Has political correctness actually gone mad?


Cancelled, slur, hurtful: rich people

Woke, accepting, diverse: people of means

What about this Victoria Parry business? A women done for drink driving three times, but avoids prison, with the judge explicitly stating that if she had been a man she would have been locked up.


Its political correctness gone mad.
This sexist from the judge. In my opinion, there is too much of this in society in general whereby women get away with stuff because they are women.
This sexist from the judge. In my opinion, there is too much of this in society in general whereby women get away with stuff because they are women.
I think it’s been proven that women do indeed get far more lenient sentences for the exact same crimes when compared to men. It would seem this is just a prime example.
exceeding colonialism and racism combined
exceeding colonialism and racism combined exceeding colonialism and racism combined
exceeding colonialism and racism combined
exceeding colonialism and racism combined exceeding colonialism and racism combined
exceeding colonialism and racism combined
exceeding colonialism and racism combined exceeding colonialism and racism combined
exceeding colonialism and racism combined
exceeding colonialism and racism combined exceeding colonialism and racism combined
If by original you mean the now-quashed ruling allowing him to stay... why was that correct?

Because if the standard requires evidence of integration you can't only choose the bits of society you personally like. If that isn't what we want then the law probably needs revising.

Here’s one for ye. I follow this dude on Twitter (because he’s got a bot fly living in him) and witnessed quite the heated pile on yesterday after he posted the above tweet.

Apparently it’s full of “racist, colonial language” A sin that was compounded by him being a “cis white male”

Can anyone work out what he did wrong? Cause I’m flummoxed.
No doubt the vast majority of people who were offended by this were people who actually lived in "the wild" in the Amazon, or other groups that were displaced by colonialism. Definitely not bored, middle class white westerners with nothing better to do but trawl the internet looking for things to complain about.
fecking bonkers is what it is. I guess the nature of the tweet/tweeter put him directly in the firing line of assorted progressive post-grad students, who've had the luxury of spending most of their lives refining the art of taking offence on behalf of others.

He was doomed from the moment he clicked send. Like shooting fish in a barrel*.

*Can you still say that? It is kind of cruel to animals
The critique is not hard to get, to be fair. People are mostly protesting invasive and at times unwelcome outside influence (which has historically been detrimental to marginalized native societies that are part of the colonial tourism itinerary, even in scientific endeavors). Others suggest the improvement and amplification of existing indigenous conservation/activism efforts with outreach and academic programs, instead of “explorers” trampling upon the natural habitat, sharing none of their expertise (while cleverly siphoning off indigenous knowledge of the Amazons), and relegating the people of the land to noble-savage footnotes. Call it bonkers if you will, but they have a very valid point when you consider the historical context — and this Phil Torres character's knuckle-dragging/dismissiveness certainly doesn't help.
The typical post grad ecology/conservation student: Rich, white, more degrees than they know what to do with, guilt-ridden and never worked a day in their lives. Wear turtle necks if male and suspenders if female.
Rubbish. They are mostly echoing indigenous concerns (which never see the light of day and are silenced because they don't have extensive platforms for mass-communication and are systemically excluded from academia). Then again, I doubt you care — poking fun at turtle neck wearing guilt ridden universally adored legend is much more beneficial/productive to the discourse, innit.
The critique is not hard to get, to be fair. People are mostly protesting invasive and at times unwelcome outside influence (which has historically been detrimental to marginalized native societies that are part of the colonial tourism itinerary, even in scientific endeavors). Others suggest the improvement and amplification of existing indigenous conservation/activism efforts with outreach and academic programs, instead of “explorers” trampling upon the natural habitat, sharing none of their expertise (while cleverly siphoning off indigenous knowledge of the Amazons), and relegating the people of the land to noble-savage footnotes. Call it bonkers if you will, but they have a very valid point when you consider the historical context — and this Phil Torres character's knuckle-dragging/dismissiveness certainly doesn't help.

How does any of the above justify calling the tweet/job advertisement "racist"?

Sure, you can have a sensible discussion about how to balance the benefits of academic research with the best interest of the indigenous people but I'm missing the part where blurting "racist" at "cis white males" should form part of any kind of sensible discussion.

As for his "knuckle-dragging" response, I think he was fairly restrained given the abuse he had just received. Funnily enough, being called a racist by strangers is going to wind some people up. Credit to him for having the restraint to not just tell her to go and get fecked.
...Definitely not bored, middle class white westerners with nothing better to do but trawl the internet looking for things to complain about.
No offense but that comment tickles me in the context of this thread :smirk:....
How does any of the above justify calling the tweet/job advertisement "racist"?
Well, that depends on how you define such an incredibly complex term, and whether it has to be overt or subliminal. Just to be clear, the advertisement was almost definitely not racist with regard to intent. But I'd argue that the historic marginalization and genocide of people indigenous to the Peruvian Amazionia to a point where they are just ¼th of Peru's total population is definitely racism from a broader, structural perspective. And just to add a bit of political context, a lot of South American countries deliberately restrict the political voice of the indigenous populace by throttling and disenfranchising an already marginalized voting block. And the advertisement unwittingly furthers a lot of expeditionary terms that were used by colonialists to to invade the land by dehumanizing the natives as faceless, one-with-nature, mannequins that just-existed-there as caricatured part of the furniture and could easily be disregarded and undermined than actualized, intelligent, human beings (from the advertisement: “indigenous communities who share these ecosystems with wildlife”). So yeah, it was kinda-sorta racist in term of furthering the trope, even though the writers didn't necessarily intend it be. Which is what the Crocker lady was arguing (and she has a history of bringing up similar issues)...

Sure, you can have a sensible discussion about how to balance the benefits of academic research with the best interest of the indigenous people but I'm missing the part where blurting "racist" at "cis white males" should form part of any kind of sensible discussion.

As for his "knuckle-dragging" response, I think he was fairly restrained given the abuse he had just received. Funnily enough, being called a racist by strangers is going to wind some people up. Credit to him for having the restraint to not just tell her to go and get fecked.
That's just the nature of social media, I'm afraid — people can be overly aggressive, and and some of the fruitless bickering is exacerbated by energized twitterati minions jumping in. The knuckle-dragging/dismissiveness bit was regarding his initial defensiveness and reluctance to consider some very valid concerns (which should be at the forefront).
Sorry but I just can't get over the massive fecking leap of faith needed to interpret this:

"indigenous communities who share these ecosystems with wildlife"

as this:

"dehumanizing the natives as faceless, one-with-nature, mannequins that just-existed-there as caricatured part of the furniture and could easily be disregarded and undermined than actualized, intelligent, human beings"

I mean, come on. Seriously? Surely you have to be working bloody hard to find so much offence in so few words?

And from having a look at the twitter feed of the post-grad who first jumped down their throat, it does seem as though working bloody hard to find offence is kind of her specialty.
This tete-a-tete is not going anywhere productive, methinks. We clearly have divergent viewpoints so let's agree to disagree, et cetera.
Twitter is just silly. Anything and everything written or said there should just be disregarded. The few vaguely intelligent comments are split into 20 tweets or are a simple link to an article. Its a pretty terrible platform for the sharing of ideas and peoples reaction to it is invariably hyperbolic.
Twitter is just silly. Anything and everything written or said there should just be disregarded. The few vaguely intelligent comments are split into 20 tweets or are a simple link to an article. Its a pretty terrible platform for the sharing of ideas and peoples reaction to it is invariably hyperbolic.

The best description of Twitter I've come across is that it's the reason why men's toilets are generally graffiti-less nowadays.
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The best description of Twitter I've come across is that it's reason why men's toilets are generally graffiti-less nowadays.
Waiting for the DJT "Some would say Melania gives good head..." Tweet.

Here’s one for ye. I follow this dude on Twitter (because he’s got a bot fly living in him) and witnessed quite the heated pile on yesterday after he posted the above tweet.

Apparently it’s full of “racist, colonial language” A sin that was compounded by him being a “cis white male”

Can anyone work out what he did wrong? Cause I’m flummoxed.

I suspect the brief mention of indigenous people combined with the overall feeling of a guided tour has been interpreted as the indigenous people being one of the species being studied.kind of cultural voyeurism rather than serious science.

Rather colonial in feel but a rather OTT reaction as well.

The inevitable apology thread.

Includes a specific apology to those who “were/are harmed by our wording”. How does that work? Seriously? How was anyone harmed by their choice of words? The mind boggles.

The mistake here is apologising. It's just a form of social media bullies except the bullies then make you apologise so they can carry on thinking they were right.