about causing offence?
Reading articles like this, though, makes me wonder if it really has gone a bit too far. Especially with social media empowering loony tunes crusades by anyone, anywhere, who takes offence at anything.