Harry Maguire involved in incident with police in Greece - conviction nullified by appeal, full retrial pending

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From the Telegraph's article:
  • The Manchester United captain was said to be facing a worst-case-scenario prison term of two years if prosecutors reviewing his arrest on the island of Mykonos pursue a charge on Saturday of aggravated assault.
  • The bribery offence was said to relate to one of the two other men who were arrested with him in the early hours.
  • "The policemen that intervened were secret police, in plain clothes, so it is possible that Maguire and his friends did not understand that they were police officers," one source close to the investigation claimed. "One of the men allegedly attempted to bribe the police when they were taken in the precinct.
  • "Paul Anast, a Greek legal expert and investigator, told Telegraph Sport that many cases of this kind get thrown out, but he added: "If it was not an accident and it was an aggravated result, it could be two years in jail. But if you are sentenced, you can appeal and will be released immediately, which is the law for anything like this under two years. You can then leave the country."

So he can just appeal and flee the country, as long as he never go back to Greece, and live like a fugitive elsewhere, he is fine then?
I don't get it. So we've just lost an Europa league semi final, we're in the middle of a covid crisis and this 80m rated player gets in big trouble with the police after getting hammered at a bar. Seriously? If Pogba was the one accused then the British media would be asking for his head. Instead he's good old English international Harry, whose been enjoying himself.
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Brawl is somewhat understandable...you get drunk and lose your head. But trying to bribe can land him in serious trouble.
I don't think brawl is understandable. Especially not when you're playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world.

Let's see what happens when the smoke clears. So far I'm mainly annoyed he's in a packed bar abroad in during a pandemic.
Have I entered an alternate universe where Maguire has shittalked the club and played awful all season ?
Imagine being able to vacation in another country and visit a bar. Ah, America...

If what its alleged is true then if Maguire did what he did in the US rather then in Greece then would probably have ended up shot
No idea how jurisdiction works in Greece but no way would he go to jail for first time offences like that here in Austria.
Have I entered an alternate universe where Maguire has shittalked the club and played awful all season ?

Nah you're in a universe were our 80m defender is accused of punching the police and then he tried to bribe them in a bid to try to get away with it.
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Bet he put himself forward for the captaincy of the prison team within minutes of arriving
Bizarre levels of Maguire hate in here.
Exactly what I was thinking. Specially considering no one even knows exactly what happened.
For all we know, he may have been trying to stop his friends from fighting or may have been defending himself when the other people attacked him. We also know how cops in most countries are. You so much as speak to them with a raised voice and they get physical and if you defend yourself, the hide behind an assault charge.
Baffled as to why so many people hate Maguire and seemingly want him to be punished without actually knowing the facts.

Let the courts decide what will happen. But we’d be in a much worse position if he wasn’t in our team next season
He has shown more leadership than Maguire even Lindelof does as well.

Paul Pogba is a great player on his day although he hasn't been consistent enough for United.

But he isn't captain material as he has spent the past 2 years trying to navigate his way out of here and making eyes at Madrid. How is that the guy we want as our figurehead and for the other players to look to.

If he signs a new contract and commits to us then maybe he could be in contention. But I don't understand why people are so precious about him. Its obvious why he doesn't get the same amount of love from United fans as other less talented players. Principally because people value commitment and loyalty above most other things.

If we think back to Rooney, a more talented player who delivered much more for United, it wasnt that he turned to shit that ruined the way many united fans talked about him as Neville was arguably worse than Rooney by the end. Instead it was his transfer request from earlier that lost him love. And this was a player that was seen as the heart of United and won us everything.
Nah you're in a universe were our 80m defender is accused of punching the police and then he tried to bribe them in a bid to try to get away with it.
If you actually read and did your research *non* of those are actually levelled at Maguire though, he was just with the group.

Let's be honest you'd probably give him the electric chair if you had the chance right now wouldn't you :lol:
If you actually read and did your research *non* of those are actually levelled at Maguire though, he was just with the group.

Let's be honest you'd probably give him the electric chair if you had the chance right now wouldn't you :lol:

I'll wait for official facts of the case before saying anything on what he has/hasn't done
If you actually read and did your research *non* of those are actually levelled at Maguire though, he was just with the group.

Let's be honest you'd probably give him the electric chair if you had the chance right now wouldn't you :lol:

No. I'd rather have him act in a professional way.
No idea how jurisdiction works in Greece but no way would he go to jail for first time offences like that here in Austria.

He wont in Greece either. Make a public statement, pay them some money, and he will be on his way home.
I wouldn't be surprised if Maguire sent him. He's got the most to lose out of this negative situation

Sent him where?! :lol:

fecking hell. The bribery charge is probably one of the other lads pulling 100 euros out of his wallet and offering it to the policeman. Not some kind of entering a room with a briefcase.
Sent him where?! :lol:

fecking hell. The bribery charge is probably one of the other lads pulling 100 euros out of his wallet and offering it to the policeman. Not some kind of entering a room with a briefcase.

Do you think that Maguire can't afford having people around him to do the dirty work for him?
Ok something happened. But there are plenty here & the press hyper pantalating.

1) Why move them to Siros Went to Siros backpacking 30 years back & I will guarantee it will have hardly changed. Really odd it's a back water! Is Spiros the judge a relation based on Siros?

2) Bribery 2 years in jail. Greece was bankrupt why well amongst other things paying taxes consisted of a brown envelope being handed in or should I say 2. The other for Spiro's.

3) Been to plenty of Greek islands & never seen plain clothes police. They like their jack boots & kepi. Either these were undercover for drug enforcement (Mykinos party place) or the equivalent of the volunteer lifeboat crew.

4) My Nate's got surrounded by the locals on an island due to not paying up allegedly. Get my point.

All I am saying we are getting carried away. Storm in a tea cup. No one seriously hurt. Look at Stevie G! And no he does not need to be stripped of the captaincy (whether he is leader is for another day). Get over we are Man Utd.

Will finally end up as slapped wrist having gone through the motion. Would not surprise me for Spiros to initially take a dim view today (stirring up more press hysteria) until a proper judge can be found. It's how it works. All about saving face & a few envelopes.

I would worry more about our lack of signings with DoF Joel & chief negotiators Eddy &. Matty at the helm.
I don't know what the contents of this thread has been, but I don't understand how there are 28 pages.

There's feck all to say about it. Who cares?
I don't know what the contents of this thread has been, but I don't understand how there are 28 pages.

There's feck all to say about it. Who cares?
Man Utd forum

Man Utd footballer

80m signing

in prison facing 2 year sentence

5-word sentence, maximum.

28 pages


National Level.
If half the stuff is true what was said and done you’d have to be a complete idiot and your mates complete idiots. Police thrown to the ground, punched and kicked allegedly. Not just one occasion either. Then offering a bribe.

That’s just moronic of the highest order and I have trouble believing anyone would be that stupid including Harry’s mates.

Anyway I’m sure our captains of the past have probably done worse or similar but see what they decide to do. I mean if any of it’s true there is probably grounds to cancel his contract but you ain’t going to do that when you invested 80 mil on the guy.
Something similar happened to Keane. Not only did the fans not seem to give a feck but the furore died down pretty quickly. Although the net wasn't what it is now, so we didn't have to suffer whiny, faux-outraged keyboard warriors jumping to conclusions and hammering their own players over limited information.
Touchy. The poster mentioned Rooney not Keane so don’t know what that has to do with it. Posters on here have a bizarre hate for Rooney because he questioned how good our shit signings were, they’d be frothing if this happened with him. That’s what I agreed to, not your tangent.

I agree with your point about whiny faux outraged keyboard warriors these days, you actually came across as one but about other posters, Not Maguire :lol:
If half the stuff is true what was said and done you’d have to be a complete idiot and your mates complete idiots. Police thrown to the ground, punched and kicked allegedly. Not just one occasion either. Then offering a bribe.

That’s just moronic of the highest order and I have trouble believing anyone would be that stupid including Harry’s mates.

Anyway I’m sure our captains of the past have probably done worse or similar but see what they decide to do. I mean if any of it’s true there is probably grounds to cancel his contract but you ain’t going to do that when you invested 80 mil on the guy.
it seems like they were plain clothed officers or (secret police) as the papers are describing them.

The Maguires had just been attacked by another group, they're drunk and high on adrenaline and suddenly somebody else comes along and grabs you out of nowhere. Am I surprised they got thrown to the floor and a small fight ensued? not at all.

Anyway without CCTV evidence it's alll speculation of how / who started it. The police might have been overly heavy handed, or the Maguires might have been acting the big man.

The main thing is I suspect without serious evidence Maguire will get away with a small fine and a warning and we will all be laughing about it in 2/3 weeks.
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