Redcafes Most Rested
Most overrated fast food joint in the US. Whataburger pisses on it like Russian honeypots piss on Trump.

Most overrated fast food joint in the US. Whataburger pisses on it like Russian honeypots piss on Trump.
Most overrated fast food joint in the US. Whataburger pisses on it like Russian honeypots piss on Trump.
In-n-Out fries are basically those potato sticks you can get in a can. Absolute trash. Probably the worst fries I've ever had at a fast food place.
In-n-Out fries are basically those potato sticks you can get in a can. Absolute trash. Probably the worst fries I've ever had at a fast food place.
Yep, press and straight into fryer to be overcooked and then removed to be under salted. Once in a while you find one that is perfectly fried and salted and it is fantastic, but mostly it’s crunchy, dry, cardboard.Don't In and Out make their own fries from scratch ? They have the massive potato presses there.
Yep, press and straight into fryer to be overcooked and then removed to be under salted. Once in a while you find one that is perfectly fried and salted and it is fantastic, but mostly it’s crunchy, dry, cardboard.
It’s really just the story I tell myself to justify “trading in the fries for a second double double” as an equal caloric trade.I've never minded them. They're obviously a distant sideshow to the burgers.
Don't In and Out make their own fries from scratch ? They have the massive potato presses there.
Yep, press and straight into fryer to be overcooked and then removed to be under salted. Once in a while you find one that is perfectly fried and salted and it is fantastic, but mostly it’s crunchy, dry, cardboard.
this is worse than minority report or any of those police dystopias
like really bad.
https://www.dw.com/en/german-rail-o...rain-disruption-caused-by-sabotage/a-63377385Rail operator Deutsche Bahn said on Saturday that intentional interference was the cause of disruptions in the train network in northern Germany.
"Sabotage to cables which were vital for train traffic meant Deutsche Bahn had to stop trains running in the north this morning for nearly three hours," Deutsche Bahn said.
The German rail operator said that security authorities had taken over the investigation. There was no immediate information on potential suspects.
I went through something similar as an adjunct professor at a culinary school...
"are injured piglets killed?" "objection" sustained"
"you say animals have value. do piglets in a dumpster have value?" "objection" "sustained"
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-63355950Chinese former leader Hu Jintao has been led out of the closing ceremony of the Communist Party Congress.
The frail-looking 79-year-old was sitting beside President Xi Jinping when he was approached and led away by officials. No explanation was given.
After its week-long congress, the party is expected to confirm Mr Xi, 69, for a historic third term.
The event, held in Beijing every five years, cemented his position as China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong.
Unilad's journalistic quality remains unmatched.Dunno about this, seems a likely disaster at some point.
A 60,000 person city is under consideration to be opened in the middle of the sea
The future is here, and it looks like a multi-billion pound turtle.
Italian design studio Lazzarini has proposed plans for a floating, turtle-shaped city that could accommodate up to 60,000 guests and will feature shopping centres, hotels, parks and a plane runway - all of which will be run on solar power.
The floating city, which is named Pangeos and dubbed a ‘terayacht’, would take eight years to build and cost an eye-watering £6.8 billion.
Social media users were bowled over by Lazzarini’s concept, with one person exclaiming: “Wow!”
Other comments included: “Beautiful project,” “Amazing design” and “Unreal!”