New Member
Isn't Malaysia quite anti-China*? And craving everything Western. No idea about Indonesia. Singapore also is US-aligned despite being Chinese. Thailand to some degree. Japan and South Korea (albeit they're east, not south east) obviously are Western-aligned. Thing is, most of Chinese neighbours do not like China and prefer the US/West.
China has been good for Africa though. But not good to their neighbours.
* Despite Chinese being the second biggest ethnic group after Malay.

just found an online source and it somewhat supports my claim that Malaysia is pro-China comparatively.
I guess USA's wars on Afghanistan/Iraq and the Israel-Palestine conflict has made the muslims in Malaysia dislike USA? Not sure about that.
Yes, Malaysian Chinese/Indonesian Chinese are much more pro-china than the Singaporean Chinese, and it is a well talked about issue in the liberal side of Chinese social media.
Isn't it quite interesting that Japan (on which USA threw two nukes), Vietnam (we all remember Vietnam war) and Phillippines (which USA colonialized) are the three most pro-USA countries in the world
Mongolia is an often missed out country that is very unfriendly to china.