Who do you feel most connection to out of curiosity?
@saivet @rcoobc @SteveJ
You are all appreciated!
@2 Man Midfield
That's literally it, there's a cultural division that will take generations to heal. We can't expect it to happen overnight, and we shouldn't dismiss those who just want to have something to celebrate or be included in - especially if they're the first person to go to college? Or they come from a line of slaves?
They are creating history for their family that they will pass down generations and be remembered long after they're gone - it's amazing.
To add on to those who are trying to suggest that "race" isn't important, and we should remove all colours and be viewed as one etc.
You need to question the history oppression not just in America but globally, where the oppressors remove & erase all traces of identity, history, family etc so they can control & rule over those they oppress without any disobedience.
In some cases - race & culture are the only things that can connect people, especially black people between Africa the Caribbean & The Americas.
So the idea that we need to ignore race, or people shouldn't be proud of their race is not just idealistic & dangerous, but it's reductionist and quite honestly only illustrates that there's a disconnect.
You wouldn't tell the Italians, the French and the Spanish to erase their culture because they are all European white, and therefore they are the same because we are all part of the human race, and being proud of your culture is separatism.
No, we celebrate our differences, and learn about other cultures that aren't familiar to ours, and that is what it means to be part of the human race. At least in my opinion.
With that being said, i'm going to sleep, I don't care if you don't agree with me tbh.