Graeme Sourness | Retires from “punditry”

He gave more praise to Pogba than he normally does, think someone has had a word!
Love how the presenter (who I usually hate) called him out on his Pogba vendetta
His teeth make him look like a ventriloquist dummy.

That is brilliant. I was wondering what it was and you are right.

He looks like he has had some 'work done' on his miserable face as it always looks the same.
Nothing moves apart from the lips.

Have to admit though that he was a terrific player. Hard as nails, very aggressive and a good shot.

Still dislike the miserable git.
“Have you ever casually used the N word to describe Paul Pogba? If the answer is no, why are you lying?”

Lol, Souness talking about Ozil not turning up in big games.

Just knew he was itching to mention Pogba and without a doubt he eventually did :smirk:
Don't forget Mark Pembridge:p

Good God! Those were awful times: Michael Thomas and Saunders were so terrible! Pembridge was decent, but nowhere near Benfica's level. The main problem was that at the late 90's portuguese clubs were having so terrible finantial problems. Benfica was being late at apying transfers, Porto had their stadium under the IRS, etc.

Souness, despite being a young manager at the time, was quite old in thought. Instead of trusting the scouts and bring talent from the portuguese league / Brazil, he prefered to trust players he knew. And so it begins: Scott Minto, Gary Charles, Michael Thomas, Saundes, Steve Harkness, Brian Deane...

In the middle of this Boro was brave enough to offer Benfica a 4M pounds offer for Brian Deane, despite scoring some goals that season, was a tall strong clumsy player.

I still remember when he scored one goal once: all the supporters went wild like "How is that even possible?" :D

Souness only manage to keep two seasons at the job because Benfica was able to beat Porto at home under his management, but lost points everywhere else :D
Talking about Ozil going missing in big games then something along the lines of "I know I keep coming back to it, but Pogba" etc etc. Comparing the similarities etc.

Carragher had a little smirk to himself
Which doesn't make sense since Pogba has been excellent in big games for a while now
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Although Pogba is kinda an easy target, tbh. The most expensive transfer ever at EPL should be really doing good things in almost every game, which is not happening yet.
Talking about Ozil going missing in big games then something along the lines of "I know I keep coming back to it, but Pogba" etc etc. Comparing the similarities etc.

Carragher had a little smirk to himself

Someone should remind Pogba turned up in the biggest game of them all.

It's right at the end:

Hell has well and truly frozen over.

Souness actually complimented POGBA :lol:
Perhaps they showed some of the tweets to Souness, can't believe this old bastard is praising Pogba