Has political correctness actually gone mad?

Why is it that the people who bang on about free speech the most nowadays are usually the ones who want to be sexist/racist/transphobic/homophobic without consequence?
Why is it that the people who bang on about free speech the most nowadays are usually the ones who want to be sexist/racist/transphobic/homophobic without consequence?

Because most other people’s free speech goes unchallenged. It’s contentious opinions that draw the most flak, and in this day and age there’s none more contentious.
30 tweets though. That sounds like a sustained thing. If I made 30 public statement insulting my white male neighbour I wouldn't be surprised if the police spoke to me about harassment laws.

Also a former british policeman, signed up to social media who only starts crying Orwell when his hate speech is checked says everything about the world we live in. Also his rhyme was really shit and really wasn't a limerick.

Limericks are more like this:

A gammon resembling a blister
On meeting a transwoman dissed her
He signed up to twitter
But only got bitter
When Big Brother changed to big sister.

I think that's right:
A /GAM/mon re/SEM/bling a BLIST/er
on /MEET/ing a /TRANS/woman /DISSED/ her
he /SIGNED/ up to /TWITT/er
and /ON/ly got /BITT/er
when /BIG/ brother /CHANGED/ to big /SIS/ter.
Obviously mental the police got involved in this. Like, obviously.

Equally, it’s impossible to feel sorry for people who use twitter primarily as a platform to argue about trans stuff. Fecking eejits, the lot of them.

Essentially this.
Why is it that the people who bang on about free speech the most nowadays are usually the ones who want to be sexist/racist/transphobic/homophobic without consequence?

Because they don't care about free speech - they care about promoting their own views and the free speech argument is a useful guise under which they can do that.

Note that a lot of the conservative free speech types tend not to talk out when, say, someone in America is reprimanded for not wanting to say the pledge of allegiance at school. Even though that's a core issue that would relate to freedom of speech. The cases they choose to highlight are always selective and aimed only at furthering their own agenda.
Because they don't care about free speech - they care about promoting their own views and the free speech argument is a useful guise under which they can do that.

Yes, precisely this. The same phenomenon means that the idea that the best way to combat right-wing extremism, up to and including actual fascism/neo-Nazism, is to engage it civilly in public debate, is a mistake. It's playing right into their hands. They don't respect the rules, and they won't play by them no matter what we do. They're just looking for a platform to reach a new audience.

Nike is facing backlash from thousands of Muslims who claim that a new shoe produced the US sportswear giant is "appalling" and blasphemous — as it has "Allah" inscribed on the sole.

The logo on Nike's Air Max 270 trainers, which were released last year, features text in a custom font.

However, an eagle-eyed Nike customer noticed that this logo has a somewhat religious feel to it. An online petition, launched by Saiqa Noreen, says that it resembles the word "Allah" in Arabic script.

"It is outrageous and appalling of Nike to allow the name of God on a shoe. This is disrespectful and extremely offensive to Muslim's and insulting to Islam. Islam teaches compassion, kindness and fairness towards all," reads the petition, which has so far racked up shy of 6,000 signatures.

Genuine mistake, or calculated insult to the name of allah? Either way, does it fecking matter? Getting offended by a shoe :lol:
Why are you looking at a shoe sole and thinking of god?

I guess it makes a change from looking at an arse hole and thinking of Jesus...

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Because they don't care about free speech - they care about promoting their own views and the free speech argument is a useful guise under which they can do that.

Note that a lot of the conservative free speech types tend not to talk out when, say, someone in America is reprimanded for not wanting to say the pledge of allegiance at school. Even though that's a core issue that would relate to freedom of speech. The cases they choose to highlight are always selective and aimed only at furthering their own agenda.

Absolutely. Well said.
You can't sign nuffin' nowadays...
Is it seriously now normal to say "Anti-Blackness"? I don't know why but it sorta rubbed me the wrong way.
Looks like Esquire magazine is cancelled now.

I keep reminding myself that bun fights on twitter don’t fully reflect the opinions of people in general but watching loads of saps constantly rushing to let everyone know how woke they are is getting kind of soul-destroying.

You're following the wrong people on twitter, I think it's great!
You're following the wrong people on twitter, I think it's great!

I think it’s generally fine and the comments that wind me up the most aren’t from the people I follow. It’s when I get sucked down a rabbit hole by some random trending topic that I see loads of annoying tweets. Which was a contentious Esquire article yesterday.

Although I guess it’s possible that the fact I mainly follow left-leaning people causes the Twitter algorithm to give the most performatively woke tweets priority when I’m doing my digging around?
I think it’s generally fine and the comments that wind me up the most aren’t from the people I follow. It’s when I get sucked down a rabbit hole by some random trending topic that I see loads of annoying tweets. Which was a contentious Esquire article yesterday.

Although I guess it’s possible that the fact I mainly follow left-leaning people causes the Twitter algorithm to give the most performatively woke tweets priority when I’m doing my digging around?

I have a rule against opening the trending tab, ever. Like, I completely missed that whole silliness about the kids and the native American guy for weeks! Which I'm very happy I did too.