Glastonbury 2011

Anyway, feck glastonbury, I'm at Hard rock calling tomorrow, Bon Jovi headlining!
Although I am liking the Troll face flag in the crowd for Mumford
This best not be a setlist filled with 2000's garbage ><
All Achtung Baby. They usually do those together as a mini ZooTV show with all the signs and shit in the background.
You dont like flags then :lol:

I just don't get it. Stupid idea.

Particularly the people at the front with flags on 3 foot poles, blocking the view. Still, I suppose those behind can just look at the screens and pretend they're at home watching it on telly or something.
Bono is a gimp. Great voice though.

Last 2 or 3 songs have been great. Classic old stuff.

The first 3 or 4 were boringish
Stay glorious song.
U2 can feck off, the shite cnuts, watching Fleet Foxes on interactive.