Gaming Grand Theft Auto VI

If you're an adult and need to hide your games from your adult family it isn't the producers problem to fix. GTA has never been there to play around your kids...


Dont tell me what I can and can't do around my kids, I'll raise them how I want to.
I'm looking forward to the mission where you have to rob something/kill someone and drive away without getting caught by the police
A vague leak about GTA 6 has surfaced
sorry not sorry about Daily Star but it explains it better

It wouldn't surprise me if they did this as the very start of the rumour train we know they love.

Are we due it? Didn't they bring the last one out quite close the end of the console life? It would make sense, as I bet loads of people buy it twice then. We must be getting pretty close to the end of the PS4/Xbox One life?

I'd guess that at this coming out earlyish next year. Seems about the right time for things to start appearing soon.
I don’t think it will be a PS4/XBox One game mate
"As we enter Fiscal 2025 with positive momentum, we expect to deliver Net Bookings of $5.55 to $5.65 billion," said CEO Strauss Zelnick. "Our outlook reflects a narrowing of Rockstar Games' previously established window of Calendar 2025 to Fall of Calendar 2025 for Grand Theft Auto VI. We are highly confident that Rockstar Games will deliver an unparalleled entertainment experience, and our expectations for the commercial impact of the title continue to increase. Looking ahead, we believe that our Company is poised to achieve new levels of success, and we expect to deliver sequential growth in Net Bookings for Fiscal 2025, 2026, and 2027. As we deliver our pipeline, we are confident that we will drive our scale, enhance our margins, and deliver industry-leading returns for our shareholders."

Autumn of next year then... was hoping for earlier
Ffs I'm getting married around that time. It better be afterwards.
:lol: Just carry your console on your honeymoon

I run a coupe of years behind the gaming schedule so all this rush to play games on release doesn’t really apply to me. I’ve played some of my most anticipated games late so I can definitely park GTA6 for a good while.
Ffs I'm getting married around that time. It better be afterwards.
Given my age and how long between 5 and 6, I suspect GTA6 will be my last GTA so they better make it a good one.
Given my age and how long between 5 and 6, I suspect GTA6 will be my last GTA so they better make it a good one.

You are lucky, some won't even make it until 6 is out.
You are lucky, some won't even make it until 6 is out.

It's so weird, when it's a game like this for some reason my first thought is "got to stay alive until then" :lol: I'd be so annoyed if I died and missed it.
It's so weird, when it's a game like this for some reason my first thought is "got to stay alive until then" :lol: I'd be so annoyed if I died and missed it.
I was thinking this for years in the lead up to rings of power...then after it finished airing I wished I was dead.
It's so weird, when it's a game like this for some reason my first thought is "got to stay alive until then" :lol: I'd be so annoyed if I died and missed it.

Yeah, but then you are getting married around the same date so there is a strong possibility that you won't survive that. Or at best you'll come out as changed man.
Yeah, but then you are getting married around the same date so there is a strong possibility that you won't survive that. Or at best you'll come out as changed man.
Nah, @Solius will be fine. Think positively! After he gets married the sex will dry up and his wife will start fecking his best mate, so he'll have plenty of time to play GTA6 and have cry wanks in the shower.