General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wouldn't call 370 a big majority. But I am going with 27.

A minimum of +90 over the field seems substantial enough to me. Would take 45 revolting along with a unified opposition to derail anything at all.
Overheard two old'ns talking about the village being full of (insert slur that rhymes with cogs) 'these days'. Not sure what planet they're on as even the guy who runs the curry house is so white, if the light from their neon sign catches him at the right angle, it looks like the place is haunted.
Overheard two old'ns talking about the village being full of (insert slur that rhymes with cogs) 'these days'. Not sure what planet they're on as even the guy who runs the curry house is so white, if the light from their neon sign catches him at the right angle, it looks like the place is haunted.

What have they got against the French?

Has this been posted already? Don't want to flood the thread with shite but this is great.
Everyone in my social media networks, work, friends, family etc are voting labour. I've seen so much buzz around them but conservatives are favorites... How does this work?
two reasons, most tory voters don't admit it, as genrally you get a lot of grief for admitting your voting tory.
And second most of the tory vote are of a generation that isn't active of social media.
Voted. Unfortunately don't see anything happening other than a Tory win & the strong & stable robot being more assured than ever that she has a mandate to feck over the country. But miracles are possible, the twat across the Atlantic proved that.

I hope voter turnout is decent.
two reasons, most tory voters don't admit it, as genrally you get a lot of grief for admitting your voting tory.
And second most of the tory vote are of a generation that isn't active of social media.

You do and I've never understood that. I've never voted Tory myself, have always voted Labour but there's a real nasty, aggressive attitude taken by some Labour voters (doesn't really happen with Lib Dems or Greens etc) that that emits almost a hatred of anyone who disagrees with them politically. You see it on social media. I don't think they realise how utterly alienating and off-putting that is to people and how pathetic it makes them look.

My Twitter and FB feeds, with the demographics you mentioned, full of 'If you vote Tory you're a ****', and other such insinuations. There's a real maturity issue among a minority of Labour voters that shows the party up every election and some really struggle with the idea that political disagreement isn't the same as being evil. You don't really get the same level of animosity from voters of other parties, SNP maybe aside.
two reasons, most tory voters don't admit it, as genrally you get a lot of grief for admitting your voting tory.
And second most of the tory vote are of a generation that isn't active of social media.

This. Everyone I've spoke to that is voting Tory are currently saying things like 'o I don't know', When it's clear they will be voting Tory when they get to the box.
You do and I've never understood that. I've never voted Tory myself, have always voted Labour but there's a real nasty, aggressive attitude taken by some Labour voters (doesn't really happen with Lib Dems or Greens etc) that that emits almost a hatred of anyone who disagrees with them politically. You see it on social media. I don't think they realise how utterly alienating and off-putting that is to people and how pathetic it makes them look.

My Twitter and FB feeds, with the demographics you mentioned, full of 'If you vote Tory you're a ****', and other such insinuations. There's a real maturity issue among a minority of Labour voters that shows the party up every election.

I think alot of it boils down to some (and I say some) that vote Tory think of it like a status thing, in that if they vote Tory it some how makes them of a higher status than the regular Labour voter which is a load of crap. There are a few people I work with that think like this. Don't have a clue about politics but think that if they vote Tory they are regarded higher.
I've decided to actually scroll through my FB feed today and probably will continue to today. Saw two Labour voters with some rather pleasant statuses. Not had any feck off if you voted Tory yet.
It's like another planet over here, I don't think there's any shy DUP voters and they've got all the Tory DNA with fundamental Christian values thrown in.
Hope my area stays was one of the tightest ones in the country last time if I recall correctly (something like Labour over Tories by 2000 votes) so not sure how it will go down. Our MP Paula Sherriff is generally well liked though, so I think she will retain.
You do and I've never understood that. I've never voted Tory myself, have always voted Labour but there's a real nasty, aggressive attitude taken by some Labour voters (doesn't really happen with Lib Dems or Greens etc) that that emits almost a hatred of anyone who disagrees with them politically. You see it on social media. I don't think they realise how utterly alienating and off-putting that is to people and how pathetic it makes them look.

My Twitter and FB feeds, with the demographics you mentioned, full of 'If you vote Tory you're a ****', and other such insinuations. There's a real maturity issue among a minority of Labour voters that shows the party up every election and some really struggle with the idea that political disagreement isn't the same as being evil. You don't really get the same level of animosity from voters of other parties, SNP maybe aside.

I don't do this openly but I certainly think it. Not just about Tories (I've voted for them in the past) but for anyone who votes for a party that is intending to introduce policies that will hurt people.

Think of it this way, there are reportedly a large number of British people who went into agonizing depression and then killed themselves because of policies brought in by the conservative government. They had their means of keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table removed, and they couldn't see a better option than to kill themselves. Not whine on Facebook, not rant down the pub, but actually take their own lives.

Government and politics isn't some giant thought exercise where if you get it wrong we just sigh and vote for someone else in 5 years. If government gets it wrong, people suffer. People's lives get turned upside down. People die.

Now with the previous Cameron government there's an argument that people didn't know what would happen. There were certainly warning signs during the coalition, but its not unreasonable of people to think it wouldn't go so far. Now there is no excuse. People are dead, the NHS is being privatised, May has openly said she's going to attack our civil liberties and gut human rights law while continuing the vicious attack on welfare and now pensioners too.

If you vote for that to continue, then you're as responsible for the consequences as they are.
Overslept slightly this morning so didn't have time to vote before work. So to avoid after work queues I'm taking a half day, go vote then I can watch Comey testify on CNN :)
If you vote for that to continue, then you're as responsible for the consequences as they are.

Id say i save my anger for the tories rather than the voters. However this isn't a casual vote which is just down to 'opinion', it affects lives and your vote makes you implicit in the goverments actions.

I don't think showing anger at people propping up this goverment is unreasonable at all. Anger at those who parrot views and decide not to educate themselves is even more deserved.

I think you see that on here, the tories who at least put forward a decent argument are treated with much more respect than those repeating Daily Mail headlines.

The right get angry at the left for wanting decency, the left get angry at bigotry. Do i feel sorry for Tory voters being made to feel bad, i do not
Hope my area stays was one of the tightest ones in the country last time if I recall correctly (something like Labour over Tories by 2000 votes) so not sure how it will go down. Our MP Paula Sherriff is generally well liked though, so I think she will retain.

These were the results of my constituency, it's the ukip votes that are worrying me as I think they will latch on the Tories now. I still think Tories will win by a majority.
If/when the worst happens, at least E3 will be a short term distraction. Even though I'll have to wait until the games are in the pre-owned bins at Game before I can even think about buying them.
You do and I've never understood that. I've never voted Tory myself, have always voted Labour but there's a real nasty, aggressive attitude taken by some Labour voters (doesn't really happen with Lib Dems or Greens etc) that that emits almost a hatred of anyone who disagrees with them politically. You see it on social media. I don't think they realise how utterly alienating and off-putting that is to people and how pathetic it makes them look.

My Twitter and FB feeds, with the demographics you mentioned, full of 'If you vote Tory you're a ****', and other such insinuations. There's a real maturity issue among a minority of Labour voters that shows the party up every election and some really struggle with the idea that political disagreement isn't the same as being evil. You don't really get the same level of animosity from voters of other parties, SNP maybe aside.
Could that be because Labour attracts the youth vote? Young people can be immature. I know that it's not always the case and some people never grow up.
When was the last time a proper left wing politician rose to power in a major western democracy?
Did I just see a SUN headline front page with "Cor-Bin" on it photoshoping Corbyn inside a bin with the lid on his head??

Did I really just see that?

Yeah yeah, but it's the labour voters who are the nasty ones, didn't you know ?:lol:

Outrage at one, no mention of the other.

Been the same throughout the campaign. Both sides to blame. The faux-tears over personal attacks from people who think it's fine to post personal attacks on the person they're not going to vote for.

Corbyn supporters outraged overnight that the Sun would dare tell readers how to vote. Before this post it was the first time I've ever seen the Mirror's front page referred to anywhere.

Outrage at one, no mention of the other.

Been the same throughout the campaign. Both sides to blame. The faux-tears over personal attacks from people who think it's fine to post personal attacks on the person they're not going to vote for.
To be fair, the Daily Mirror is the only one on Labour's side that has crap like that.
I think alot of it boils down to some (and I say some) that vote Tory think of it like a status thing, in that if they vote Tory it some how makes them of a higher status than the regular Labour voter which is a load of crap. There are a few people I work with that think like this. Don't have a clue about politics but think that if they vote Tory they are regarded higher.

that is a long accepted phenomenon I'm afraid but I forget what they call it exactly - 'aspirational feckwittery' something like that, not sure

That's how a normal person with any ounce of ability to talk on their feet answers. A perfectly good deflection with some humour. None of this rabbit in the headlights, "feck WHAT DO I SAY? I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO ANSWER THIS OMG WHEAT I RAN THROUGH SOME WHEAT WHEN I WAS SEVEN AND THAT'S THE WORST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE", bullshit.
Overslept slightly this morning so didn't have time to vote before work. So to avoid after work queues I'm taking a half day, go vote then I can watch Comey testify on CNN :)

I've got popcorn in for Comey at 3pm. Can't wait :drool:

Outrage at one, no mention of the other.

Been the same throughout the campaign. Both sides to blame. The faux-tears over personal attacks from people who think it's fine to post personal attacks on the person they're not going to vote for.

Corbyn supporters outraged overnight that the Sun would dare tell readers how to vote. Before this post it was the first time I've ever seen the Mirror's front page referred to anywhere.

Difference is left wingers bring up facts to bring her down whereas right wing media uses a lot of fake news.