Gary Neville - Pundit

Neville is bang on.

He loves the club and understands the biggest issues. It's a shame the Glazers would never consider him for a director of football job as I think he would knock it out of the park.

He'd probably get sacked within a month but I would so much like to see it. Him as DOF. ETH given proper backing as manager and stick Keano in as assistant manager playing bad cop.

I really can't see how that could be any worse.
It might be even more important than ousting the Glazers from the ownership of Man United to oust Gary Neville from commenting and punditry on Man United.
The guy and his impact on the perception of Man United is a serious, serious problem for any progress of your club.

Come on Hansi, there's no way you believe that :lol:
Neville is spot on. Easy to say it's all the players fault we lost but ultimately the reason we've got a bunch of gutless work-shy players is because of the Glazers and Ed Woodward.
It might be even more important than ousting the Glazers from the ownership of Man United to oust Gary Neville from commenting and punditry on Man United.
The guy and his impact on the perception of Man United is a serious, serious problem for any progress of your club.
He can be annoying but ultimately he's just a commentator. Granted with more power to affect the fans. So this is silly.
Haven't read the last few pages, but just want to put it out there that Jamie Redknapp is a fecking moron whose career highlight was a league cup win.

Gary Neville, while being insufferable, won 8 premier league titles, 3 fa cups, 2 champions leagues...

I could go on....
Redknapps comments reeked of “Newcastle fans should stop complaining after everything Mike Ashley’s done for them”
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Sorry I'm confused. What is the problem here? I can't understand why any United fan would have a problem with what Neville said after the game. He wasn't given the players a pass (despite Redknapp implying he was); he was acknowledging the players aren't good enough and saying the owners need to take responsibility for that.
I refuse to believe anyone criticising Neville before the Glazers is a United fan.
Sorry I'm confused. What is the problem here? I can't understand why any United fan would have a problem with what Neville said after the game. He wasn't given the players a pass (despite Redknapp implying he was); he was acknowledging the players aren't good enough and saying the owners need to take responsibility for that.

Redknapp seems to be one of those pundits who just resorts to "Well the players have to do better" and gets confused and frustrated if anything else is brought up.
Redknapp seems to be one of those pundits who just resorts to "Well the players have to do better" and gets confused and frustrated if anything else is brought up.

Still in Souness's backpocket

Here's the video of the rant.
(Let's be clear that of course Jamie Redknapp is by far a much bigger idiot than Neville, but Redknapp is just a clown whom noone takes seriously anyway, so he's not our concern here)

Neville, in his minutes long rant, uses the words "complete inability to bring players in", "really desperate", "no leadership", "failing miserably", "decrepid, rotting stadium", "football club where they haven't got a clue", "not appointing a sporting director" (yeah....), "the club is rotten", "it's painful and it's woeful", a "toxic culture and atmosphere created at the club since 10 years"

It's the post match analysis of the second game under a promising new manager.
The second game.

It's not a discussion about the Glazers or the club's recent history, or a discussion about the stadium. It's the reaction to the second game under a new manager. Well, congratulations. The guy is a massive, massive problem. Ruud Gulllit is right.

Would like to see your reactions after you have been drab for a decade and are in relegation form (if we take the last few games of last season). Would you be saying this if any of your ex-legends then come out and slam the management which has led to your decline.

As a Bayern fan, you have been dominating the Bundesliga for decades and it's easy to see why you don't understand how it would frustrate a true United fan (and Neville is also a United legend) seeing the situation the club is in now.

This tonking (second game or not) is not something out of the ordinary. It's now par for the course and something even the players say they feel can happen when they go a goal down. You think you'd want to have those players in your team? If so, you're welcome to bid for any of them and we can even give you a friend's and family discount.

Here's the video of the rant.
(Let's be clear that of course Jamie Redknapp is by far a much bigger idiot than Neville, but Redknapp is just a clown whom noone takes seriously anyway, so he's not our concern here)

Neville, in his minutes long rant, uses the words "complete inability to bring players in", "really desperate", "no leadership", "failing miserably", "decrepid, rotting stadium", "football club where they haven't got a clue", "not appointing a sporting director" (yeah....), "the club is rotten", "it's painful and it's woeful", a "toxic culture and atmosphere created at the club since 10 years"

It's the post match analysis of the second game under a promising new manager.
The second game.

It's not a discussion about the Glazers or the club's recent history, or a discussion about the stadium. It's the reaction to the second game under a new manager. Well, congratulations. The guy is a massive, massive problem. Ruud Gulllit is right.

He's correct about all of that. All United fans know these things are true. It has nothing to with two games or 28 games in.

I've disagreed with a lot of what Neville has said over the years buy you'd have to clueless as a United fan not to know the extent of our problems from an administrative point of view. We are simply a terribly run football club.
He's correct about all of that. All United fans know these things are true. It has nothing to with two games or 28 games in.

I've disagreed with a lot of what Neville has said over the years buy you'd have to clueless as a United fan not to know the extent of our problems from an administrative point of view. We are simply a terribly run football club.
He is dead right
Neville dropping a lot of uncomfortable but necessary truth bombs here. The most ominous bit being that the club only have about 50m in cashflow, which if true, is going to be a problem going forward.
Renknapp just gets worked up about everything. I think he wants to get on the sky sports clips reel but it's so fake and stupid.

Say what you want about them but at least Keane and Sourness have conviction in what they're saying whether you agree or not.
Neville dropping a lot of uncomfortable but necessary truth bombs here. The most ominous bit being that the club only have about 50m in cashflow, which if true, is going to be a problem going forward.
This is the moment when the Glazers have to realize (if they haven't done so already) that such modus operandi without using their own money is just not sustainable, especially when they own 2 sports franchises. Either they start investing themselves properly or they sell one of the franchises; they can no longer go on as they have done so far.
This is the moment when the Glazers have to realize (if they haven't done so already) that such modus operandi without using their own money is just not sustainable, especially when they own 2 sports franchises. Either they start investing themselves properly or they sell one of the franchises; they can no longer go on as they have done so far.

They aren't selling up for the foreseeable, sorry
This is the moment when the Glazers have to realize (if they haven't done so already) that such modus operandi without using their own money is just not sustainable, especially when they own 2 sports franchises. Either they start investing themselves properly or they sell one of the franchises; they can no longer go on as they have done so far.

They are never putting their own money in, zero chance that ever happens. And not selling anytime soon unless there is a huge and consistent push by fans to get rid of them.
They are never putting their own money in, zero chance that ever happens. And not selling anything soon unless there is a huge and consistent push by fans to get rid of them.

Yeah hard not to lose heart reading that
Yeah hard not to lose heart reading that

This is Man Utd now, rotten on and off the pitch with no real hope of change. Only something drastic like a huge fan revolt or relegation will bring any sale forward.
The FA are a bunch of cnuts too. They allowed these feckers to buy the club and dump their own debt on it.
Neville dropping a lot of uncomfortable but necessary truth bombs here. The most ominous bit being that the club only have about 50m in cashflow, which if true, is going to be a problem going forward.
Oh it's a problem alright. There was a point where I thought United would churn along and eventually be put right. But the way the Glazers have run this football I think we're in genuine danger of a more long term collapse than initially thought.
We are close to being not relevant anymore

An abysmal season and short term pain would be well worth it to get rid of them. Another 5-10 years of their ownership is only going to make everything a lot worse.
The FA are a bunch of cnuts too. They allowed these feckers to buy the club and dump their own debt on it.

What has been done to this club is a crime and is literally not legal anymore. As much as rival fans may be enjoying our demise, part of them must understand deep down that we are genuine victims of a travesty that should never have been allowed to happen. The pillaging of an important institution.
Neville dropping a lot of uncomfortable but necessary truth bombs here. The most ominous bit being that the club only have about 50m in cashflow, which if true, is going to be a problem going forward.

There isn’t a lot of money, Arnold admitted that to fans. We’re back into more no value in the market years but without SAF this time. Glazers needed the Super League, revenue has peaked, brand is eroding and cost of borrowing USD has gone through roof.

This is worst state we’ve been in on and off the pitch and financially weakest club has been since owners needed to refinance in 2015.
Neville was in the right imo. I get Redknapps point but Neville only needed to say that these players simply aren't good enough and we've established this a long time ago. The blame now should be laid on the owners doorstep because they have oversaw this process.

I can't stand Redknapp harking on about Conte. Leave out the fact that his playing style (albeit effective at times) is not progressive but does he seriously think that the Glazers would have hired Conte knowing he'll expose their ineptitude.
Ten Hag isn't the problem.
Love Gary's passion, but as usual, the truth is in between. Glazer's haven't put money into club (true) but also it isn't like they haven't spent club funds as well. Going back to the 18/19 season, United has purchased 6 players with a transfer value of over $60m according to transfermarkt.

At some point this falls on the players to perform. This is the group of players that Got Mourinho fired, Ole fired, told Ragnick that they were not going to play his way and phoned in the back half of the season. Did we really believe they were going to play for ETH?
Neville is not wrong about Glazers. But he shares blame too. Most of the pundits were quick to blame Jose for the toxicity but the toxicity was here since 2005 and was creeping. Neville and Co are also stuck in the past as we saw with their support towards Moyes and OSG.
Renknapp just gets worked up about everything. I think he wants to get on the sky sports clips reel but it's so fake and stupid.

Say what you want about them but at least Keane and Sourness have conviction in what they're saying whether you agree or not.
Redknapps rant was so random that I reckon someone in his ear told him to do it.

Neville nailed it. Players arent good enough because of bad recruitment and Glazers leaching from the club.
The truth is the reason why Redknapp kept wanting to have a pop about Levy is because he's still got a strop on about him sacking his old man.
Which came first?

The Glazers allow these problem players at the club because they know feck all about football and only want more cash in their pockets
I was horrified when Gary Neville pointed out that all out transfers have been paid for by income generated by the club - the florida feckers have not once put their hands in their own pockets, he said...
Sorry the last sentence wasn't clear. My view is today was the managers fault. We have a team that shouldn't get thrashed by Brentford on paper. But Neville always has an agenda which he bends around results

we can blame a lot on the manager… but how in worlds name can we blame him that our 200k+ paid diva’s cant pass over 1 fecking meter? None… NONE of the second ball were ours.

DDG slipping the ball under his arms was also Managers fault btw…

this cancerous team needs to go together with the Glazers.Only then we can really “rebuild”
I was horrified when Gary Neville pointed out that all out transfers have been paid for by income generated by the club - the florida feckers have not once put their hands in their own pockets, he said...
They are the very definition of parasites. Keeping the host just alive enough to keep sucking the life out of us for a prolonged period.
I was horrified when Gary Neville pointed out that all out transfers have been paid for by income generated by the club - the florida feckers have not once put their hands in their own pockets, he said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The debt not going down, non football people being appointed, terrible signings, all that I can understand Neville and everyone else being annoyed about.

But a club financing its own trsnsfers? That's how it's supposed to be.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The debt not going down, non football people being appointed, terrible signings, all that I can understand Neville and everyone else being annoyed about.

But a club financing its own trsnsfers? That's how it's supposed to be.
well, to me, it seems like times have changed. the other way seems to be working for City and Chelsea, to name but two. Even Forest have signed more players than us...
‘Look at me when I’m talking to you’. What an unprofessional cnut.

Gary is right, and him calling out the Glazers a good thing for the traction it will get.
well, to me, it seems like times have changed. the other way seems to be working for City and Chelsea, to name but two. Even Forest have signed more players than us...

Firstly look who their owners have been. You want that?

Secondly, financing our own transfers hasn't impacted our spend. We're right up there with the biggest spenders.

Believe me, if Gary Neville gets Salford to the higher levels he won't personally be paying for transfers.
The problem is that they use every last bit that they don’t take from the club on transfers, and we spend quite a considerable amount as a result, because of the sheer amount of money the club generates. But then they ignore all the facilities as Neville said, the youth setup, the club, training grounds, when in reality this is a club that easily generates enough revenue to improve all those without the owners having to put money in, as long as we weren’t paying insane debt and dividends constantly, but we are!