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2020-21 Performances

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No one should ever make that pass, its simply a poor understanding of football when that pass is made.

Actually, it's poor understanding of football if you think that's a bad pass. You do that on purpose. Problem is Fred is supposed to pass it off with his first touch. If Fred doesn't have any outlets then it's a bad pass. he had two. Henderson and AWB...
I can't believe how many people don't understand football if they think passing to a guy who has guys around him is a bad pass. I swear, sometimes there should be some sort of beginners football course before you're allowed to comment. This pass happens 20-30 times per game. Next game I'm going to post "there" in the match day post every time it happens and I guarantee you it happens several times per match...
Yes you do. If you don't understand why then perhaps football isn't the right game for you...
No you don't you would never.

That pass he had 3 players blocking all passes aside from back to the keeper. That then brings all the pressure onto the keeper with the ball with no player to pass to. This forces the keeper to hoof the ball and thats what Leicester wants. High risk with basically 0 reward.
I can't believe how many people don't understand football if they think passing to a guy who has guys around him is a bad pass. I swear, sometimes there should be some sort of beginners football course before you're allowed to comment. This pass happens 20-30 times per game. Next game I'm going to post "there" in the match day post every time it happens and I guarantee you it happens several times per match...
It doesn’t really happen 20-30 times per match, but Henderson did a similar pass to Lindelof. I think it is ok to hit that risky pass in other situations, but not in the centre just outside the box. It just cost too much when it fails. I however put 95% of the blame on Fred.
Yes you do. If you don't understand why then perhaps football isn't the right game for you...

You skipped out the second half of the sentence. Both halves convey the meaning, half of it completely changes the meaning. If you don’t understand why then perhaps English isn’t for you...

And yes I agree that passing to a player surrounded by 3 others is an appropriate thing to do in certain scenarios. A good thing to do, even. The context matters. Good passers judge that better. Ramos would not make that pass.
I can't believe how many people don't understand football if they think passing to a guy who has guys around him is a bad pass. I swear, sometimes there should be some sort of beginners football course before you're allowed to comment. This pass happens 20-30 times per game. Next game I'm going to post "there" in the match day post every time it happens and I guarantee you it happens several times per match...

If you have two players left and right of you that are unmarked would it not make more sense to pass it to one of them?
It doesn’t really happen 20-30 times per match, but Henderson did a similar pass to Lindelof. I think it is ok to hit that risky pass in other situations, but not in the centre just outside the box. It just cost too much when it fails. I however put 95% of the blame on Fred.

I put 100% of the fault on Fred. Maguire had a poor game but not because of this. I posted the video of the goal. Pause it on Fred's first touch. You can see how wide open AWB is on the right and that Fred has a passing lane to him. He just needs to make it a first time pass with his right foot...
You skipped out the second half of the sentence. Both halves convey the meaning, half of it completely changes the meaning. If you don’t understand why then perhaps English isn’t for you...

And yes I agree that passing to a player surrounded by 3 others is an appropriate thing to do in certain scenarios. A good thing to do, even. The context matters. Good passers judge that better. Ramos would not make that pass.

Ramos would have been red carded already
Actually, it's poor understanding of football if you think that's a bad pass. You do that on purpose. Problem is Fred is supposed to pass it off with his first touch. If Fred doesn't have any outlets then it's a bad pass. he had two. Henderson and AWB...
You gain nothing from passing to him but risk.
I put 100% of the fault on Fred. Maguire had a poor game but not because of this. I posted the video of the goal. Pause it on Fred's first touch. You can see how wide open AWB is on the right and that Fred has a passing lane to him. He just needs to make it a first time pass with his right foot...
It was horrible from Fred.
Players make mistake. Fred is probably more likely to make this mistake than someone who is good on the ball, but it was still a mistake. How do you get rid of mistakes? The strongest and most effective way is to redesign and remove the opportunity for the mistake to happen. In this case: don’t make that pass.

It is Fred who made the mistake, but Maguire created the opportunity for the mistake to happen.
Why the feck is anyone putting blame on maguire for that first goal? Is it too much to ask from a Manchester United midfielder to properly pass it to the GK? Are some of you on a wind up?
Why the feck is anyone putting blame on maguire for that first goal? Is it too much to ask from a Manchester United midfielder to properly pass it to the GK? Are some of you on a wind up?
It’s agenda driven. @SadlerMUFC is absolutely right. We play this type of pass all the time and yes, we do it when the midfielder is under pressure. Trust me, they will practice this type of situation endlessly in training. The onus is on the midfielder to have the awareness, touch, and range of passing to be able to deal with it. Those blaming Maguire will have to be disappointed because we’ll do it again
Why the feck is anyone putting blame on maguire for that first goal? Is it too much to ask from a Manchester United midfielder to properly pass it to the GK? Are some of you on a wind up?
I don't think It's solely to do with the first goal! Obviously Fred the useless twat should have dealt with that better but Harry "Do u know who I am" Is complete and utter dross. I had this discussion with my cousin the other day and he said he thinks he's been a good signing. Obviously I disagree and said is Harry better than Pallister, Brucey, Stam, Johnson, Berg, Vidic, Ferdinand, Evans, Brown?? Hell even a young Jones and Smalling are better than him. If people disagree then they don't know anything about football, he's a pure brute with the football IQ of a moron
I can't believe how many people don't understand football if they think passing to a guy who has guys around him is a bad pass. I swear, sometimes there should be some sort of beginners football course before you're allowed to comment. This pass happens 20-30 times per game. Next game I'm going to post "there" in the match day post every time it happens and I guarantee you it happens several times per match...
We've managed to play counter attacks from positions like these several times this season. The pass wasn't anything out of the ordinary

Look at that still and tell me that’s a good pass. Into our own final 3rd. Suicidal defending. fecking brainless. Moreover, it’s not just Maguire, we’re always playing needlessly risky passes that just do not need to be made.
This "he's not a bad player" nonsense needs to stop because while true, under no circumstance can 80 million for not bad be called a successful purchase. Leicester replaced him with TWO superior players with that money, and what quality of center back did the two clubs that have been the standard bearers over the past three seasons get when they spent less money and VVD and Dias. He's the most expensive center back in the world but he's not even one of the 20 best center backs in the world. The suggestion that "he needs a world class CB next to him" is pure comedy because that statement alone shows it was a bad bit of business. He's just nowhere near good enough for the price paid. Awful decision by whoever made it.
Think he’s been great recently and was fairly good today. Fred to blame for the goal he should know he can’t receive a ball on edge of the box in the same way he can’t shoot. If Maguire missed a few games through injury I think we would realise just how good he is for us. We could have just kept smalling but I read he’s missed nearly 20 games again this season,
Harry has really surprised me of late, he's stepped up with some fantastic performances but today was unfortunately not one of them, despite being better than most.

As for the goal, it was a bit of a dubious pass but its a deliberate ploy to get Leicester to press.

The issue we faced, have faced and will continue to face is we don't have the quality to play out from the back against a well oiled press, yet we continue to try. Even if we do manage it, we are so laboured in possession, opposition can often recover to get back behind the ball.

For a team that is so consistently poor in possession, all over the pitch, it strikes me as somewhat suicidal, but its not going to change so prepare yourselves for this happening again in the not too distant future!

Look at that still and tell me that’s a good pass. Into our own final 3rd. Suicidal defending. fecking brainless. Moreover, it’s not just Maguire, we’re always playing needlessly risky passes that just do not need to be made.

Is there anyone between Fred and AWB? Perfectly good pass that happens 30 times per game. Midfielder needs to pass it first time out wide. This is basics of football. if you don't think so, then you obviously never played before. At least not at a competitive level...
One of the worst 1v1 defenders i've ever seen. People praising him for the past few weeks for doing the bare minimum how low are your standards?!??!
Absolute shambles of a defender and we'll never win anything with such players in our team.
Yes we do. We do it several times per game but the midfielders usually either one time pass it or turn away from the pressure. He couldn't turn there so you pass it off with your first touch. This pass happens 20 times a game

It was a good pass about 5 seconds before he made it. By the time he made it, it was a shockingly bad decision to play that ball to Fred. But Maguire does that. He starts going one direction and its head down and charge forward.

Had he actually looked at the situation he was putting Fred in, his only out is a pressured, close range pass straight at our own goal. Leiciester had closed off both fullbacks and he had nowhere else to go. He should never be in that situation, and it definitely shouldn't be our captain putting him in it.
One of the worst 1v1 defenders i've ever seen. People praising him for the past few weeks for doing the bare minimum how low are your standards?!??!
Absolute shambles of a defender and we'll never win anything with such players in our team.

I think you may need a new prescription?
It's all on Fred.

If Fred controls the ball, and passes it normally like any professional footballer would be expected to do in that scenario, not one person anywhere on here or in the world would even remember this as a dangerous incident within the game.
I think Maguire is a really good player and at times he is a rock in the center of our defense. But why the heck does he seem to have those lapses in concentration where you just go “WTF have you done Maguire?”, or “Why is Maguire out of position for that goal?”. Today he had one of each. Maybe if we had a Roy Keane character as captain to give him a proper bollocking when he fecks up, Harry might shape up and iron out those lapses of concentration from his game.
It was a good pass about 5 seconds before he made it. By the time he made it, it was a shockingly bad decision to play that ball to Fred. But Maguire does that. He starts going one direction and its head down and charge forward.

Had he actually looked at the situation he was putting Fred in, his only out is a pressured, close range pass straight at our own goal. Leiciester had closed off both fullbacks and he had nowhere else to go. He should never be in that situation, and it definitely shouldn't be our captain putting him in it.

No it wasn't a bad pass. AWB was wide open on the right flank but Maguire didn't have a passing lane to him. Fred did. All Fred has to do is pass it to AWB with his right foot on his first touch. Instead, he decides to take a touch with his left foot. It was basic football that Fred screwed up. Watch the video posted in the post match thread and pause it the second it touches Fred's foot. You can see a clear and easy pass open to AWB that Fred decides not to make and that's where it all goes south. That pass happens all the time. Hell, even in my over 35 league my midfielder will ask me for that pass regardless of who's behind him because he knows he has a passing lane to an open player. This is basic stuff...
No it wasn't a bad pass. AWB was wide open on the right flank but Maguire didn't have a passing lane to him. Fred did. All Fred has to do is pass it to AWB with his right foot on his first touch. Instead, he decides to take a touch with his left foot. It was basic football that Fred screwed up. Watch the video posted in the post match thread and pause it the second it touches Fred's foot. You can see a clear and easy pass open to AWB that Fred decides not to make and that's where it all goes south. That pass happens all the time. Hell, even in my over 35 league my midfielder will ask me for that pass regardless of who's behind him because he knows he has a passing lane to an open player. This is basic stuff...

you know Fred is awful on his rignt foot?
He’s slow & he’s clumsy. Those are lifelong genetic traits that cannot be improved upon with training & practice. He will always be slow & he will always be clumsy.
Think he’s been great recently and was fairly good today. Fred to blame for the goal he should know he can’t receive a ball on edge of the box in the same way he can’t shoot. If Maguire missed a few games through injury I think we would realise just how good he is for us. We could have just kept smalling but I read he’s missed nearly 20 games again this season,

I feel this is an interesting interpretation of “fairly good”. His defending on the second goal, and Vardy chance, left a lot to be desired. No he was not at all helped out by a weak performance from the midfield, but surely he shouldn’t be getting left about 15 yards behind by Vardy switching it onto his right? Actually think Lindelof has been helping cover for him, not the other way around.
I can't believe how many people don't understand football if they think passing to a guy who has guys around him is a bad pass. I swear, sometimes there should be some sort of beginners football course before you're allowed to comment. This pass happens 20-30 times per game. Next game I'm going to post "there" in the match day post every time it happens and I guarantee you it happens several times per match...

This 100% most of the people criticising Maguire for that pass have never kicked a ball in their lives and they know it deep down.
You are an ABU, everyone can see through your bullshit, get back to RAWK you clown.
So because I don’t share your blind optimism about the direction the club is going in & the levels of certain players, I must be a Liverpool fan?

What did I say about Maguire that was so upsetting to you?
Insulting another member
Are you implying that Maguire isnt clumsy? He clearly is. He might not be slow on a long distance (maybe) but he sure isnt very agile or mobile.
People can criticise solskjaer all they want, I agree with most of it, none of what he’s done is sack worthy which the rantsnbants, saeed, Brent Di Cesare cult would have you believe, but this guy is a scouser in disguise and is desperate for United to lose so he can spout his negativity on this forum for attention.
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He needs to stop trying to win fouls. Too often he's trying to be clever at the back and he holds the ball too long and ends up under pressure with no passing options, and rather than clear it he goes to ground trying to win a foul. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's too risky a move when you're the last man back.
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