Music Glastonbury 2019

How were Jungle and The Streets? They're clashing with some other pretty big names on a festival next month but I desperately want to see them both.

Also, did anyone catch Charlotte de Witte? She's usually fecking great but being on an outdoor stage doesn't do her sound much justice, unfortunately.
Proclaimers played "I will walk 500 miles" at Glastonbury. Meanwhile, I actually walled 500 fecking miles at Glastonbury.

Amazing festival but feck me you need to train for that amount of walking. Legs are in bits!
How were Jungle and The Streets? They're clashing with some other pretty big names on a festival next month but I desperately want to see them both.

Also, did anyone catch Charlotte de Witte? She's usually fecking great but being on an outdoor stage doesn't do her sound much justice, unfortunately.
Streets were class. I took some videos, might put them up on you tube and share them on here.
Fecking idiots. Anyone who says politics has no place in music is clueless.

It has a place in the actual music, in the lyrics, but take Bono as an example of peddling his far left political nonsense on stage, when people are there to listen to U2. It’s just plain cnutish.
It has a place in the actual music, in the lyrics, but take Bono as an example of peddling his far left political nonsense on stage, when people are there to listen to U2. It’s just plain cnutish.

To be fair when you go to gigs you are there for the performer, not solely for the music. Otherwise you may as well just stay at home and listen there. The performer can then use whatever they like to get the crowd going, for Bono it's clearly his politics.

In any case - how the hell is Bono "far left"? Is he a communist or something?
Can’t believe I’m defending fecking Bono (or calling U2 songs “art”) but anyone who appreciates his art should be interested in the politics that inform his art.

I didn’t say he can’t speak about whatever he wants, it’s free speech. My point is to go down that route when people are paying to see and listen to your music, is overbearing. Take Thom Yorke from Radiohead too(another cnut :p), you could say a lot of his lyrics are politically driven but you rarely see him speaking them out on stage, because the music does that for him and the fans. It’s the whole point of putting your emotions across through music surely. Speaking about them also is surely a bit redundant and taking up time of the performance.
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To be fair when you go to gigs you are there for the performer, not solely for the music. Otherwise you may as well just stay at home and listen there. The performer can then use whatever they like to get the crowd going, for Bono it's clearly his politics.

In any case - how the hell is Bono "far left"? Is he a communist or something?

Well I don't know if he's far left, but he does shit like this on stage all the same.
Bono is a twat, but going to U2 and being outraged by him talking politics is like going to a Vegan restaurant and being outraged that they don't have steak.
It has a place in the actual music, in the lyrics, but take Bono as an example of peddling his far left political nonsense on stage, when people are there to listen to U2. It’s just plain cnutish.

I went to see them live in Dublin and he thanked the crowed for giving to charity, while everyday Dubliners were going through through govermemt cuts and getting kicked out their homes(The fecker pays no tax). And then he beamed a giant picture of Hilary Clinton into the stadium screens while at the same showing footage of countries Clinton had bombed.

It was hardly a Commuist utopia more a liberal nightmare.

Now having said all of that they were incredible and well worth seeing live.
Taking the piss out of fascists makes you far left or cnutish...well sign me up then.

Does it have any place at a music concert though? why can't the music be enough in getting his views across, without then also speaking them. Each to their own, but I go to a concert for the music.
Does it have any place at a music concert though? why can't the music be enough in getting his views across, without then also speaking them. Each to their own, but I go to a concert for the music.

It's always been there though and not something Bono invented so clearly does have a place.

You go to a concert or a gig for the performance and atmosphere. Just being about music would be a bit flat for most people. And like many people have said you know what you're going to get with Bono.

Conversely you can't really complain if you go to a country music festival and there's a lot of talk about Religion, Guns and whatnot.
Does it have any place at a music concert though? why can't the music be enough in getting his views across, without then also speaking them. Each to their own, but I go to a concert for the music.
It’s his concert so he’ll talk about whatever the feck he wants. It’s that simple, really. If you don’t like what he’s talking about, don’t go to his show.
It's always been there though and not something Bono invented so clearly does have a place.

You go to a concert or a gig for the performance and atmosphere. Just being about music would be a bit flat for most people. And like many people have said you know what you're going to get with Bono.

See my post above in response to Pogue (post 171), I never said he can't say whatever he wants at his own concert. Also you know what I mean, going to see a band/musician is surely about the music more than anything else. It'd be equally as weird to go for solely the atmosphere, if the music is garbage. Same goes for voicing political views after every song.
See my post above in response to Pogue (post 171), I never said he can't say whatever he wants at his own concert. Also you know what I mean, going to see a band/musician is surely about the music more than anything else. It'd be equally as weird to go for solely the atmosphere, if the music is garbage. Same goes for voicing political views after every song.

Yeah exactly you go for the full package, not solely for the music.
Imagine thinking you only go to Glastonbury for the music. Or moaning about it changing because it’s not the 90’s anymore. Or because Emily’s Eavis books the artists. Or because it’s had a few rappers perform.

It’s the best fecking place on the planet for 5 days and this year was the best ive ever had in 9 goes. The weather, the atmosphere, the people (less scouse issues than usual.... less not none), exploring and letting yourself enjoy anything and everything. The site is as always absolutely incredible and even the parts that aren’t for me musically (The East corner - Block 9, Shangri-La) are incredible to walk around. The new pier is brilliant as well. Glasto Latino is a new favourite, the rocket rockabilly bar.... Healing fields and Craft parts so chilled.

Music wise, Liam & The Killers were fecking unreal. Two Door & Friendly Fires smashed it, even the Charlatans were class. Didn’t expect to enjoy Stormzy at all... was amazing being there for it, same for Kylie .... and Miley who was bang on it vocally and got the vibe.

See you next year
Does it have any place at a music concert though? why can't the music be enough in getting his views across, without then also speaking them. Each to their own, but I go to a concert for the music.

Festivals have always been a bit political

Hendrix at Woodstock springs to mind
Festivals have always been a bit political

Hendrix at Woodstock springs to mind

Yes but Hendrix did his talking through his music, actually making the sound of bombs being dropped, explosions ect. with his fecking guitar. That's how you do it.
Eavis has stated that he feels the festival has lost its political side and would like to bring it back.
Well that’s what the fans are paying for, the actual music that they know and adore, no?
Not really just that, at a festival especially. Other people complain when they don’t use their influence to say anything worthwhile (whether you side with what they say or not), so there's no winning.
I get that some people want to just use music as an escape, but that’s about the only good reason against it in my opinion. Most worthy scenes have strong political origins anyway.
No place for politics in music but it's fine for politicians to co-opt music (made by people who despise their central beliefs) for the sake of politics
It has a place in the actual music, in the lyrics, but take Bono as an example of peddling his far left political nonsense on stage, when people are there to listen to U2. It’s just plain cnutish.
Please explain how trying to end poverty in the world is a far left political ideal.
Back this afternoon, absolutely exhausted. My main memory of 2019 is going to be the oppressive sun and heat of Thursday-Saturday. Turned the experience into a ‘shade hunt’, wiped out energy levels and made me aggressively sick on the Friday (well, in combination with a monster hangover).

That said, far more good than bad, I love being there. Massive :lol: at any suggestion that there’s politics is separate from any musical event, let alone the political festival.
Some pikey bastard nicked my iPhone 8+ on the Thursday night (no insurance, 2 and a bit years to go on my contract) and my Girlfriend's sister's purse (£60 cash and used contactless to spend £250+ on her card around that night).

Then in the carpark leaving the festival yesterday, some wanker in a massive 4x4 was trying to barge his way into the front of the queue and rammed the side of my car when I wouldn't give him an inch. Luckily he pretty sheepish when he realised what he'd just done and was shaking like a leaf when I confronted him. Took a bunch of photos and then went back around the queue getting the numbers of third party witnesses who were already absolutely irate at him for trying to push into the front of a queue that hadn't moved in an hour. I don't think I'll have too much difficulty winning the claim.

On a brighter note:

Comet is Coming
Fatboy Eats Everything
Miley, then caught the end of Billie Eilish. Don't care what anyone says about either of them, two ridiculously talented girls.
Chemical Brothers

Soooo many more. Absolutely fecking brilliant.