Has political correctness actually gone mad?


Edit - don't get me wrong. I'd let it choose its own toy, but why must I do that?
I did child care work for about 2 years and we were told its better for the kids to chose their own toys and also how they play with the toys. Its a more effective way for the child to learn, explore, develop and to be expressive.
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Edit - don't get me wrong. I'd let it choose its own toy, but why must I do that?

Cause insisting they like things they dont is an odd thing to do? They'll like what they like regardless, you're only altering how they feel about liking it.

Edit - don't get me wrong. I'd let it choose its own toy, but why must I do that?
I don’t think anyone’s saying you have to.

It’s just better for the child isn’t it, surely? Why wouldn’t you let it develop whatever interests it wants to?
You know the hand gesture for "OK" we've all been using forever?

This one..

Yeah? Well stop it, its racist now...

It's been (sometimes) racist for years at this point hasn't it? Certainly seems like ages ago that those 4chan shitehawks first adopted it as part of their schtick.
It's been (sometimes) racist for years at this point hasn't it? Certainly seems like ages ago that those 4chan shitehawks first adopted it as part of their schtick.

I thought it was a Trump thing tbh. I thought it was a bit of a chicken and egg thing where I'm not sure if its racist because Trump uses it or Trump uses it because its racist
Boris Johnson's been doing it in speeches recently.
The okay sign is bad if you’re using it to display as a symbol of identity.

It’s okay if you’re just simply using it to indicate an “okay” or “got it” response.
The okay sign is bad if you’re using it to display as a symbol of identity.

It’s okay if you’re just simply using it to indicate an “okay” or “got it” response.
So you can't even ask people how their identity is doing and expect to get a clear response these days. Mad.
Sometimes I look at the current climate of everyone's views and opinions and I feel i wouldnt be able to raise my child the way I want to raise it

If it's a boy and I want it to play with toys which would have, in the past, been affiliated with boys then is that wrong? If I want my daughter to remain as a girl then why is that wrong?
Toys are the worst kind of heteronormative capitalist indoctrination. Let kids be kids. Have them use their imaginations, climb a tree, sail down river on a raft with a runaway slave. The stick and hoop can only travel the road to decadence.
Toys are the worst kind of heteronormative capitalist indoctrination. Let kids be kids. Have them use their imaginations, climb a tree, sail down river on a raft with a runaway slave. The stick and hoop can only travel the road to decadence.
Hold it there something seems out of place. You really shouldn’t let kids climb trees these days. It’s dangerous and they can poke and eye out.
I meant political identity. You can still ask someone how their Asian-ness (and the like) is going.
It was an attempted joke in there but I see it backfired. I'm not even sure what 'Asian-ness' means and wonder how anyone could ask someone how it is going with it.
I tell people I will just let my boy be a boy. If it offends someone, joke's on them. It's just a phrase, go write me an angry letter.
Sometimes I look at the current climate of everyone's views and opinions and I feel i wouldnt be able to raise my child the way I want to raise it

If it's a boy and I want it to play with toys which would have, in the past, been affiliated with boys then is that wrong? If I want my daughter to remain as a girl then why is that wrong?

It isn't wrong. Raise your child to be polite, fair and reasonable and open minded, don't get bogged down with all everything else, a lot of the rest of it is all bullshit. My son wears what he chooses (surprisingly, trousers and hero t-shirts) and my daughter wears what she chooses (surprisingly skirts and my little pony t-shits).

They play with whatever toys they want and, lo and behold, my sons toys are more male orientated and my daughters toys are more female orientated. Not through indoctrination, just though their choices. I despair at all the rubbish that surrounds childrens upbringing these days.
I did child care work for about 2 years and we were told its better for the kids to chose their own toys and also how they play with the toys. Its a more effective way for the child to learn, explore, develop and to be expressive.

I always bought really noisy toys for my nephews so that they would annoy the parents.
It isn't wrong. Raise your child to be polite, fair and reasonable and open minded, don't get bogged down with all everything else, a lot of the rest of it is all bullshit. My son wears what he chooses (surprisingly, trousers and hero t-shirts) and my daughter wears what she chooses (surprisingly skirts and my little pony t-shits).

They play with whatever toys they want and, lo and behold, my sons toys are more male orientated and my daughters toys are more female orientated. Not through indoctrination, just though their choices. I despair at all the rubbish that surrounds childrens upbringing these days.

That's a very shallow understanding of socialization and society's role in the process. You're absolutely right that the goal should always be to raise a child to be polite, fair, reasonable and open minded, but if we go a little bit deeper there's obviously more to your children's choices than "just their choices". That doesn't mean their choices are wrong in any way, it just means your understanding of their choices is wrong.
That's a very shallow understanding of socialization and society's role in the process.

I disagree. Those 4 qualities underpin everything that would make a good society. I'm not bogging my children down with anything further but nor am I closing down anything for them. If my son wants to play with more 'boy orientated' toys and wear trousers then I see absolutely no problem with that.

but if we go a little bit deeper there's obviously more to your children's choices than "just their choices". That doesn't mean their choices are wrong in any way, it just means your understanding of their choices is wrong.

My children are 15 and 12. I go as deep as I feel necessary. I try and fill their lives with experiences and fun while guiding them to be all of the above and I'm very proud of what they are growing into. I have never had to answer any questions on race, gender, sexuality or disability. They 'get it' and see all of our differences as being part and parcel of the world we live in.

I keep 'society' well away from my childrens upbringing thanks. They can figure stuff out for themselves.
You misunderstand. I'm not saying you're raising them the wrong way, I'm saying that society plays a much larger role in their choices than you think it does. I obviously can't say whether or not you've influenced their choices, but it's reasonably likely you've done it unintentionally. Again, that doesn't make it wrong, but if we're trying to understand society we have to go a little deeper than the surface.
I keep 'society' well away from my childrens upbringing thanks. They can figure stuff out for themselves.
I'm sure they go to school, watch TV, go on the internet, have friends, and so on. You can't keep society away.

Unless you're raising them in a dark basement, in which case we have bigger problems than the desirability of gender-specific toys.
You misunderstand. I'm not saying you're raising them the wrong way, I'm saying that society plays a much larger role in their choices than you think it does. I obviously can't say whether or not you've influenced their choices, but it's reasonably likely you've done it unintentionally. Again, that doesn't make it wrong, but if we're trying to understand society we have to go a little deeper than the surface.

No nimic, I do understand totally how society 'guides' us all, not just children. But you have to be able to cut through all of that and do what you think is correct for their upbringing based on how you see them developing. No, we have not (intentionally) influenced their choices, probably not as much as their friends have, we're pretty open minded parents.

I don't, however, see a problem with children falling into male / female social pathways to a degree if that is what they want because that is what their friends are doing, I don't it as an automatically a bad thing. Obviously I'm not encouraging my daughter to be subservient to male influence or buying her toy irons and kitchens but nor am I steering her away from anything fluffy and pink if it what she is asking for.

It's got to be balanced. It's got to be fun for them. I think children turn into what they will turn into ultimately and as a parent you have to be able to keep up with them and the changes they go through. As long as those changes fall within the 4 points I made earlier then we're all good.

My son (15) for instance has changed massively over the last 12 months and turned into a very masculine young man. That's not society nor us as parents, that is his biology and physical and mental development. We've watched and enjoyed this process and he has begun to forge his own path and turn into the young man he will become.
I'm sure they go to school, watch TV, go on the internet, have friends, and so on. You can't keep society away.

Unless you're raising them in a dark basement, in which case we have bigger problems than the desirability of gender-specific toys.

Yes of course Siorac, I know that but that is a bigger issue and as a parent you have to be able to filter certain aspects of society is what II meant.
No nimic, I do understand totally how society 'guides' us all, not just children. But you have to be able to cut through all of that and do what you think is correct for their upbringing based on how you see them developing. No, we have not (intentionally) influenced their choices, probably not as much as their friends have, we're pretty open minded parents.

I don't, however, see a problem with children falling into male / female social pathways to a degree if that is what they want because that is what their friends are doing, I don't it as an automatically a bad thing. Obviously I'm not encouraging my daughter to be subservient to male influence or buying her toy irons and kitchens but nor am I steering her away from anything fluffy and pink if it what she is asking for.

It's got to be balanced. It's got to be fun for them. I think children turn into what they will turn into ultimately and as a parent you have to be able to keep up with them and the changes they go through. As long as those changes fall within the 4 points I made earlier then we're all good.

My son (15) for instance has changed massively over the last 12 months and turned into a very masculine young man. That's not society nor us as parents, that is his biology and physical and mental development. We've watched and enjoyed this process and he has begun to forge his own path and turn into the young man he will become.
I agree completely with this. Girls and boys liking different things is completely okay. The problem is forbidding them to like certain things. And that goes both ways. Stay-at-home-mom shaming is a thing now. And that's ridiculous. Let girls be girls and boys be boys. Don't force them to, but don't forbid em either.
Sounds like a sub-editor tbh.
Tbf you would know since you've been editor of Viz magazine for the last five years.

Shit, Jips, I'm sorry because I know you wanted to keep your identity secret but tbh the world deserves to know that you're the brain behind the Lefty Fascists and Pedo Jim.
I agree completely with this. Girls and boys liking different things is completely okay. The problem is forbidding them to like certain things. And that goes both ways. Stay-at-home-mom shaming is a thing now. And that's ridiculous. Let girls be girls and boys be boys. Don't force them to, but don't forbid em either.
I've been chastised for getting my son chemistry stuff for his last birthday and my daughter painting and drawing stuff for hers because I was "playing to stereotypes" according to some loudmouth arse who barged into a conversation at work. Yeah, I did buy them those things because they're what THEY ASKED FOR. Also fails to realise that my daughter wanted the stuff to make pictures of giant robot Staffordshire Bull Terriers without arms slithering around like snakes eating people's feet.
I've been chastised for getting my son chemistry stuff for his last birthday and my daughter painting and drawing stuff for hers because I was "playing to stereotypes"

But even if you were playing to stereotypes dude (and I’m not suggesting you were or even bothered if you were), that’s your choice and should remain so. The thought police shouldn’t get involved.
If Ms Pigeon had asked for, and been refused, a chemistry set then that twit might've had a point.
I agree completely with this. Girls and boys liking different things is completely okay. The problem is forbidding them to like certain things. And that goes both ways. Stay-at-home-mom shaming is a thing now. And that's ridiculous. Let girls be girls and boys be boys. Don't force them to, but don't forbid em either.

Depends to what extent you forbid them in my opinion.

I would want my child to like Man United and not Chelsea. You bet your ass I will try my very best to make that happen. That doesn't mean supporting Chelsea is wrong. I just don't wanna see it happen.

Of course if they still support Chelsea argh whatever.
If Ms Pigeon had asked for, and been refused, a chemistry set then that twit might've had a point.
She's not really "mine" so she wouldn't be Ms Pigeon.

Oh god, that sounds terrible and not at all what I mean.

What I mean to say is that we found her on the side of the road and she just followed us home.
Depends to what extent you forbid them in my opinion.

I would want my child to like Man United and not Chelsea. You bet your ass I will try my very best to make that happen. That doesn't mean supporting Chelsea is wrong. I just don't wanna see it happen.

Of course if they still support Chelsea argh whatever.
Oh of course, if he shows signs of supporting Ajax I will disown him.
She's not really "mine" so she wouldn't be Ms Pigeon.

Oh god, that sounds terrible and not at all what I mean.

What I mean to say is that we found her on the side of the road and she just followed us home.
Blimey, there's never a dull moment in the Pigeon coop.
Gandhi was a racist, castist and a sexual deviant (his neices...). He wrote some lovely letters to Hitler and all.

Nice guy though.
To be fair, Ghandi's always been a massive bellend in my Civilization games.

Did he nuke you too?

Peace lover my arse. Ghandi in Civ is basically what would happen if you combined Hitler, Atilla the Hun and Stalin in to one big Uber Cnut package.
Depends to what extent you forbid them in my opinion.

I would want my child to like Man United and not Chelsea. You bet your ass I will try my very best to make that happen. That doesn't mean supporting Chelsea is wrong. I just don't wanna see it happen.

Supporting Chelsea is very wrong