Guns n Roses still divas after all these years


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
THOUSANDS of music fans were left reeling last night when one of the world’s most famous rockers walked off the stage after just 25 minutes.

A significant proportion of the crowd at Dublin’s O2 immediately left the Guns n’ Roses concert after the band’s lead man Axl Rose left them shocked at his stroppy behaviour and sudden departure.

Most had waited patiently for two-and-a-half hours before the band came on stage, before they decided to abruptly end the concert.

But for the rest of the fans who decided to wait even longer in the hope of Rose’s return, they were finally given a full Guns n’ Roses gig when they returned to the stage 40 minutes later.

“The doors had opened at 6pm, with the support act going on stage at around 7pm,” concert goer Sean Graham, from California but living in Cork, said.

“They finished up about an hour later, and then there was nothing until Axl came on stage at 10.30pm.”

The band were half way through their second song of the night, ‘Welcome to the Jungle’, when Rose abruptly stopped singing and said: “Here is the deal. One more bottle up here and we go. We don’t want to go. Your choice.”

After 25 minutes and just three songs played, he attempted to introduce the band when a bottle was thrown on stage.

While none of the band members were hit, workers at the music venue had to mop up spilt water from the floor before Rose declared: “Okay, that’s it. Good night. Have a nice evening,” and abruptly departed.

A chorus of boos then erupted, with throngs of disappointed fans making their way to the exits. Arriving on stage to try to explain the situation, a woman appealed to the large crowd to “bear with us while we try to sort out technical difficulties. Be patient”.

Soon after, Denis Desmond, the head of MCD Promotions, in charge of managing the event, took centre stage and appealed for calm. He said they were doing everything they could to get the act back on stage.

“Please refrain from throwing any items on stage. We are doing all we can. It is going to be a great show.”

But it wasn’t for another 40 minutes until the band finally re-emerged at 11.30pm to a rousing rendition of ‘Sweet Child of Mine’. They then played a full set before leaving just before 1am.

Last night a spokesperson for MCD was not available for comment, and it is not yet known whether the fans who left the concert early will be refunded because of the incident.
I have no idea why anybody pays to go to a gig of a band that they must like and then proceeds to throw bottles on stage at that act.

Stupid behaviour from GNR alright but I can't understand the idiots in the crowd who feel the need to throw stuff.
I don't think it was stupid at all. They gave the crowd fair warning.
They were an hour late on stage.....

Made one of the best rock and roll albums of all time but Axl disappeared up his own arsehole about 20 years ago.
Don't know about divas; more like arse holes.

I don't know if it was cool back when they we big, but it all feels a bit staged now. They turned up precisely an hour late when I saw them. None of this is helped by the fact that Axl is a fat middle aged man, who can't sing.
An hour is pretty good going for Axl. If you pay to see them, you know what to expect.

I am a tad disappointed, I can't stand Rose and was coming in here to blast him, but (other than coming on late, which they ALWAYS do), I don't think he has done anything wrong here.
I'd have bottled the shit out of them, but then again I wouldn't have paid money to see them specifically.
Don't know about divas; more like arse holes.

I don't know if it was cool back when they we big, but it all feels a bit staged now. They turned up precisely an hour late when I saw them. None of this is helped by the fact that Axl is a fat middle aged man, who can't sing.

Back about 1986/87 they were the coolest thing on the planet, a breath of fresh air when compared to the other bands knocking round at the time.

Then 1991 came along and Nirvana fecked everything up for them.

I still maintain if Axl had his ego under control and instead of the epic Use Your Illusion albums had just release 1 12 track album with the best tracks of UYI it would have been unreal.
An hour is pretty good going for Axl. If you pay to see them, you know what to expect.

I am a tad disappointed, I can't stand Rose and was coming in here to blast him, but (other than coming on late, which they ALWAYS do), I don't think he has done anything wrong here.

I agree...If he said: “Here is the deal. One more bottle up here and we go. We don’t want to go. Your choice.”

Then it's fecking fair play...Call 'em Divas if you like, but if you were playing and some gimp threw a bottle at you after you'd said don't throw bottles or I'll'd stop..

Once again people expecting celebrities to act differently to normal people by sheer virtue of them being famous ..

Fair play to 'em for even coming back at all...

Crowd = Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime

Why the Carlton Palmer would you pay to go to a concert, and then throw a bottle at the band when they've already said they'll walk if you do it....??

"Irishman walks into a gig....."
I wouldn't threaten to walk in the first place.... not my style.

"call them divas if you want" ? Axls the best known diva in the business for feck sake, this is the man who appeared in a video where he dived off an aircraft carrier into the ocean to swim with dolphins, even his bandmates said they were mortified....

I'm not expecting him to act any differently because he's a celebrity, you come across plenty of divas involved in music, some famous some not so....

Its not the end of the world to be called a diva, particularly if you're a well known diva whose just acted like a diva.
I love GNR (except the dodgy punk covers album), but Axl can be a complete twat at times. Well, all the time.

Watching videos of their tour in Asia last year, he can still sing. Take Nightrain in Tokyo, where he decides to sing the first verse about an octave higher than usual.

But turning up for shows late, being a general knob, and firing Buckethead makes it very difficult for me to have any patience with him.
OK, the dolphins and what not seems pretty diva-ish...if not also fantastically cool...but I can't see what was diva-ish here...

Are you honestly saying that if people were throwing bottles at you in a gig, you'd just calmly carry on like a fecking Buddah?...If so, fair play, but I don't see what would be wrong with walking off.

Yeah they were late so some Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime threw bottles...fine. But after he'd said, "if you don't stop, we'll go"'s the crowds own fecking fault...I would've turned on the Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime that did it personally, and to blame the band for simply sticking to what they said they'd do, and not the retard throwing beer bottles at a band he'd paid to see just seems a little churlish...hence the "blaming the celebs" bit. I'd blame the Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime
The way he struts round stage is pretty homo-erotic, or at least I found it to be.
Back about 1986/87 they were the coolest thing on the planet, a breath of fresh air when compared to the other bands knocking round at the time.

Then 1991 came along and Nirvana fecked everything up for them.

I still maintain if Axl had his ego under control and instead of the epic Use Your Illusion albums had just release 1 12 track album with the best tracks of UYI it would have been unreal.

Yeah I think so. Nirvana moved the plates completely and from that point onwards 1980's style rock music was on the decline. You don't hear that type of music these days
OK, the dolphins and what not seems pretty diva-ish...if not also fantastically cool...but I can't see what was diva-ish here...

Are you honestly saying that if people were throwing bottles at you in a gigg, you'd just calmly carry on?...If so, fair play, but I don't see what would be wrong with walking off.

Yeah they were late so some Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime threw bottles...fine. But after he'd said, "if you don't stop, we'll go"'s the crowds own fecking fault...I would've turned on the Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime that did it personally, and to blame the band for simply sticking to what they said they'd do, and not the retard throwing beer bottles at a band he'd paid to see just seems a little churlish...hence the "blaming the celebs" bit. I'd blame the Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime

There would have been a reason for the crowd to throw bottles.
Why the Carlton Palmer would you pay to go to a concert, and then throw a bottle at the band when they've already said they'll walk if you do it....??

"Irishman walks into a gig....."

There were 13,000 people there, when you get that many people together you tend to get a couple of wankers. Then when you leave them standing round for 2 hours before you play a few will probably get a bit irate.... best thing to do would probably be to show some humility and issue some sort of rallying call when you went on to get them behind you, not to have your guitarist wind them up by playing the intro to a song over and over, listen while the crowd gets more and more abusive and then throw all your toys out of the pram when someone throws a plastic bottle at you.

As for people expecting celebs to act superhuman or something... Turn that on its head, you reckon he behaved like that on sunset strip back in the 80's or do you reckon he just started it when he got famous and turned into a bit of an Elton John wannabe?
The fan who's ranting at the end of that video is pretty much correct, Axl's douchebaggery is amazing though, always good for a few laughs. I'd never pay to this band now, if a dude can't handle a few bottles being thrown, then he should just stop, it's happens to every band, and I mean the bands like MCR/KoL have taken it even worse and didn't bitch off this bad, although they did moan themselves ><
There would have been a reason for the crowd to throw bottles.

Which was?....

As I said, they obviously threw them first cos they were late...which says a lot about the kind of retards in the crowd for a start...but after the band explicitly said "don't do it, or we're off"'s their own fecking fault. I don't see how the band can be criticised at all for simply doing what they said they'd do. If they were throwing knives onto the stage, you'd clearly have no problem with it
How can that bitch J-Lo consider herself a diva? I bet the bitch has never even dived from a plane into an ocean of dolphins. Diva's - it's all about the dolphins. Well in Popper.
There were 13,000 people there, when you get that many people together you tend to get a couple of wankers. Then when you leave them standing round for 2 hours before you play a few will probably get a bit irate.... best thing to do would probably be to show some humility and issue some sort of rallying call when you went on to get them behind you, not to have your guitarist wind them up by playing the intro to a song over and over, listen while the crowd gets more and more abusive and then throw all your toys out of the pram when someone throws a plastic bottle at you.

As for people expecting celebs to act superhuman or something... Turn that on its head, you reckon he behaved like that on sunset strip back in the 80's or do you reckon he just started it when he got famous and turned into a bit of an Elton John wannabe?

Precisely. He only acts like a wanker because he knows he can.
There were 13,000 people there, when you get that many people together you tend to get a couple of wankers. Then when you leave them standing round for 2 hours before you play a few will probably get a bit irate.... best thing to do would probably be to show some humility and issue some sort of rallying call when you went on to get them behind you, not to have your guitarist wind them up by playing the intro to a song over and over, listen while the crowd gets more and more abusive and then throw all your toys out of the pram when someone throws a plastic bottle at you.

As for people expecting celebs to act superhuman or something... Turn that on its head, you reckon he behaved like that on sunset strip back in the 80's or do you reckon he just started it when he got famous and turned into a bit of an Elton John wannabe?

He probably wouldn't have acted that way in the 80s no,...but he's a different person 20 years on...People grow up. Again, you're excusing the mongery of your average joe and gunning for the normality of the famous person...He should always remain as a live free die hard 20 year old rocker in your mind...but not his..He changed like everyone else does. It's unfair to expect him to conform to your ideal of him really

Just because "hey it's rock and roll man" isn't really a valid argument...the person who threw bottle after he'd said he'd walk is to blame..

You get more than 13,000 inside OT every week..and when someone throws a bottle onto the pitch they're rightly lambasted as a pillock.
Daphne and Celeste took way more shit being thrown at them at Ozzfest. I guess this makes them more rock and roll than G 'n' R, who I've seen live and have no idea why they're still touring. It's not for the fans, that's for sure.

Anyway, more alarming than the bottle throwing are people who go to gigs and then film it, all in my opinion. Like the gimp in the youtube video. It's worse than doing it at the football
There were 13,000 people there, when you get that many people together you tend to get a couple of wankers. Then when you leave them standing round for 2 hours before you play a few will probably get a bit irate.... best thing to do would probably be to show some humility and issue some sort of rallying call when you went on to get them behind you, not to have your guitarist wind them up by playing the intro to a song over and over, listen while the crowd gets more and more abusive and then throw all your toys out of the pram when someone throws a plastic bottle at you.

As for people expecting celebs to act superhuman or something... Turn that on its head, you reckon he behaved like that on sunset strip back in the 80's or do you reckon he just started it when he got famous and turned into a bit of an Elton John wannabe?
He has always been a complete asshole. Even before they became famous. This is nothing new.
Which was?....
an hour late on stage, then the guitarist started winding up the audience

As I said, they obviously threw them first cos they were late...which says a lot about the kind of retards in the crowd for a start...
Mockney in 'knowing half the story and taking a position' shocker

but after the band explicitly said "don't do it, or we're off"'s their own fecking fault. I don't see how the band can be criticised at all for simply doing what they said they'd do. If they were throwing knives onto the stage, you'd clearly have no problem with it
What have knives got to do with anything? Clearly a totally different circumstance.

If the band weren't acting like divas, showing up an hour late and then inciting the crowd there wouldn't have been a problem. You can poke a bear and them tell it to calm down or you're not playing anymore once it loses it temper.

I dont give a shit mind, I still think they've some brilliant songs, pity Axl's ego super inflated and fecked up the band though.
Pretty much every band shows up's still not an excuse to throw shit at them

You've clearly already decided the band are Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime and the audience bad it's unlikely to please you I don't agree.

And as for "half the story"...I've read the same thing you have and arrived at a different opinion is all. Unless you were there of course...which of course you may have been

Also, I don't really care
an hour late on stage, then the guitarist started winding up the audience

Which one? They've got three to choose from. Doubt it was Ron Thal though, as he is awesome and can do no wrong. :cool:
Whats also missed is that most fans that went to the gig thought it was the usual 11pm curfew. GNR we're over an hour late and started at around 10:30. I reckon most thought they we're only going to do a 30 min set, for €75.....when the bloody shite support band played for an hour and 20 minutes. From what I've read from people there it was obvious the support band we're on way too long and 'stalling'

Glad I'm not a fan of Guns n Roses to be honest. I'd have been pissed as hell.
Enter Shikari didn't turn up late when I saw them.

Just saying, like. :wenger:
He probably wouldn't have acted that way in the 80s no,...but he's a different person 20 years on...People grow up.

:lol: you're the only person in the world I've ever heard say Axl Rose has 'grown up'.

you're excusing the mongery of your average joe and gunning for the normality of the famous person...He should always remain as a live free die hard 20 year old rocker in your mind...but not his..He changed like everyone else does. It's unfair to expect him to conform to your ideal of him really

Jesus, I've no ideal of him, I've no ideal of anyone. I judge people on their actions.

Again, Axl Rose, normal :lol: have you actually read anything about him? do you know anything about the history of the band? One of the first original members to leave was his best mate.

Just because "hey it's rock and roll man" isn't really a valid argument...the person who threw bottle after he'd said he'd walk is to blame..

I'm not saying the person who threw the bottle isn't to blame. He's to blame for throwing the bottle. Is he to blame for them walking off? Not in my opinion, that was their own decision and in my book you take the responsibility for the consequences of your actions.

The way you're spinning it I could say the ultimate responsibility for the person throwing the bottle lies with the band for being an hour late.

You get more than 13,000 inside OT every week..and when someone throws a bottle onto the pitch they're rightly lambasted as a pillock.

Absolutely, but the players dont all storm off in a huff do they?
Pretty much every band shows up's still not an excuse to throw shit at them

You've clearly already decided the band are Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime and the audience bad it's unlikely to please you I don't agree.

:lol: have I? Clearly? Badass? :lol: I said they acted like divas, they did.... its not the first time, its not the last time and its not the end of the world. I actually think its quite funny.

And as for "half the story"...I've read the same thing you have and arrived at a different opinion is all. Unless you were there of course...which of course you may have been
Well I wasn't there no, but a couple of mates were, there's also the video of course.

Also, I don't really care

Mockney in 'wading into a thread, arguing a half informed point and then pointing out that he doesn't care' shocker.... you're becoming horribly predictable Mockers.
Pretty much every band shows up late...

Oh, and not in Ireland. The O2 has an 11pm curfew (they took the stage at 10.30) so most people would've assumed they'd get to see half an hour.

Last gig I was there for was Bob Dylan who started half an hour early.
Absolutely, but the players dont all storm off in a huff do they?

Players have walked off for racial abuse in the past (not at OT obviously) and I don't blame them...If people continuously threw bottles onto the pitch and Fergie pulle the team off, I'd have no problem with that and blame the Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime in the crowd for it.

OK...take this example: At a football match, everyone agrees you pay to see and support your team. Booing is generally frowned upon and people call those who show their displeasure at a bad performance Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime...

Apparently when you pay to see a concert though...You can do whatever the feck you like and they have to take it?

I watched the video...the bloke making it was a pillock...they were trying to start the song and work up the crowd (which happens a lot and a lot of people like at concerts like there's a lot of people cheering) and he's just booing like an angry idiot, determined not to enjoy the show and those with that attitude in the crowd who threw shit, were obviously determined to ruin it for those who were ready to enjoy it in my opinion...that's what I got from watching that vid really.

I honestly don't see what the band did too wrong here...yes it was a bit precious I agree...but those in the crowd booing and throwing shit were just as mongish if not more so than the band to me....Plus, they did actually come back and finish the set.

But meh, I don't care about GnR, so there's no point in my arguing it really (like pretty much 90% of my arguments on here).

Meh, carry on.
There's a difference between a bad performance and turning up an hour late. If the team turned up an hour late and were only able to play half an hour because of there over inflated ego, I'd boo and bottle the shit out of them.
I honestly don't see what the band did too wrong here...yes it was a bit precious I agree..
Have I said otherwise? I just called them divas, I didn't demand a public stoning.

but those in the crowd booing and throwing shit were just as mongish if not more so than the band to me.

Again, I never said anything to the contrary.
They didn't play half an hour though did they Scene boy...they played a full set until 1am