Has political correctness actually gone mad?

Creepy comment descends into typical DM-readerdom. Is the book renowned for its PC storyline?


No, but is very anti-authoritarian.
Shower of utter pricks.
And they want a proper young female actress in that film part.
Daily Mail readers are definitely utter pricks but aren’t they also anti-authoritarian? Definitely get a whiff of libertarianism from most comment threads.
They appear to be quite happy with conservatism and tradition when it is authority they approve of (notably organised religion). His Dark Materials is anti authority in general, but also specifically against organised religion. It also celebrates education, knowledge and sexuality which is clearly not going to go down well with this mob. Note the use of the term amoral. I don't think they're libertarian in general: they certainly seem to want to control anyone who does anything they don't approve of...which is everyone pretty much.
Depends how you frame anti-authoritarian, they'd love to impose their world view on everyone else.

Probably. Although the right wing’s modern obsession with free speech and small government is definitely a little different to the old fashioned conservatism you would typically equate with DM readers.
Probably. Although the right wing’s modern obsession with free speech and small government is definitely a little different to the old fashioned conservatism you would typically equate with DM readers.
I think it's just a different way of expressing the same thoughts. They care about free speech because they don't like not being able to denigrate those they don't like, they care about small government because they see that as the way to preserve the halcyon past.
I think it's just a different way of expressing the same thoughts. They care about free speech because they don't like not being able to denigrate those they don't like, they care about small government because they see that as the way to preserve the halcyon past.
They care about small government because they believe it means lower taxes more like.
I get ya now. This is 007 we are talking though, in the list of unrealistic happenings in each movie that would easily be way down the list....
Isn't 007 a woman now?

“There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says, “Come in 007”, and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman,” the source said. “It’s a popcorn-dropping moment. Bond is still Bond but he’s been replaced as 007.”
Thought that was fan fiction at first. Well, they have my attention.
I'll wait and see how she does before making any decision as I have on any 007. I go into any show or film series with an open mind.

I have liked Daniel Craig as 007. He's probably my favourite as a rather darker 007 than the ones before him. I hope they continue down the darker path even after DC leaves the series.
Context from the twitter thread.

Are there any actual sources, though? Twitter is probably the second worst place to get information from, after YouTube comments. I checked a few of the articles linked, and while they had a very clear stance on the issue ("those silly SJWs"), I didn't see any mention of what you're talking about.
Are there any actual sources, though? Twitter is probably the second worst place to get information from, after YouTube comments. I checked a few of the articles linked, and while they had a very clear stance on the issue ("those silly SJWs"), I didn't see any mention of what you're talking about.
Its screen caps with archives of tweets of that guy's about ogling women in changing rooms and trying to organise 12+ topless pool parties with "no parents"
Older generations get called out on sexism and racism, wonder what us 40-somethings will be pilloried for in 10 years' time? @Pogue Mahone

Yeah, 'There's only one Yorkshire Ripper' was a sidesplitter... :rolleyes:
Yeah clearly the guy is dangerous and psychotic and best ignored/locked up.

The real stories are that this obviously vexatious let alone misogynistic legal claim is actually being allowed to go to court, which is shameful. And also the numerous trans women posting in support of him with comments like "we all have to do stuff at work we don't enjoy". As if that is a good counter to all the evil TERF beauticians who don't want to touch male genitalia in their jobs, despite apparently having absolutely no right to avoid it.

Have to admit, I’m with you on this one. The idea that actual genitalia should be perceived as not necessarily one sex or the other is absolutely fecking bonkers.

Usual caveats here that this might be a fuss about a very isolated/rare incident being blown up out of all proportion for the sake of Twitter kudos.
In shocking news, Katie Hopkins admits that she's Katie Hopkins for money:

She adds that the word “cockroach” was actually intended as a kind of compliment: “The picture in my mind was these resilient creatures. But then people layered on those historical references… Argh! So of course we recognise those aren’t great words.”

I refuse to believe that she is that stupid and detached from reality.
Probably got a lot to do with him being a bit of an insufferable twat himself.
This is true. I don't get why he highlights the 4 people offended by what he's done, then paints himself as some kind of 'free speech Henry the fifth' for standing up to them.

Actually yeah, it's the insufferable twat thing again, isn't it.
This is true. I don't get why he highlights the 4 people offended by what he's done, then paints himself as some kind of 'free speech Henry the fifth' for standing up to them.

If someone is calling out right wing twats, he's praise worthy. But if he's calling left wing twats then grrrr... insufferable twat.
If someone is calling out right wing twats, he's praise worthy. But if he's calling left wing twats then grrrr... insufferable twat.
He’s a bit of a twat anyway tbf, I’m not even getting political. I say that as a fan.
If someone is calling out right wing twats, he's praise worthy. But if he's calling left wing twats then grrrr... insufferable twat.

Actually this is more of a left vs left bunfight. With right wing commentators gleefully doing the sort of virtue signalling they pour scorn on when it’s done by anyone on the left.
Older generations get called out on sexism and racism, wonder what us 40-somethings will be pilloried for in 10 years' time? @Pogue Mahone


My friends and I keep asking ourselves this. My answer is basically having female athletes wear glorified bikinis when the compete. Why do they have to be a two-piece? And, having been a gymnast myself, the leotards the girls wear from early ages with skin coloured areas mimicking nudity are just so uncalled for. There was once a front cover of the British Gymnastics Association magazine that had clear pubic hear visible! Cycling shorts would have no impact on performance just like a full ‘singlet’ and shorts wouldn’t affect an athlete’s performance.
Actually this is more of a left vs left bunfight. With right wing commentators gleefully doing the sort of virtue signalling they pour scorn on when it’s done by anyone on the left.

I know that, but the point I was making is that both in this forum and generally out there (i.e. twitter-sphere, msm etc.) when someone picks on right wing nutters they're usually lauded or at worst ignored as yet another simply normal person. Which is good, obviously. But when someone picks on the far left, it seems to be accompanied with statements indicating that he probably shouldn't. It seems that because opinions coming out of the far left are from historically oppressed groups of people, there's a hesitation from people in the middle ground to vocally criticise and mock these opinions when they deserve it.

Gervais might be to some an insufferable twat regardless of politics, but somehow that opinion doesn't seem to be voiced after he's taken his 100th swipe at Trump per se. And I can understand the whole "punch up, not down" kind of thing, especially with right-wing twats in power. But still....

That's my impression anyway.
I know that, but the point I was making is that both in this forum and generally out there (i.e. twitter-sphere, msm etc.) when someone picks on right wing nutters they're usually lauded or at worst ignored as yet another simply normal person. Which is good, obviously. But when someone picks on the far left, it seems to be accompanied with statements indicating that he probably shouldn't. It seems that because opinions coming out of the far left are from historically oppressed groups of people, there's a hesitation from people in the middle ground to vocally criticise and mock these opinions when they deserve it.

Gervais might be to some an insufferable twat regardless of politics, but somehow that opinion doesn't seem to be voiced after he's taken his 100th swipe at Trump per se. And I can understand the whole "punch up, not down" kind of thing, especially with right-wing twats in power. But still....

That's my impression anyway.

Gervais has a history of making a mountain out of a molehill though. He sits on twitter and engages people who find his jokes offensive. They're as bad as eachother.
all you have to is search @rickygervais, [rightwing internet slang] into the twitter search bar and you'll find plenty of it, but that doesn't get traction because you'd have to be pretty pathetic to care what no name twitter users think
My friends and I keep asking ourselves this. My answer is basically having female athletes wear glorified bikinis when the compete. Why do they have to be a two-piece? And, having been a gymnast myself, the leotards the girls wear from early ages with skin coloured areas mimicking nudity are just so uncalled for. There was once a front cover of the British Gymnastics Association magazine that had clear pubic hear visible! Cycling shorts would have no impact on performance just like a full ‘singlet’ and shorts wouldn’t affect an athlete’s performance.

This will definitely be one of them. There was a spotlight on this in Norway during the summer, because of pictures like this:


Those are the official beach volleyball uniforms for the men's and women's national teams, and they are mandatory in international competition. The Norwegian organizations are against this, but there's nothing they can do about it since the rules are set above a national level. In the future, people will look at that picture and wonder what the hell we were thinking.
This will definitely be one of them. There was a spotlight on this in Norway during the summer, because of pictures like this:


In the future, people will look at that picture and wonder what the hell we were thinking.
They will. Maybe.
Still, the only reason I’d watch women’s beach volleyball is for those outfits.

Was that out loud?
I reckon ballerinas should wear trench coats and DM's and male dancers should definitely do something about that disgusting bump.