Guns n Roses still divas after all these years

We've moved on from water bottles to reminiscing about the late 80's.

For feck sake keep up!
To be fair Izzy was a superb musician, but I always felt like the core of the group so to speak were Slash Axl and Duff, as long as they stayed the soul of the group remained whole, then Axl decided he aws god and potentially the best band since Zep went up in smoke
Guns n Roses are overrated in my opinion.

I've never admitted that to anyone before for fear of getting lynched!

I think to be a truly great band you have to have released more than one great album. Guns n Roses have only released one that has been great.

All only according to me though, of course.
Here you go youngsters, this is the real Guns & Roses, when they were young, full of Heroin and hungry...

Ritz Ballroom NYC 1988

(note Axl displaying what the crowd were throwing onto the stage rather than storming off)

That's actually a feckin incredible live recording :eek:
Which were you favourites, out of interest?

I breezed through the album and didn't give it too much time to know names of songs, but I really liked what I heard. I particularly liked what he did on "By the Sword"

I know Andrew Stockdale isn't everyone's cup of tea but I think the duo of style worked amazingly. It's rock music that works in the year 2010 in my opinion
That's actually a feckin incredible live recording :eek:

Most of the gig is on youtube, brilliant stuff.

I had it on video with a documentary called The Decline of Western Civilisation when I was a kid.... watched it til the tape broke!
I don't really think they were overrated, more too heavily medicated.

Its a shame Rose's insecurities got the better of him and he never managed to see the faults in the persona he presented. I don't think he was unique tho, as Vedder and Cobain seemed to share complex personality's. But all three were so intense and exciting at the start of their careers. If you add kiedis and Hatfield, we were blessed at the time.

I recently saw that non of the above made it into Q magazines top 20 best front men ever (voted by the readers) while Chris Martin and Damon Albarn were top 5.
Sad how time can erase the profound effect these bands had at the time.
Also proof that those polls are a load of bollox.
Guns n Roses are overrated in my opinion.

I've never admitted that to anyone before for fear of getting lynched!

I think to be a truly great band you have to have released more than one great album. Guns n Roses have only released one that has been great.

All only according to me though, of course.

Who would you say the truly great bands are then, besides Rage Against the Machine?
Also proof that those polls are a load of bollox.


I have been lucky enough to see Vedder twice in the last 2 years and he is still excellent. I can't compare him to Chris Martin or Damon Albarn though, as I haven't seen them.
Who would you say the truly great bands are then, besides Rage Against the Machine?

Haha, I don't think RATM are, tbh! ;) (I think some might disagree with me there).

Very few. Nirvana, Beatles, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Stone Roses...

You lot will probably think some of them are crap though. :D
Haha, I don't think RATM are, tbh! ;) (I think some might disagree with me there).

Very few. Nirvana, Beatles, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Stone Roses...

You lot will probably think some of them are crap though. :D

You deserve to have your ears cut off.
Most of the gig is on youtube, brilliant stuff.

I had it on video with a documentary called The Decline of Western Civilisation when I was a kid.... watched it til the tape broke!

The Metal Years. A true classic...and you now have my eternal respect.
As if I hadn't anyway.

Thank god for my naive parents, I had that when I was about 9. Not appropriate viewing at all :lol:
Guns n Roses are overrated in my opinion.

I've never admitted that to anyone before for fear of getting lynched!

I think to be a truly great band you have to have released more than one great album. Guns n Roses have only released one that has been great.

All only according to me though, of course.

Haha, I don't think RATM are, tbh! ;) (I think some might disagree with me there).

Very few. Nirvana, Beatles, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Stone Roses...

You lot will probably think some of them are crap though. :D

All this talk of mid nineties bands and not one mention of Soundgarden, outrageous.
For an old school rocker such as:
.... i find it hard to understand why he took offence to bottles being thrown on stage - sure thats always been the norm at metal gigs in the 80's & 90's & still is from what I hear. Those bottles were quite often glass bottles of piss aswell & those bottles last nite were plastic & probably fanta lemon... maybe thats why he got annoyed - there was not cuts / bruises nor any stench of another mans pish on him :cool:
Cheers Pop, this thread made me have a reminisce and so am currently listening to Appetite, still a fecking awesome album.
Guns N' Roses show statement released...

Promoters MCD and the management of The O2 in Dublin have released a joint statement following the controversy surrounding last night's Guns N' Roses show at the venue.

1 of 1 Axl Rose - Wasn't too happy last night Fans were angered by the band arriving late on stage just before 10:30pm and then walking off after five songs because plastic glasses had been thrown at them.

The band returned to the stage around 30 minutes later and finished their set.

The statement reads: "Despite every effort being made by promoters to ensure Guns N' Roses would go on stage on time, they went on at 22:26hrs having been due to be on stage at 21:45hrs, support artist finished at 21:00hrs.

"During the second song Axl requested members of crowd who were throwing plastic glasses containing unknown substances to immediately stop or he would have no option but to leave the stage. He confirmed band's wish to perform stating "we want to more bottle and we go home". Despite his continued appeals, having tried to continue performing for 22 minutes, people continued throwing unknown substances leaving artist with no choice but to leave the stage.

"From the stage MCD Promoter Denis Desmond again appealed to audience to refrain from throwing items and stated that the band would be back on stage shortly.

"The artist was prevented from leaving the venue by the Promoter and following backstage discussions Guns N' Roses went back on stage at 23:20 hrs and performed their full set until 00:53 hrs.

"While the artist has a long history for being late on stage (Slane 1992 - crowd waiting 2 hours and last weekend's UK Reading festival), NO artist should be subjected to missiles and unknown substances being thrown at them. However, despite this the band went back on stage after people stopped throwing items performing their full set of songs in full.

"MCD and The 02 wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused due to late running of the show."

Guns N' Roses show statement released - RTÉ Ten

Fair enough, maybe I went a bit too far with the Stone Roses. I like a lot of what they've done, but, true, it wasn't exactly 'great'. I'd say there are plenty of other great bands actually, but I'd need to have a think about it, I can't name them off the top of my head.
I'm going to the MEN concert (If it goes ahead), not to bothered if they turn up its a lads reunion from school so I'll be wasted anyway, A couple of Appetite tracks would be nice though.

My mate was at this Dublin gig, wonder if stayed or pissed off early.
Axl Rose being late on stage is so predictable - what a dickhead.
Went to see them last night. To be honest was very disappointed, not so much in the whole turning up late thing (they were 45 minutes late), but the whole performance was just flat. Axl doesnt have it anymore (no surprise), he was running around the stage, but was then so fecked he had to catch his breath and was missing a few lines of the songs while he did so.....

Everytime they did seem to get the crowd going, they slowed everything down again, was a bit hard to get into it to be honest. At one point one of the guitarists did a solo of the pink panther!!!

We were pretty bored towards the end and left early.
The sad thing is Godspeed You! Black Emperor are coming out of hiatus in December for a handful of gigs and it'll barely get mentioned on here.

Seems that the red on top of this page isn't just for the footie.