fixated with venom and phalluses
No chance of it happening tonight?Could take months
No chance of it happening tonight?Could take months
No doubt they're searching for investors, bloomberg wouldn't come up with this report for nothing otherwise.I would normally agree with you if someone didn’t drop $14m on the stock hours before Musk tweeted and today we weren’t getting Bloomberg terminal messages saying that they’re open to selling a stake.
Looks to me like they’ve tasked a company to sell a stake and they’ve started approaching people. I doubt it’s anything more than 10%-20% though.
True that. Welcome to the Glazer's world. What a way to milk the biggest cash cow in the world to death.No doubt they're searching for investors, bloomberg wouldn't come up with this report for nothing otherwise.
Clearly United are skint and need money. I'm not sure it'll be a person like Musk though, more than likely some fancy investment group.
I don't know. These kind of sales takes an even longer time then de Jong saga. But, the sooner the better for Glazers. The value of the asset will only keep on decreasing as things stand. None of the United's sponsors will be happy with what they are seeing. With this environment, it is difficult to attract new sponsors. It is also going to be difficult to keep some of them like Adidas. No matter what happens in the next 2 weeks, this season will probably be underwhelming. Glazers will be less enthusiastic about investing in the team.How soon?
Nope. It will take months I would suspect.No chance of it happening tonight?
Minority stake means feck all. The Glazers still call the shots at the end of the day. Until they no longer own the majority stake in the club or better yet feck off entirely then nothing will change.
While that's true, any 'big' investor isn't going to take 1/4 of the shares and then not get a shout at what goes on.Minority stake means feck all. The Glazers still call the shots at the end of the day. Until they no longer own the majority stake in the club or better yet feck off entirely then nothing will change.
While that's true, any 'big' investor isn't going to take 1/4 of the shares and then not get a shout at what goes on.
The Glazers have been slowly drip feeding themselves bit by bit. I do think this is the beginning of the end game personally.
The club is on a downward spiral, we arent being competitive and the anger is getting more intense. At what stage is it worth it for them to take dividends every year, instead of just selling?
If they can truly get £5n for the club they should take it and run IMO.
How crazy is the world financial system?
Glazers bought us with debts. Taken 1.5 bil from the club. Sold the club shares and profits hundreds of millions. Neglect the club facilities and football side. The club is still saddled with Glazers debts to the tune of hundreds of millions. Man Utd still paying Glazers debts and dividends.
And now they have the guts to ask for 6 bil profit for selling the club. And this is all legal in the eyes of law. To me this is worse than robbery and I'm sure majority of hundreds of millions fans feel the same.
I don't like them either, but what crime did they commit?Glazers will be about 5 billion richer if the sell MUFC after a leveraged buy out which cost them nothing and enabled them to take 1.6 billion out of the club. Wheres the justice? These conmen should be in jail
How crazy is the world financial system?
Glazers bought us with debts. Taken 1.5 bil from the club. Sold the club shares and profits hundreds of millions. Neglect the club facilities and football side. The club is still saddled with Glazers debts to the tune of hundreds of millions. Man Utd still paying Glazers debts and dividends.
And now they have the guts to ask for 6 bil profit for selling the club. And this is all legal in the eyes of law. To me this is worse than robbery and I'm sure majority of hundreds of millions fans feel the same.
Man United is an institution, an entity that should be looked after by owners who care, not asset stripped by parasites. Maybe no actual crime was commited but they have been incredibly unethical. I despise themI don't like them either, but what crime did they commit?
Ready to sell a minority stake?
Get Out Glazers! Majority of the fans don’t even want a microscopic speck of these parasites at the club.
ONLY WAY forward is the push them out through boycott. The only reason the Glazers have power is because the fans give it to them. In some ways, MUFC fans are like a battered spouse - despite every shred of evidence to the contrary and common sense, they will keep going back for more abuse. It’s astounding that after all these years, fans that declare their love for this club are unwilling to do what needs to be done.
- Fans aren’t willing to endure a season of missing games inorder to push out these parasites. That tourists will fill the seats is a weak excuse, there aren’t enough tourists to fill that stadium every home game.
- Fans aren’t willing to do something as simple as boycott the jersey , Adidas, and other sponsors. Even a knock-off jersey still has the logos on it and is still free advertising for the club and sponsors.
- That supporter groups and trusts are still scratching their heads after 17 years and are so feckless that they’d be hard pressed to organize a piss-up in the local bar. Rather than actually using whatever clout they have to organize a sustained movement to force out the Glazer scumbags, they are actually finding ways to give even mire money to the Glazers in exchange for worthless non-voting shares. These Judases are so desperate to be “insiders” that they’ve lost credibility with the wider fanbase.
- How useless the FA have been. As per the Henry Winter interview, these idiots actually lay down and let the Glazers walk all over them. For all their talk of fit and proper owners acting as custodians of cultural institutions, this lot are complicit in the vandalism of one of the largest cultural institutions in the world. I wouldn’t even trust them to safeguard an outhouse.
I don’t think any of that has affected them, they don’t own commodities or anything like that. However they are selling somewhat close to the bottom which makes me think this deal will take longer than we all want it to.Hope the news Glazers is selling is true. Maybe because of current economic situation the Glazers are skint. War in Ukraine, Covid, inflation and whatnot.
But I can't bear seeing them take 6 bils from us after running us into the ground.
Amen to that. I had stopped watching games and following United after the Jose debacle and only came back because of the Super League protests and Woodward’s resignation. Was deflated as the wind went out of the sails as we were lied to again with promises of a new DoF consultants and ETH revolution. The one constant throughout the post-SAF period of decline has been that the Glazers and their stooges will lie, lie and lie even more as this club sinks under their incompetence.However, previously, the fans could see no way out. But with the latest news of potential sale and buyers etc, I have no doubts the fans will unite like never before. The fans have something they can hang their hats on, and believe the Glazers will now actually go.
4b at 22m/year is 181.8 years.The more I think about the glazers selling up the more I’m convinced they would sell if someone actually made a good offer. It wouldn’t make sense for them to announce their going to sell. It would place them in a position of weakness when it comes to negotiations. It’s clear as day their not interested in the club only the money, so offering them 4b would be like every Christmas has come at once for them. They wouldn’t be able to recoup 4b through dividends in their horrible life times so it would a no brainier. I think their waiting for someone to come in with a good offer. We just have to pray someone does!
£6bn for an asset half a billion in debt and in need of a massive investment both to personnel and grounds.![]()
No one is going to take this.
Glazers will be about 5 billion richer if the sell MUFC after a leveraged buy out which cost them nothing and enabled them to take 1.6 billion out of the club. Wheres the justice? These conmen should be in jail
Minority stake means feck all. The Glazers still call the shots at the end of the day. Until they no longer own the majority stake in the club or better yet feck off entirely then nothing will change.
I hate the Glazers as much as anyone but they put 270m in
there is no justice in finance, only winners and losers
They originally put £250m and borrowed the other £750m.Didn't put a penny in
Didn't put a penny in
they were buying up shares for a couple of years before they had enough to launch a takeover (and leverage club against itself)
Feck me
now this I can get behind![]()
Feck all that Michael Knighton bollocks. Now this is something I can get behind.
Knighton was actually suggesting he wanted Jim on board
This could all be linked
I think he was just throwing his name out there as he knew he didn’t have the funds himself. There’s definitely something in the Ratcliffe links though as his name keeps cropping up time and time again when it comes to potential buyers of United. I’m sure he came in with a last minute offer of £4 billion to buy Chelsea but was too late so seems serious about getting into the PL at least.
Something is going on I’m sure of it.
Oh definitely. A lot of smoke now.